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If you are a Senior and have not Committed....

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by frankfulton, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. frankfulton

    frankfulton Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Nov 19, 2008
    Danville, Virginia
    Coach May,

    Thanks. Good to hear from you again. I have been in the shadows for a while helping my sons move through the processes. My baby boy told me the other day, " Dad you make kids want to play. Please get back into coaching." What could I say? So I am getting back at it and I am taking the advice of Woody Hayes. He said, " If you did not like what happened come back with bigger horses." So I have retooled, sharpened the sword, and I am ready for the new challenges ahead.

    Thanks for taking the time to say howdy. Please stay in touch and call me at 434 489 4544 or write to [email protected]. Love to catch up.
  2. frankfulton

    frankfulton Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Nov 19, 2008
    Danville, Virginia
    Thank you for the note, baseball buzz. Just to upate you on the baseball equipment we collected at Louisburg. We sent a good portion of it with The German baseball player at Louisburg when he went home for the summer. The coach in Moldova finally received the equipment after many delays in Germany and with the transportation situation in Moldova. They were very appreciative. And they are now looking to bring a team over in the spring to play. Any ideas on hosting the Moldovian Baseball team for 10 days would be welcomed. These guys only have one thing going for them.... they have a lot of heart and desire to develop this game in their country. And since North Carolina is a partner with Moldova on economic development maybe we can find sponsorship to help them as well as provide great memories for our citizens here at home.

    I will be looking forward to your thoughts. Have a great week and stay in touch.

  3. cbsconsult

    cbsconsult Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2008
    Raleigh, North Carolina
    Quiet Period Per NCAA Division I Bylaw 30.11.7

    Quiet Period - November 14, 2008 through February 28, 2009

    13.02.4 Recruiting Periods. Contact Period. [
    March 1 through July 31, 2009] A contact period is a period of time when it is permissible for authorized athletics department staff members to make in-person, off-campus recruiting contacts and evaluations. Evaluation Period. An evaluation period is a period of time when it is permissible for authorized athletics department staff members to be involved in off-campus activities designed to assess the academic qualifications and playing ability of prospective student-athletes. No in-person, off-campus recruiting contacts shall be made with the prospective student-athlete during an evaluation period. Quiet Period. A quiet period is a period of time when it is permissible to make in-person recruiting contacts only on the institution’s campus. No in-person, off-campus recruiting contacts or evaluations may be made during the quiet period. Dead Period. [January 2 (12:01 a.m.) through January 6, 2009, (12:01 a.m.)] & [April 6-9, 2009]A dead period is a period of time when it is not permissible to make in-person recruiting contacts or evaluations on or off the institution’s campus or to permit official or unofficial visits by prospective student-athletes to the institution’s campus. The provision of complimentary admissions to a prospective student-athlete during a dead period is prohibited, except as provided in Bylaw for a prospective student-athlete who visits an institution as part of a group. During a dead period, a coaching staff member may not serve as a speaker at or attend a meeting or banquet at which prospective student-athletes are in attendance, except as provided in Bylaw, and may not visit a prospective student-athlete’s educational institution. It remains permissible, however, for an institutional staff member to write or telephone a prospective student athlete during a dead period. (Revised: 1/11/94)
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2008
  4. coachevans26

    coachevans26 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 3, 2003

    Coach -

    Steve Evans from down in Roxboro. Glad to see you here. would love to talk sometime!! Hope all is well with you.

  5. frankfulton

    frankfulton Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Nov 19, 2008
    Danville, Virginia

    Give me a call at 434 489 4544. We have a ton of new things happening and I would love to have your imput on them. new baseball league, programs for the average players, power and speed program. I am so excited and I would be honored to hook up with your boys for 2009. Please send me your phone number and in the meantime I will be looking forward to your reply.

  6. Toomy B

    Toomy B Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 5, 2006
    Private message

    I am having trouble replying to your Private Mesasage. Is there another way to contact you?

  7. olefty

    olefty Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 11, 2006
    cbs consult is correct. There will be no Div 1 coaches at this event.

    I'm just stating a fact and not trying to ruffle any feathers but...

    this is the only two threads I have ever seen from Mr. Fulton and both are selling something.

    He's obviously got years and years of experience and it sounds like he knows what he is talking about just to be fair.

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