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NPC 2009

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by PutMeInCoach, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. PutMeInCoach

    PutMeInCoach I Love This Game

    Likes Received:
    Apr 4, 2007
    Wow. I heard Corbo pitched a lot this past summer but surgery. Wow! I hope he returns. I've known him since he was about 10 and always enjoyed watching him play the game.
  2. rowanfan

    rowanfan Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 17, 2008
  3. travisunc

    travisunc Full Access Member

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    Jun 4, 2007
    Shive's surgery

    I sent Mike London an email yesterday asking him the extent of Shive's surgery and he said basically it was exploratory. He said after his very successful season pitching with the South Charlotte Panthers, Shive was experiencing some pain. They found no damage to the labrum or rotator cuff but found what they called an "impingment". It was corrected and he was put on a rehab program. They thought he would be back pitching as normal in April, but now it looks like he is ahead of schedule and he will be ready to go in March. Mike did say West Rowan has "loaded up".
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2009
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Impingement caused surgery? Wow.....I had to deal with that a lot when I was younger, but never did it require surgery. Well, I'm glad he is at an accelerated pace back to the field.
  5. travisunc

    travisunc Full Access Member

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    Jun 4, 2007
    I have a feeling that it was a non invasive surgery just to see if he had anything more severe pending or going on. From what I understand, nothing severe was found which probably explains the fast track to recovery. Hopefully he will be 100% once the season starts and will enjoy a very successful season with his teammates.
  6. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    Hate to hear about any injuries during senior seasons,,,, glad to hear everthing seems ok...

    BTW, Mike London KNOWs, and West Rowan HAS loaded up,,,,,,, in fact if East Rowan should be preseason #1,,, West is maybe #1A. I especially like the Crucitti kid who came over from Mooresville, he's good and a real competitor, look what he did for West's football team, numerous folks agree he was the difference in their football program this year being able to finally win big games, and I believe that too.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2009
  7. ForTheLoveOfTheGame

    ForTheLoveOfTheGame Full Access Member

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    Apr 19, 2006
    I like nobody is given Mooresville a chance. Keep feeding the fuel!!!!!!
  8. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    Sorry FortheLoveofthegame,,, I have no ties to any of these schools, I only know travisunc thru legion ball, but I know him well enough to know he shoots straight. It honestly dont matter to me who wins from these teams, I just enjoy good baseball. My honest opinion about Mooresville, you guys always been good in baseball, but you were noticably better last year (don't know what you did, coaching change,??) but it was very noticable that you had better players, MORE better players, and folks say your JV team was awesome too. So that sounds really promising for Mooresville. Theres no question, Mooresville is definitely top 3 in this league, and you guys COULD beat either East or West on a given night.

    My reasons for picking East & West over Mooresville is simple and only slight but it prob comes back to quality starting pitching. Those 2 teams both return their top pitchers (aces last year) while your top 2 pitchers both graduated. Also, while all 3 of you have talent, I do think the East/West players benefit from playing with the best legion program in the area during the summer. And last, in all honesty, it DID hurt you to lose Crucitti,,, and your loss only made one of your rivals that much stronger.

    I think these 3 teams' head to head matchups should all be great games, and I'll buy the first round of hotdogs at the first East/Mooresville game. Good Luck to the Devils and maybe we'll see each other.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2009
  9. SoutherNo1

    SoutherNo1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 20, 2003
    What is non invasive surgery?
  10. RedWolves3

    RedWolves3 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 29, 2007
    Phillydave ... Please don't be too judgmental of Hunter's dad.

    Phillydave ... Please don't be too judgmental of Hunter's dad.

    The W-S Legion played Mooresville this summer and Hunter's dad remained seated along the left field line the entire game. That's a long ways from Mooresville's dugout and first base. Hunter played his game and his dad watched as a parent while the coaches coached. Even when Mooresville lost he took time to talk to some of the parents from the W-S Legion team.

    He also attended the Lenoir-Rhyne Showcase in November and watched with the other parents while Hunter showcased his skills and played in 2 scrimmage games. He didn't hold conversations with the coaches and scouts. He was like all of the other parents there ... just wanting their son to have a successful showcase.

    ***Big plus for Morresville will be having Hunter Nanney and his bat in the line-up. He played all season last year as a JV player (should have been moved up). Now, if we can only do something with his Dad!
    Last edited by PhillyDave; 01-08-09 at 09:44 AM.

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