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Daddys on the field in HS ball?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by deacdiddy, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. JET - I

    JET - I Force B W/U

    Likes Received:
    Oct 24, 2007
    Galaxy (Milky Wave)
    This just in ................hot of the press............read all about it...........

    The problem is .....................some coaches must coaches can not handle daddy's good or bad .........................Sherrill does not let a whiff of this come in to play..............This is the difference. If a dad is helping and their daughter is a true starter then there shouldn't be a problem..............Some of you parents need to stop complaining esp. to your DD and causing them to have bad attitudes, when you should be telling them to work their backsides off and earn the starting job. Over and Out..........
  2. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    Some schools do not allow parents of players to coach; not even as volunteers.
  3. Realists20

    Realists20 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 10, 2009

    Just curious which schools? and is this a rule for these schools or are there some situations where it would be ok?
  4. rollpack

    rollpack Member

    Likes Received:
    May 27, 2009

  5. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 26, 2008
    It happens...

    I know this first hand. Even if your DD is clearly a starter and one of the best on the team, there will ALWAYS be rumblings of favoritism from the other players (this other girl only plays because she is friends with his daughter but I am better than she is...) or even worse, it can go the other way and have the other parents saying you are too hard on your own DD and need to lighten up. It is also a LOT of pressure on your DD whether you think so or not. Believe it or not, some girls can be cruel...

    My best coaching days were the two years that neither of my DDs were on the team. There is nothing better than having a parent ask you which one is yours and you say, they are all mine but my actual DDs are playing in HS and college (I was coaching a middle school team). It takes a minute for them to figure that out. :)
  6. homerun14

    homerun14 Member

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    Mar 2, 2007
    Is this ok?

    There is a Varsity team that carries only 12 players on its roster in the Raleigh Area they have 6 male coaches on the field during warm ups and also in the dugout. The Head Coach is the only teacher at the school. 2 of the Assistants have no daughters on the team. The other 3 assistant's are daddy's have daughters on the team and they play P,1B &3B.

    The same schools JV team carries 15 players on its roster. But has only 1 coach, a female that also is a teacher at the school and she played softball 4 years at The University of North Carolina for Coach Papa.
  7. Hurdle1

    Hurdle1 Member

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    May 28, 2009

    Do you think the Dads that are helping out bring anything softball wise to the team or are they out there just for their daughters? Do their daughters belong on the field or the bench and the big question, is your DD on the bench or on the field? I do think if a Dad could get his daughter on a good TB or HS team with a good coach who knows softball would be best to sit in the stands and cheer on his DD. That would make his and her life a lot better but if it wasn't for all of the Dads there probably would be a lot less softball players. I don't know what team you are talking about or what coach played at Carolina but did she ask for help? Sometimes just because you played a sport doesn't make you a coach.
  8. diamondfever1

    diamondfever1 Junior Member

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    May 14, 2008
    Most smart AD's are not going to allow daddy's to coach at hs level. Parents can be involved in other ways to support the program. And there are many HS coaches that have fastpitch background (females) and or baseball. Even if they did not play in college they can certainly learn so much about the game. After all, I am sure that is how all those daddy's learned. Politics ruin everything so best to avoid it if possible.
  9. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005
    Dads good or bad; its not a dad issue its a coach issue. Some of the best HS programs have dads helping with absolutely no problems. On teams where problems occur its because the coach is not on top of things. A dad who truly has something to offer and can work FOR the head coach can be a big asset and should not arbitrarily be prohibited from working as an assistant.

    A smart AD will encourage coaches to utilize the help that is available and if necessary, provide guidance to the coach in handling his/her staff.
  10. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    i really cant totally agree with this due to personal experience. we had three lady head coaches in our conference last year. one, played ball and had a good solid team, one of the other two, we wont talk about too much, but it was obvious that she didnt have a clue. the other couldnt make it without the support of the dads she has on her team. politics will be in every school, you just have to work around it. i talk to a lot of AD's, and while the parent thing is ugly only once in a while if not controlled, the bigger issues come from parents on the sidelines who honestly feel that their sons/daughters are the next big thing.......and they're not. this has become the uncontrollable issue in many schools. the best teams in our conference have unpaid or paid parents involved with training and coaching. now, on the other side of that coin, i've witnessed some very, very bad coaching decisions on teams that utilize parents calling pitches/coaching bases.
    As said above, its all in how much control the head coach has or wants, but overall, most teams wouldnt have the success they have without parential involvement on the field.

    jmho based on what i've witnessed in the last 8-9 years.

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