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Drop Dead games

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Stingray12, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    ....I agree with you brother. The entire nature of SHOWCASE TB is to get your team in front of college coaches.
    How on earth can we in NC or SC etc. change the way gime time formats are structured and actually expect the college coaches to say "OK, I guess I'll hang around until 10PM"
    If a coach wants to see a kid bad enough, then I guess she'll go whatever it takes.......................uuhhhhhh, like flying to Cal. or Fla. and knowing her schedule.

    Yes, drop dead gigs are a bust but they work in a positive way in the end.

    Last, we're here in the east USA, and until things change as for powerhouse tournaments go around here, I'd leave things alone and in the hands of the guys like Card and others to pave the best way for your kids to be seen.

    to be continued.......Marlin
  2. Stingray12

    Stingray12 Full Access Member

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    Jan 16, 2009
    The Invitational that our organization hosts, in which I run the brackets, has a 1:20 time limit, finish the inning, with 1:30 scheduled between starts. The games are pretty close to being on-schedule except for games in which injuries occur.

    What burns my Bu** about drop-dead games (besides a flame about 3 feet high) is when those games are used for seeding for an elimination bracket. If you are using a drop-dead format at a showcase in which there is no elimination bracket, then I'm ok with that.

    Limiting the amount of teams is one solution. You do limit the amount of girls that can get into the tournament and get seen but the teams that are there will be happier with a full 7 inning game and being on schedule.
  3. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    Your tournament was, indeed, enjoyable. You had clear winners--with trophies. That may not sound like a big deal but it is. Not just for the trophy; for what the trophy represents.

    Keep this in mind if you will, your tournament was very successful and I'm sure you'll have an increase in teams wanting to participate, so be careful it doesn't get overloaded to the point of being less than it was this year.

    That's probably the first trophy CD has taken in years; and he loves it!


    I'm sure the college coaches like to be able to know exact games times. I'm also pretty certain they would make adjustments if they need to.

    I believe the games should be played to their fullest for the benefit of the players; not so diluted as to make the game less challenging.

    Showcases should be showcases and teams can decide to play where they want to. But in the interest of not losing so much interest from the players there should be more regulation tournaments (for lack of a better word). How many "showcases" do you need in any particular area. Every tournament shouldn't be a "showcase" format!
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  4. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    I agree with you. And I don't read any disrespect into your comments about the college coaches. I think it's great to be as accommodating as possible to the college coaches but I don't think they would want it to be at the expense of the game anymore than I do. Of course, if someone offers something that is convenient for them such as predictable start/finish times they're not going to turn that down, either.

    We just need more tournaments to balance the showcases for the sake of the game and the players.
  5. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2003

    I spoke to at least 25 college coaches over the weekend and each one had a list of over 30 kids to watch during the weekend. Several I spoke with were at the ball park from 8a till almost 11pm so they could see as many kids as possible and give each kid a fair evaluation of their talent and potential. Most of these coaches make $35,000 or less a year and have limited expense budgets so they work extremely hard for the money they make. Obviously, most do it because they love the game and the kids they coach, not the money they make! They should get a break anytime a tournament can provide and Rick, Ray, and their staff do a great job! In fact, they spend a great deal of time asking the college coaches as well as travel coaches what they want to see occur. I am not for the multiple locations but there are so many teams that want to enter, they have no choice! Seems like all the complaints have not hurt the participates as I am sure there is a waiting list for sure. Running a quality tournament of any kind is a tough job but running a Showcase that provides enough quality teams, a schedule that flows, provide each team with a meaningful schedule where they feel coaches will view their team, and find a facility that allows for the above is almost impossible. Why don't all of you that have a better way, form an organization with representatives from teams that attend most of these tournaments and come up with answers that work for all! We have to provide a user friendly tournament for college coaches as they are the main clients, right? I mean if they do not come, none of the kids get evaluated and recruited, right? Your main buyer must love your product, right? Now before you say the teams pay all the fees, they do that so they can "SHOWCASE" their players to the coaches, right? You would pay more if a larger number of coaches show up and evaluate your kids, right? Well the Cardinals do a nice job getting coaches there as well as all of your kids that write and ask them to come so isn't it worth the money?
    We go to Boulder because it is worth the money to us, ask the parents and kids on my team that were not being pursued by local schools that are now due to performance in Boulder! Point is look for value, the Cardinals Classic has VALUE!
    Enough on my soapbox, I just speak from years of experience and listening, the game is still good, it is the participates that make it bad or great! Which way do you want it to go? You can complain about everything or you can help make it better. Your choice!:seeya:
  6. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

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    Aug 12, 2005
    In order for us to have a Boulder "quality" tournament in NC we must have the proper facilty which by its design facilitates coaches attending and staying at the event. In addition, we need to provide them with a VIP experience when attending in an environment and locale which provides interesting things to do during their off time.

    IMHO this will need to be a puiblic-private partnership with both sides committed to the greater good... and making this the best tournament east of the Mississippi... the rest: great experiences for kids, coaches and teams attending and economic impact for the host will follow of its own accord.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  7. Stingray12

    Stingray12 Full Access Member

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    Jan 16, 2009
    I started this thread because I was really aggravated about our experience at a recent tournament. But, this has blossomed into a very good discussion about what teams, TDs, and college coaches want from a Showcase and from a regular tournament.

    Ahhh. Communication is a wonderful thing.
  8. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    Everything you say is true and makes very good sense--from a commercial point of view.

    I just yearn for the old days when softball was a sport. Even Ray would probably tell you what a battle it used to be before the Cardinals' tournament at Walnut Creek became a "showcase." Those days seem to be gone. There are still some really good games but not like it used to be.
  9. scal

    scal Full Access Member

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    Jul 28, 2008
    the forbidden zone...
    There is a need for Showcase tournaments, but sadly that is what happens when youth sports becomes a business. You have to cater
    the buying public just like any other product.
  10. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2003
    I was there

    Agree, I was there as well! However, change takes place in every aspect of society and some is good, some is not so good. My point with working together, maybe we can provide a great product that suits most people, you will never please all, even if you paid them to attend. LOL :couto:

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