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Veritas Sports Academy Opening in Kernersville

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by triadbaseball, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    Coach 27 is dead on. The kids that need it the most, get the least. He's correct about public school. The schools don't necessarily prepare you for college, you have to prepare yourself. You have to be accountable. Nothing wrong with that. But for some kids that don't have the support at home it's very tough.

    I wrestle with this question everyday with both my sons. Do I send them to public school for sports and hope they get an education or do I send them to some private schools and know they get one? Fortunately we are able to stay active in their education and make sure they do what they need to do and we provide anything extra they need. Lots of my sons teammates do not have that luxury. This is why I applaud what Veritas is trying to do. It might work, it might not, but at least Gary Newell is trying to do his part to improve things. I just hope that at least some of the kids that are there are the kids that really need it. Many of those kids come from the wealthiest part of Guilford County.

    For these poor counties like the one's 27 refers to, they need more tax dollars. However when the local economy doesn't have a tax base it's not so easy. There is no tax base to tax. I'll stop there before I get into politics.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2008
  2. Bonsway

    Bonsway Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 16, 2008

    What??? You mean...hold on...the poorest counties don't pay as much in taxes?????? Wow...what a concept. Let's give them a tax break!! Ok ok..I'm sorry. I shoulda stopped before I got started. That was a political moment. I'm very sick :sick2: over politics these days. Sorry for the interruption.
  3. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2005
    You think you're sick. I'm a small business owner getting ready to get clobbered, which means my employees also get clobbered. Some seem to forget that part of it.

    My only point is that in some counties the tax base is very low. Very little industry and low income per capita. How you over come that can be debated but probably not here.
  4. Bonsway

    Bonsway Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 16, 2008
    SOME??? seem to forget???!!! half the damn country is forgetting (obviously)!!! I .... just.... don't.... understand... it. A lot of people are buying into the rhetoric and, well..with as big an advertising budget - big enough to use up every available bit of advertising space on their own behalf...and with the media parlaying this into their own little political experiment...what chance do any of us have of saving what little bit is left of our money....wahhhhhh.....mommmy.....

    dammit..even mommy can't help!!!!:WE3Rainy03:
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I'm Here To Help!!!!!!!:sifone:

    With a small donation, you can be sure that Ol' Braves will be on your side....oh, and on your side, too. Is it still illegal to vote numerous times? I guess I should feel guilty, but they keep offering me different prizes for each candidate and they seem to know my weakness...the phrase "Free _____"
  6. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    Regardless of who gets elected my only choice is to wake up November 5th and get after it. Nobody controls my destiny more than myself. However if people think this is only going to impact a few that are sadly mistaken.

    We better get off this subject and back on topic. To 27's point, hopefully there will be some improvement in public education. Otherwise you'll see more private schools like Veritas, some for a fee, some not. One thing I hear from kids that attend veritas is that they can practice their sport any time they want. There are no down times, no dead periods, nobody telling they cannot work on their game in a structured enviroment. I'm not saying it's right or wrong but the kids there seem to like it. That's what matters.
  7. itslife

    itslife Full Access Member

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    Nov 7, 2007
    Follow the money.

    I agree with everything that Coach 27 had to say but one. In some cases teachers can make more money by teaching in less fortunate areas. There are incentives to draw better Teachers to areas that need them. They also benefit because the cost of living is less. Neither would appeal to me but it is available if they wish. On the whole most teachers in North Carolina get paid on the same pay scale no matter where they teach.

    I do agree that the Schools are unbelievable different in different area. We all know that Schools with great facilities (ball fields) are paid for by local funds raised by the parents and local taxes. My question is why??? This year the state of North Carolina is paying around $9000.00 per student for them to attend public schools. You want to fix the problem, give each family in Halifax County a $7000.00 voucher and see how fast a very nice Private School jumps up to collect that money. I bet the ball fields would be wonderful and the teachers would be better off. Coaches may even make a little more!!! By the way, what happened to our Lottery money? I spend too much on the lottery for there to be any run down Schools out there. Every kid in North Carolina should have the opportunity to play on great fields or have nice musical instruments or have whatever a Science club needs….. I may be a little naive but it seems like the money is already there, we just need to take it from the system that is misusing it. Good luck Veritas.
  8. Bonsway

    Bonsway Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 16, 2008
    Good point. Not to mention the fact that no one in North Carolina - from what I've heard - is winning the lottery.
  9. neckball

    neckball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    The way I understand it, the lottery money is going towards our school systems as planned. But, the money that was already in the budget for education has been "re-directed" so in the end there is really no more money for the schools than there was before the lottery.

    Remember this on Nov. 4.
  10. itslife

    itslife Full Access Member

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    Nov 7, 2007
    That was always the fear from the start and what I have heard also. Not seen actual numbers but it would not be any surprise.

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