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Talk About Poor Sportsmanship

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by captain45, Mar 13, 2009.

  1. Hershey

    Hershey Full Access Member

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    Feb 19, 2008
    I think you miss the point... I said in my statement 2 things.... 1) Yes these are all Pros and College teams. 2)I remember a HS basketball team winning 100 - 0 this year. The team that lost had no reason or business to even be on the court with the college prep type team and that was the mockery. I do think the coach in this case may have ran the score up.

    Yes... maybe you should move on. Maybe the next time your son or daughter plays a team and gets pounded by 20 or more and then you have to explain to them what just happened.... Did they run up the score or did your team just give you a butt kickin and get lesson an how to play the game.

    Vince Lombartie told his players something very simple after a game.... "Guys, this a football and what do you do with a football" PROS or HS it's still played the same way.

    I've told my kids that there will days when nothing you do, will go right and the other team does everything perfect and you get stomped on the field. There was a 10U NSA girls a few years back that came to tournaments and were always loosing and we hated to even play them not because we "knew" it would be a win for us, but those girls just did not have the talent level to compete on an A team level. One of the girls on our team said "Why doesn't that team get some good players, instead loosing so bad all the time?" AND that is a legidiment question from a honest 10 year old.....

    I talked with a father last week that had a girl playing in Concord this past 3-7-09 AAU and they scored 3 runs all weekend and gave up 55. They were 0-4. He said that his team just could not compete with those teams. Why? Too young? Too in-experience?[/quote]

    Focus on just HS ball if you would and not anything else. We are not talking about travel ball or college ball or Vince Lombardi, we are talking about HS ball. Not all teams are blessed with superior talent or any talent at all really, but do play the games that are scheduled for them, especially conference games. Most of these teams know how good and bad they really are. So what lesson are they learning??? That life isn't always fair on the softball field. They knew that before they lost 33-1. So what else is there to learn??? I'm gonna throw up if I hear a respect the game comment. How about some damn respect for the people, yes people that you are crushing into the ground. I love this game, but it's JUST A GAME and not everything has to be a metaphor for life.

    As a coach in a program that routinely crushes teams, I make sure my girls know THERE ISN'T A NEED TO KICK SOMEONE WHEN THEY ARE DOWN.
  2. Stanlysoftball

    Stanlysoftball Full Access Member

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    Feb 16, 2009
    Stanly County
    OK HS softball

    OK let's focus on your HS team. Since my kids are 12u and doesn't matter..... Maybe you have NEVER been on the receiving end of a crushing/spanking/butt kicking???

    Your team goes out to play a conference team ## HS is 4-6 in the conference. Your 9-1 tied for 1st, you are expected to win and you know it also. But your girls are over confident and ##HS pounds you 18-4 in a mercy game of 5 ins.... You can't believe it. Your girls are in HS now, their are crying, know they should not have lost. You can tell your girls.. THERE ISN'T A NEED TO KICK SOMEONE WHEN THEY ARE DOWN..... Hey coach what do you do???????? Do you run them to death at practice and work them harder? Or just write it off as a bad day? And move on.....

    I'll bet that other team wanted to crush you as much as they could, but ran out of time...... They had everything working and had their butt kicking boots on and were taking names.....:SPcheer006cheerbril

    Look at Independence HS in football. They constantly crush people. But you know down deep inside Butler wants to crush them so bad they can taste it... Ask them how it felt when they went to Ohio and lost or when Richmond Co beat them this year......
  3. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Man !!

    You are on a rooooooooll !!:schlacht:Guru
  4. Hershey

    Hershey Full Access Member

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    Feb 19, 2008
    18-4 is not even close 33-1 nor is it Independence HS in football.
    What I do as a coach is not allow my team to become over confident because I teach them to respect EVERYBODY we play. As an example, one of my girls had hit her second homerun of the game on a field with no outfield fence. She did some showboating rounding third and she found herself immediately on the bench, chewed out by me and apologizing to the other coach. Celebrate, fine. Showboat when beating a team pretty good, NOT A CHANCE on my team. My girls know it doesn't matter if we crushed a team before and that we have to go out and play our best everytime because you never know what might happen. That's the job of a coach.

    The fact is that my girls have gotten beat down in games and it was great in teaching them how hard they have to work to be as successfull as the other teams players. However, there is a HUGE difference between 18-4 or 19-2 and 33-1. I've got no problem with all winning 18-4 or 17-0 or 19-2, it happens and I don't consider that running it up at all. I am not saying lessons can't be taught from losing. I'm saying very emphatically that nothing is learned from a 33-1 whooping.
  5. Stanlysoftball

    Stanlysoftball Full Access Member

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    Feb 16, 2009
    Stanly County

    OK you brought it up..... You loose. The final is 33-1 to a less than .500 team. You can't be so PC (political correct) that it won't bother you. You got spanked 33-1 and you have a good team. but just did not happen that day...... The game was over by the 2rd inning you just had to play 5 to finish and it only got worse......

    I would guess your PO'ed and the other coach finally got some pay back.....

