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Quality 2A Match-Up!!!

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Double Dog Dare, May 24, 2009.

  1. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 14, 2006
    This week, we will have answers. I have been waiting for this showdown for awhile, hoping that it would come together "correctly."

    The much heralded, self-proclaimed BIG BATS of Mount Pleasant HS will play host to a quality team from Central Davidson HS. The offensive powerhouse from MP is a given....homeruns and all. I just wasn't sure if CD was going to be able to put it "ALL" on the field when they played MP.

    I do not know the pitcher from Central Davidson, but I do know that quietly, without fan-fare and publicity, the humble, "under the radar" comeback might be complete. It appears that Ms. Leonard has emerged from the training room to make one last run....for yet another state championship. I think I saw that she posted her first victory of her senior season last week. 1-0 is what it said in the paper. But, WOW, how significant is that "1" to Ms. Leonard and the CD softball team.

    Quality Hitting vs. Quality Pitching.....at last!

    Whoever wins will have EARNED THE RIGHT to have their tickets punched to Walnut Creek.....and there will be no easy rides to get there!

    Good Luck to MP. Good Luck to CD. RobMill, you'll have to keep us posted on the status of the game.

    Sentimentally, I will admit that I'm pulling for the young lady who has quietly battled back from what must've been a devastating injury before her senior season. It was supposed to be a glory-filled senior campaign for Ms. Leonard, but life gave her "lemons" before her last HS season began. I am happy to see her comeback complete.....and can't wait to see if she can muster one last run to Walnut Creek. Give 'em hell, kid....we've missed you this season!

    The BEST team will win....I LOVE PLAYOFF SOFTBALL!!!
    (Neutral-Blue....this game is for you!)
    DDD predicts: CD 2 MP 1
  2. RobMill

    RobMill Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 10, 2006
    Rockwell, NC
    I agree!

    I agree this is the game we have all been waiting on! Wish it were happening in Raleigh though!

    We know Chelsea will be bringing it and hope to make a few plays; at least enough to win it and move on.

    As for NB who cares!! Even he can't ruin the season we have had and all the negativity can't take away all the good stuff we have accomplished.

    Hope anyone who can attend will come out. We would love to have you all!
  3. cmmguy

    cmmguy *

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    I hope Miss Leonard doesnt hurt herself and is ready to start pitching again.
  4. Neutralblue

    Neutralblue Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Jul 7, 2008
    I will be anxiously awaiting the stats for this game. They have been quick to post them all year I hope they don't get shy now and let us know ASAP. I too will be pulling for Ms. Leonard in her quest for a state championship.
  5. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    Congratulations on what you've accomplished this far! Good luck! Win or lose, don't let cheap shots overshadow the success of your team. You have a great team of kids, coaches and parents.
  6. RobMill

    RobMill Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 10, 2006
    Rockwell, NC
    I was wondering.....

    I was wondering where you were! Not sure our girls can win with you either way. Win by a small amount and you will ask where all the HR's were. Win by a large margin, and it has to be a fluke.
    Lose and all our "stats" are made up from the whole season.
    Why is it that when I post our game stats and the girls accomplishments it is somehow different than anyone else posting their's on TBR???? Doesn't 26-2 count?

    We all know what a pitcher Chelsea is and some of the TBR folks even used her abilities to show you that 2A softball counts too! CD is a class team and has a great history and we hope that MP will someday too.

    Not sure what the beef is with me or MP but I am excited about our program and have wanted to share it all season long. All of the MP parents could not be more proud of these young ladies. I sure wish you could be too........
  7. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2003

    It is just a game but two great teams with their own strengths could be exciting. Chelsea is one of the all-time greats in NC. She has everything, speed, movement, control, and confidence. MP has a monster line-up so it could be a wonderful game to watch. Short game and no errors could win this game, I maybe wrong but I do not expect a big score. Good luck to both teams, I coached Chelsea so she is special to me but a player or so from Mt. Pleasant also played for Blues.:wasted:
  8. Neutralblue

    Neutralblue Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Jul 7, 2008
    No problems with Mt. Pleasant other than at times it looked as though you were a little too proud of those big stats against some pretty weak teams. If you win this game against CD I'll do my best to be the first one on here to say that I was wrong. I'm not beyond admitting I'm wrong when I am and this will be the test. I wish both teams the best of luck and I would also be interested in knowing who brings the biggest crowd. That CD fan section is hard to beat.
  9. RobMill

    RobMill Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 10, 2006
    Rockwell, NC
    just so you will know

    If you look back at all my posts of our scores they have all the same language no matter the opponent. I get the posts from our coach who also CC's the school secretary so its gets posted on the announcements at school.

    I simply posted the NC Preps info so more schools could post their stats on there as well. Maybe next year someone could recommend that they break those up into 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A categories if that helps. I do get your idea that we have some weak teams in our conference and certainly those can help stats be higher, however many 3A and 4A schools have weak teams in their conference as well and could benefit frm the same scenario.
    We do try to be meticulous in every aspect of our SB program and that includes stat keeping. I would bet a lot of programs don't even regularly tabulate them. Our coach plugs the info into a spreadsheet after every game. Coach Carter works SOOO hard to be sure everything is in order.

    This post sort of takes the fun out of the game...... I just hate the whole season of having played some REALLY good teams with good pitching and some weak ones too isn't enough to impress you and the whole seasons success all boils down to one game.

    Truthfully with Chelsea on the mound any team she faces is the underdog. She is THAT good!

    Good Luck to CD! Good Luck Tigers!

    Rain stay away!!!!
  10. Neutralblue

    Neutralblue Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Jul 7, 2008
    You are right about Ms. Leonard. Good Luck to both teams. It should be a good game. I would like for someone to get a picture of the fans. Sounds like it should be a standing room only crowd.

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