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Our First Contact With A College Coach/Scout!

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by namkrad, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. namkrad

    namkrad Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 26, 2008
    Sanford, NC
    This past weekend my son was playing in a 18u USSSA tournament. There was an assistant coach from a local D1 school in attendance that was there to see a kid pitching for one of the other teams. The team my son plays on was playing the game before the team this coach was there to see.

    My son comes in to pitch for his team and after a few pitches I noticed this assistant coach grab his radar gun and move behind the backstop and begins watching my son pitch. He watched him pitch for that entire inning and then went back to where he was sitting. Well, next inning we take the field and this assisant coach goes to talk to my son's coach in the dugout. Later I found out that he was asking about my son (what high school, class, age, etc.). After his game the assistant coach talked with my son for a few minutes. Told him that he had good mechanics and a nice arm slot. Told him to work on increasing his velocity and gave him some tips on improving his arm strength. He gave my son his card and told him to email him with his High School schedule next spring and any showcases or events he would be attending. As luck would have it, he is going to the Blue-Grey Classic this weekend at Wake Forest. The coach said that he wasn't sure if he would be there but someone from his school would. He told him if he couldn't make it he would make sure to pass my son's name over to whoever it was from his school that would be there.

    Now, I know my son is not a "stud" prospect by any means. He's 16, a rising junior (2010 grad) and I know he still has a lot of growing to do. He's a decent pitcher (mid-upper 70's, nice change, decent curve). He's a smart pitcher though, changes speeds a lot and knows when to throw each pitch. He plays basically every position. 2B has been his main position in the past. But recently C has turned out to be (in my opinion) his best position. Pitching has never been his strongest thing though. I will admit that something recently has started to "click" and his pitching has improved dramatically in the last month or so.

    So are we getting excited for nothing? Obviously this coach saw something in my son that caught his attention. If anything I think this will give my son some confidence and make him work even harder than he already does. This is the first time we've ever had any contact from anyone at the college level, so this is all new to us. Maybe my son could be a prospect after all? I know he wants to play after high school and I know desire is not an issue. He's always been told by every coach he has had that they wish they had an entire team that hustles and busts their butt like my son does. He's definitely a gamer!

    Sorry to be so long. I'm just a little excited and thought I would share with you all and see what kind of thoughts and/or advice you guys could give us.

  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    When a coach takes his time to give advice to your son...that's a good thing. And couple that with his remark that he intends to followup at the Blue/Grey Classic is positive.

    These are fun times and you should be excited. However, I suggest you maintain your enthusiasm while tempering your expectations beyond what the encounter was: A coach saw something he liked and offered suggestions on what to work on.

    The harder your son works will determine the actual interest in the coming year. A coach wants to see an exceeded expectation when they see him in school next year. I can say this with absolute confidence. If your son has something a recruiter likes and your son "busts his butt" to work on the areas he needs to improve...you may find much more than one scout that will be interested.

    Coach27 discusses this all the time and if you keep this in mind it will go a long way in helping your son to achive his dream. Understanding there is a small percentage of god given "studs" across our state, it means the majority of next level players are pretty much equal in talent. So what is it that is going to separate your son from the rest? It's up to him.

    Good luck and keep us informed of the progress. We love to help and be kept informed of our member's son.
  3. namkrad

    namkrad Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 26, 2008
    Sanford, NC
    I know, I'm definitely going to try not to read too much into it. But like I said, this may just be that little thing that pushes my son even harder. I think we should have a better feel of where he's at after this weekend at the Blue-Grey Classic. At least some others will get to see him and we will hopefully get some feedback.

    My son already emailed the coach back thanking him for talking with him and giving him some tips. He also gave him the schedule of events for the showcase this weekend letting him know where/when he'd be playing and doing the workouts.

    We are really looking forward to this weekend though. First time going to a showcase event so this will at least give him a first hand glimpse of the talent he is up against. If I know my son like I think I do, he will come home from this ready to work harder.

    Thanks for the feedback.
  4. namkrad

    namkrad Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 26, 2008
    Sanford, NC
    Oh yeah, one more thing.

    I think this entire story falls under the "you never know who's watching" category.

    Great example for everybody!!!!
  5. batnballs

    batnballs Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 3, 2008

    It is very exciting when this happens. Just be careful you mentioned he is a 2010 so they(coaches) are not supposed to be talking to him unless he is on campus. He is allowed to call them just they are not supposed to call or email him the way I understand all of this. By the way tell him to enjoy it as this is when the fun starts and keep working hard.
  6. namkrad

    namkrad Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 26, 2008
    Sanford, NC
    Yeah, the rules of who can contact who and when are confusing. Seems like I hear different rules depending on who I talk to.

    Anybody have the "...For Dummies" version of these rules?
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I'll post some links of prior discussions. It should bring you up to date
  8. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 18, 2005
    This is very significant, especially to your son since it is positive feedback which will help him put in the work to get better. The age your son is is exactly the age that something "clicked" with my son. He had always been above average but his junior year he just hit another gear by developing his change as an out pitch. So, yes absolutely, this is positive and shouldn't be downplayed IMHO. Just get to work on the velo because they can love him to death at 80 MPH but the D1 guys won't be offering.
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    There are many threads devoted to college recruiting. I'll post them as I come across them, but here is the first one that I thought was very good. Some of the replies are from college recruiters and coaches


    and another good one


    Coaches having passing or real interest

    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  10. namkrad

    namkrad Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 26, 2008
    Sanford, NC
    So, If I understand correctly...

    Coaches cannot contact my son via email or telephone until after July 1st of his junior year? Since my son is a rising junior, they cannot contact him until July 1, 2009? Is that correct?

    Is the rule the same for sending letters in the mail? Is that tied to a certain date as well?

    Just trying to make sure I understand the rules.

    Thanks again everyone!

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