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Impact Baseball Breaking News

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Stretchlon, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. UK7Dook3

    UK7Dook3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 6, 2005
    No they didn't. Absolutely positively. I know the family. They made this decision w/ their eyes wide open. These are savy, intelligent people.
  2. LClefty04

    LClefty04 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 5, 2004
    I never said he had to have a big house or an expensive car(I said buying a new car is STUPID, VERY VERY STUPID), go back and read my post and the goal is to be financially secure. Again, if you read my post the pro's would pay for him to go back to college for FREE. If he is so good like everyone is stating, then he should do fine in the minors making more than he would in four years at UNC. What everyone is missing that what if he goes to UNC and doesn't do good and doesn't get drafted? He has the chance to miss out on a lot of money. What if he goes to the minors and doesn't do good? Well he has money to his name, gets a free college education and gets a job and is in good financial situation when he gets out so he doesn't have to live at home with mom and dad.

    I am fine with him going to UNC in the Fall, but with his talent and name recognition, wait to see what the draft offers him and go from there.

    Chad Flack is a great example. That is what happens when you get injured, the majors wont even look at you. If you got injured in the minors and they releases you, ok it happens but look at it this way. He will have some money in his pocket to keep him on his feet for a while, he can go finish up the degree and if he wants get a job at the school that will also give him cash. Do you think in the back of Flack's head he kinda wishes that he gave the majors a shot, because his dream of playing in the pro's is not looking good.

    Gman13'sdad - Do you not think UNC will bring in top notch players? He will be competiting against the best competition wherever he goes. There is a difference because he will get paid to compete instead of not getting paid. A senior in college does not command the draft slot either. You have no leverage at all and if you ask for to much they won't pay you that and draft you low and if you dont ask for enough you will get ripped off. Yes some people go to college and go from a no one to getting good money. There are some people that are amazing in HS and fade away in college. Why not stay around in HS when you know your college dreams are secure and wait to see the draft. If he doesn't like his situation in the draft, tell them "thanks, but no thanks" and pack up the truck and go to UNC in August.

    I'm not saying him going to UNC is a bad thing, but for his future it could be a bad idea. He has signed his LOI, his spot isnt going nowhere unless he screws up(like a DUI or something) and he as nothing to worry about.

    If you had to decide between a million dollars(let me spell it out for you $1,000,000.00) or a college contract, it wouldn't be so easy like many of you are saying. Put both contracts in front of him and he will think twice about UNC. He still may sign it but he would stare at the $1,000,000.00 for a while. If anyone on here would say they would sign the UNC contract with no hesitation is lying. We are talking about a 17/18 year old here also. Think of his mindset, 18 and just another player on a college team or 18 with a nice chunk of change in my pocket......
  3. olefty

    olefty Full Access Member

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    Feb 11, 2006
    1- chad flack wasn't a draft pick out of high school so he doesn't really have any relevance here. He had to go to college and I'm sure he is ok with the results.

    2 - Why does every one keep talking about him getting a million dollars out of high school? He's not even the highest draft prospect on the dirtbags. There are at least three players ahead of him right now. That's not speculation. That's straight out of the mouth of an east coast cross checker for an american league organization. He said it out loud in front of thirty people in Cary last weekend. Micheals is a college guy now who might mature into a player who can have a chance to play at the professional level.

    The issue of him not playing his senior year in high school is much more important than any draft status. Of course, speculation is all the rage these days.
  4. Diesel1

    Diesel1 Stay Strong, Uncle Sam.

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2008
    My .02


    For a teenager, baseball should be a game, to be savored and enjoyed to it's fullest (fullest determined by what they put in to it). What you make of it beyond that comes through hardwork, desire, discipline and goals. Baseball should be seen as a means to an end... if the player has above average skills that people in a position to do so, are able to reward and recognize that, then maybe you have achieved the "end" you were seeking. That "end" could be a college education or a professional contract.

    A player who is fortunate enough to continue to play after high school at any level should feel fortunate. Each family will already have an understanding amongst them of what that "end" is, that which they hope the player will achieve through baseball.

    It is obvious this player would be in the exact same situation had he been playing for the Padunk Palookas Showcasing Barnburners. His skill set is apparently in place.

    It's a game. It's a means to an end for a select few. Let it ride, let it roll. I wish him luck and I am confident this family's decision was well thought through for this particular individual.
  5. Stretchy

    Stretchy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 29, 2007
    New team?

    Is this the new team that is sponsored by Bojangles? What tournament did they play in this past weekend?
  6. Diesel1

    Diesel1 Stay Strong, Uncle Sam.

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2008
    Actually, I think Beaulah's Grill and Chainsaw Repair. Think they were playing over in Pink Hill this weekend... heard they went 3-0
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Excellent post!!!!!
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Yep...I sponsor that team. What I don't understand is why people thought my players were older than 18. Okay- okay.....just because some of them already have kids and changed diapers between innings should not make people conclude my players are older than others. They're just mature
  9. LClefty04

    LClefty04 Full Access Member

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    Oct 5, 2004
    I was talking about Chad Flack in college not HS. The reason I mentioned him was because he had no leverage or nothing as a senior because he was injured and he was a senioir. If you wait til your senior year, you better be the best or some of the top talent in college baseball to have any leverage. HS seniors have more leverage than college seniors. If your a junior in college and you don't get the kind of money you want, you come back and have an injury and they wont even mention your name during the draft. If you have a chance to make money, go for it because if you want to get somewhere in this country, you need money to do anything.

    MY whole point which no one has really made me think other wise, is that sometimes in life, you have to prepare for your future. I'm sorry but this maybe a newsflash for some but it takes money to live in this world, not pride or credit cards or living on a hope.

    I find no point in going one semester early as a baseball player because he isn't gaining anything and probably wont get the amount of playing time he is looking for. From what everyone said on here, he is one of the best in NC so that is what I based my opinion off of. Ok lets forget a million, how about $500,000 dollars, that is more than probably anyone on here makes or have gone through their hands in their lifetime. My whole point is why not wait around and get bigger and stronger and and see what happens in the draft and then go to college and earn a spot. If he does something to impress just 1 scout, it could move him into first round material. Ok so he impresses 5 scouts, holy crap having 5 teams after you in the draft and knowing they want you in their organization will have you in the drivers seat. There are hundreds of scouts maybe thousands, who knows but man I would like my chances as being on of the best in NC. If it doesn't work out in the draft, well i'm going to UNC to play ball, its a win-win situation. I get drafted and they gave me some good money or didn't get drafted and going to college!
  10. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    Braves, I did not write this. I even put it though the translator and it shut down. I have always gone with the bird in hand theory.
    Just did at age 24 (college grad) get a job for $30,000 per year get a 2% raise every year. retire at 65 1.8 mill. Look at the draft as the lottery great if you win but how many have anything later to show. I know that is not everyone.

    Check yours sal here.

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