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What would you do?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by stitches, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. Gman13'sdad

    Gman13'sdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2003
    apex n.c.
    Last season, we had an incident where we hosted a Saturday tournament. The Head Coach had told the girls they were to stay at the field all day to help out where needed. One of the girls, an All State player the year before as a freshman, left to go see her brother's game. She thought it had been cleared with the coach, but miscommunication resulted with her being AWOL. She came back for our second game and was benched for that game. There were some hard feelings but in the end, everybody got over it.

    That's what ya'll need to do... GET OVER IT! You and your kid have two choices. Quit or play, it's as simple as that. It's not about travel verses school ball, it's about abiding by a rule. If you don't like it, your daughter doesn't have to be on the team. It's not her "right" to be on the team. The only "rights" she has is to have the opportunity to tryout and after that it is the coaches prerogative of whom he chooses to be on the team.

    It needs to dry out so we can start back to playing and not have to deal with sillyness anymore...

    As a matter of fact, Cheeze, how about locking this thread?
  2. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC
    If you think that the responses to the topic are silly then why have you made several post yourself? Let me guess????? To express your opinion on the subject! Well that is what I am doing as well as others.

    Additionally, it is not about abiding by the rules. It's about knowing the rules before hand NOT and I SAY NOT after the fact and that sir, is my point!!!
  3. stitches

    stitches Junior Member

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    Mar 14, 2009
    What rule? Where is it written that a DD has to stay somewhere she is not happy, and a coach has the right to do whatever they want. What rule book is that in? We get the picture. It's not complicated. Play by the coaches rules or be run out of Dodge. Teamwork. Commitment. Coach is King. We are not stressed out over it and all these other things we are accused of. We understand it all. My DD just wants to play ball without accusations and blackballing. There used to be a time when a kid could come and go and be accepted for wanting and trying to get better, with a blessing that if things do not work out our door is always open. What happened to you people?
  4. softball247

    softball247 Full Access Member

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    Dec 15, 2008
    Raleigh, NC
    Go Where You Can Get Better...

    Having coached TB for 12 years, I had many players come and go. One piece of advice that I tell my players, even as they are leaving my team for another is: go where you are going to be happy. With travel you pay a lot of money - make that money well spent. Make sure your daughter's experience is fun, exciting, and that she learns a lot. If she isn't playing a lot and you think she is better than some of the players she is slotted behind - ask what she thinks. To many times parents take it upon themselves to decide what team is best for Susie.

    As for SB, you can look at it one of two ways. If I was playing for a top-notch program in the state, I would most likely tough it out, because that will eventually make me into a better program. However, if I am involved with a program that lacks organization, lacks passionate coaching, or plays politics with who makes which team - well, then I think I would opt for honing my skills with the TB team.

    Hey, look at the bright side - it's nice to have options!
  5. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    I'll say it!

    ...without TB, HS softball would be worthless. Sorry folks who disagree, but ya'll will be the very ones who jump from team to team and bitch about playing time, pitching, and where in the lineup your DD bats.

    HS coaches have to understand that his kids have honed their skills over grueling weekends when they play 5 or 6 games a day. Especially when they come out of the losers bracket.

    All of a sudden, the HS coach gets "props" for having a winning program?
    Whats up with that?
    Whats so special about ANY coach in ANY sport who inherits big time players that learned elsewhere?
    The REAL awesome coaches are the ones that take their lumps, playing by the RULES, and connecting to our kids in a way that our DDs don't listen from us.
    HS is a cool time, parents AND coaches need to get a grip.

    To HS...."don't bite the hand that feeds you".
  6. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC
    I could not agree with you more!!!!!!!
  7. slowhand

    slowhand Junior Member

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    Jan 10, 2009
    Speaking as a high school coach if your daughter is that unhappy and you think that she should quit and go to her travel ball team then I say goodbye and good luck.

    But anyone who thinks that a coach (travel or high school) keeps a player the next year who quit on them the year before is delusional. Fool me once shame on you,fool me twice shame on me. I'm sure there are coaches who take players back in these situations but it would take very extenuating circumstances for me to consider it. Most coaches who do that are obsessed with the W. In most cases there were players who got cut who would have loved your spot and it is a slap in their faces that you reject it.

    The daughter should talk to the hs coach and get feedback as to what she needs to work on and then progress from there. If after that there is no meeting of the minds then you must explore your options and you have every right to do so. If you think the new and improved version of your daughter next year (who quit the team the year before) is not looked at with skepticism next year then you have never coached a team that makes cuts or plays at a competitive level.

    (Last year she wasn't happy on the bench to start the year so she went and played third base on her travel team. Is she going to quit again if she isn't playing third because we need her in center?)
  8. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2003
    Still here

    There are still people and coaches that are as you say! When it is about the kids, the kids thrive! :cheer: I admit to getting caught up in winning at times but the teams that were focused on team goals, all the players got better and therefore the team improved and winning was the results.
  9. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Whatever happened to forgiveness, so a kid makes a bad mistake and a foolish decision, so they are penalized for making a mistake or a wrong decision. I think the issue is not the mistreated coach, I think the real problem is called "PRIDE" , and we all misuse it !!! There is only one that is perfect,and I'm not even worthy to speak his name !!

  10. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC
    At last!!!

    This is a perfect example of a HS coach on a POWER TRIP!!!!!!

    Way to be there for the kids coach

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