    I remember West Stanly 5th and 6th grade playing South Stanly 5th and 6th grade about 15 yrs ago. WS had a real good team. SS not to good. We knew who was going to win. The WS coach told all the players and coaches before the game that if the score got out of hand that the 2nd and 3rd string would play a lot. Sure enough 32-0 at half. the 2nd string started the 2nd half. soon the score was 48-0. The coach from SS started saying some choice words to the WS coaches and players. The WS coach put in the 3rd string and scored another TD. 54-0 Then the SS coach called time out ran onto the field and confronted the REF and the WS coach. After a long talk SS had the ball and soon fumbled, a 3rd string player picked it up and ran about 10 yrds and scored another TD. To my knowledge the on TD he ever scored. Score now 60-0. The SS coach went nuts. He called timeout and Called the REF pointed to the WS coach said a few things. The WS coach came back to the sideline and told his coaches that he had had enough. With about 8 mins left in the 4th Q, he put his 1st string back in and scored 2 more TD's. The coach from SS never said another word and did not shake hands after the game. All the other SS coaches and player shook hands. Maybe the WS coach should have played the 3rd and 4th grade cheerleaders........Final score 74-0........

    Now talk to me....Coach
  6. Hershey

    Hershey Full Access Member

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    Feb 19, 2008
    HUH??? I'm glad you know how I would react if my team lost to some sorry team 33-1 in your crazy hypothetical. I've never heard of a really good team losing to a really bad team 33-1. I have no idea, I mean NO IDEA, what point you were trying to make with that softball scenerio.

    As far as your football scenerio goes, both coaches are idiots. The WS coach was doing the right thing, by playing his 3rd string. Then he became a loser of a coach for putting his 1st string just to score more. The SS coach is an idiot for losing his cool and confronting the Ref and other coach. No place for that in sports.
    The one thing they did wrong is that they should have let the clock keep running no matter what was going on.

    I don't know what you are getting at. I'm not some perfect coach, I never will be and know I have a lot to learn. I do know that I will never run up a score for any reason at all and I do know that I can stop the score from being run up by my own team. If another coach that has lost to us a bunch of times feels the need to run up the score to 33-1 if they get a chance to, then I feel sorry for them. If that's what makes them go in life, then that's sad. Ya see, I respect the other teams and the other coaches. Ok, there is one team that I don't like their coach, but I wouldn't run up the score on her team either cause that's not the type of person I am. I don't know what else you want, but I think coaches that allow their teams to drastically run up the score by 32 runs are nothing but losers.
  7. Stanlysoftball

    Stanlysoftball Full Access Member

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    Feb 16, 2009
    Stanly County
    I'm not some perfect coach,

    You said.... I'm not some perfect coach.... You answered correctly... there was only 1 perfect person....Peter told Jesus "I will never deny you", then he did. So let's talk straight. When it comes down to it you don't know how you would act, if you took a 32 point lost, if you never had one. Whether it was from a run up or you just took a pounding.... A girl hits her 2nd HR and you CHEWED her out on the bench for showboating in front all the other girls and that was for only hitting a HR...... As other people read this, they will think. And maybe will help prevent some of the run up's or fan/coach reactions that might take place during JUST A SOFTBALL GAME.........

    There have been over 1600 hits on this one site

    see yah at the field

    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  8. prklandsoftballdad

    prklandsoftballdad Set my brother FREE!!

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2004
    Wow that stuff is kind of all over the place....

    There is no room for showboating...period...don't rub someone's nose in it
    There is no reason to run up a score...again...don't kick someone when they are down...
    had an episode several yrs. ago where a local Charlotte rec team was trying to improve and signed up for the NSA sweet sixteen tourney...they were beaten to death...3 games..no runs scored and like a billion given up...saw a prominent (supposedly fair) team run and run and steal and not let up at all....well this poor little team that had no idea what they had signed up for faced us in the 4th game and we promptly scored 8 w/o an out in the 1st inning...i called time..put in a girl who had pitched 1 game but had practiced and moved everyone around and even sent the girls out to coach the bases (and take it seriously not laughing and joking and belittling the other team)..we won like 15-0 or such but after the game every one of their coaches and parents and the girls thanked us for treating them w/ RESPECT..they were just trying to get better and improve themselves..not only sent them home on a positive as could be note, but also gave my kids a positive to build on...
    and if you want to pull the bible out how about "Do Unto others as you would have done unto you"
  9. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County

    :bananalama:How's Ashley doing ?? Tell Mo Hello !!

  10. Stanlysoftball

    Stanlysoftball Full Access Member

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    Feb 16, 2009
    Stanly County

    "Do Unto others as you would have done unto you" my point exactly. I will go the extra mile to help or do what ever. But coach, you will run into those who will not.

    Yes I feel real sorry for these teams that just get shelled, stomped or what ever. But the team from Charlotte. My guess is that they learned a lesson. Lesson learned, was I will not put my team in that type of position again. Yes, they said thank you to you for some mercy you had shown. But bottom line, went home and said we have a LOT work to do to compete at that level.....

    I remember playing in the NSA Men State slow pitch tourney in Wilmington. We did OK. But we played a team we knew well and they were in one of those "grooves" and playing WELL. They beat us like a DRUMMMMMMM 36-8. So I have taken my lumps, beatings not just then but other time also and know what it is like. Did they run it up? NO they did not. Every pitcher we put in they hit , we made only a few errors. Some guys hit HR's that never had. In the 5 inning mercy shorten game they averaged 7 runs per inning. When it was over I remember asking one the guys. What got into you folks this game? He said that they have been playing like that all weekend long. This was a team that we had beaten a few times before. They won the state that weekend.

    My conversations with Hershey was to draw attention to a fact that we can get caught up in our own selves, that we can loose attention to the real fact of what is really going on. We can show mercy to the other teams all we want. And then my own player does something that was great. Gets chewed out for enjoying the moment. Showboating a little extra. Sometimes we can just call the players name and shake our head and give the LOOK and it will stop. Then talk about it later.

    Time to move on....

    See yah......

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