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First Round State Playoff scores!

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by kmale, May 19, 2009.

  1. rsb1999

    rsb1999 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 16, 2007
    No one is questioning the importance of rules in a ball game. But this guy could not demonstrate a legitimate infraction that was apparant to anyone in our dugout. In fact, his reasons were vague and changed every time he was asked until he finally said that basically everthing she was doing was illegal. Since "you weren't there" then your statement is purely hypothetical. Since I was there, I can state for a fact that I found nothing wrong with either pitcher, nor was I looking for a nuance that gave no clear advantage to either pitcher. I agree that umpires have a job to do but he clearly wasn't performing his full scope of duties because he became the pitching bird dog. How can you see slappers stepping on home plate nearly every pitch or base runners leaving early if your eyes are glued to the pitchers feet? This is not an exaggeration. She was literally badgered to the point of absurdity. No one is arguing the importance of rules, but it is a well established fact that anyone one looking to do so can use subjectionable rules combined with incompetent officials to cheapen the game. If my girls can't compete, then I'll take them back to the practice field and not use a subjective rule(s) to alter the course of a game. If I have to win that way, will my team ever be good enough to be champions? Since you weren't there and can't really comment on this particular instance, then maybe we have to rely on the many people on TBR that have seen her pitch, played against her, and think this whole illegal pitch mystery is a joke. It wasn't my intention to hi-jack the scores thread. I just felt the original 6-0 posting did not paint an accurate picture. If anyone was there and would like to discuss this with me further, then please feel free to send me a private message.
  2. erms

    erms Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 17, 2006

    Great idea...I bet those inexperienced replacements will really do a good job and make 50% of the crowd happy on every call.
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    we had this issue surface a couple of years ago around here. girls who pitched illegally or slightly illegal during the regular season would run into umps during the state who would not allow this in their home conferences and thus would not allow them to hop or hesitate. now i'm not saying any of the above pitchers threw illegal (especially taylor who i have watched many games). but in this situation, we went to our booking agent and discussed this as it was clear that what was being allowed during our conference play wasnt being allowed during the state and they should be the same. it did change somewhat the next year. somehow, we have to find a way to make our umps a little more consistant for the girls sake and i wish we have an "end of year" rating system to give the booking agents feedback. currently, we only have this board to vent our flustrations, as raleigh could give a darn period. maybe pop's organization can push something like this to purge the ones who are the worst.

    but still, its a pure shame for this to happen during the state playoffs, i always though only the best umps were supposed to call during this event. i also though that no "home field" umpires would be allowed to call a game during this, but we had our opposing teams regular season umps during our state game (they had nothing to do with our loss, we beat ourselves).

    food for thought
  4. UNC1

    UNC1 Member

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    Jul 23, 2008
    Heard all i can without saying something. my dd was pitching a very important big inner county game and the oposing coach yelled after the first pitch that she was illegal stomped across the field in front of her and nothing she was doing was illegal, it got to her and made her try and change her mechanics while she was pitching and needless to say we lost the game. I asked one of their head coaches after the game that happens to be her pitching coach what she was doing and he said, SHE BETTER GET USED TO IT BECAUSE IT WAS THE OLDEST TRICK IN THE BOOK FOR A COACH TO TRY AND GET IN THE HEAD OF A GOOD PITCHER AND MESS HER UP. Again we lost the game and she learned a valuable lesson but we did"t cry and wine about it to everybody the nexy day.
  5. rsb1999

    rsb1999 Full Access Member

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    Jul 16, 2007
    The coach did not get in her head, she been doing this long enough coaches, players, fans don't bother her. The umpire awarding bases, outs becoming walks is the issue. Taylor still managed 7 K's with the ump breathing down her neck. What would the score have been if this had not been an issue? I don't know, but it would have not been 6-0.

    A coach who uses that kind of "trick" is one I would never want my kid to play for, maybe he needs to stay in Dixie Youth measuring the letters on a jersey hoping for a forfit, because he can't win straight up. At least he yelled on the first pitch, not 2 innings into the game after he figured our his team was not going to end it in 5...lol. I guess if that kind of bush league crap is common place in your area you get use to it.

    I hope this never happens to your daughter's last game of her High School career.
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  6. ladiesbballfan

    ladiesbballfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 31, 2003
    Any coach who would try a "trick" like that is not a good sport. All of these pitchers have been doing this for many, many years. There is NO REASON to mess with them. Let them play the game!
  7. ladiesbballfan

    ladiesbballfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 31, 2003
    How did she win if the pitch wasn't legal?
  8. softballrocks2

    softballrocks2 Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Dec 15, 2008
    Watch Out !!

    U might be stepping on some toes, and you might get banned:speechless:

  9. central-d

    central-d Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 22, 2003
    If your refering to Mowatt. It was never called but she is one of the reasons you see the lines drawn from the pitching rubber now. I loved to watch her pitch as she was not big but put all she had into her pitches but if she were pitching this year she would have to change her delievery to stay within the lines
  10. sball53

    sball53 Member

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    Apr 26, 2007

    Have to agree with this, it should be known that most of the better umps are sitting at home and the booking agents favorites are calling these games. This is when its not about how good you are its about who you have sucked up to. I think its time for new booking agents and get some that is up on the rules of the game and stays updated and don't live in the past and it would also be nice to see them come and evalute there umps during the season.

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