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Showcase Season

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Stretchlon, May 29, 2009.

  1. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006
    A Bucket of HOOEY!

    The best 4 teams stuck it out and played through the end of the day on Monday. The team that came all the way from Newport News didn't have a problem toughing it out.

    I know for a fact that each team was offered two games on Sunday (with a chance to qualify for the Championship Round played on Monday).

    Going home (early) because it rained does not qualify a team for a refund. Are you trying to blame Impact Baseball for the rain on Friday and Saturday? You're Kidding Right?

    If you go home (early) and don't play, it will be very hard to showcase your players talents (much less win). Your team knew (when it signed up) that the tournament was Friday-Monday yet you packed it in on Saturday night or early Sunday morning because you didn't get the game times on Sunday that met your expectations.

    It's not fair to blame Impact Baseball for your lack of commitment.

    These are the FACTS!
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2009
  2. Remo

    Remo Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 6, 2009
    The fact is... if all the teams would have stayed Sunday there was no way that all teams would have gotten two games in before Monday. That is a fact. Games did not start till Sunday at 3PM and if all teams would have remained Sunday they would have been playing five inning games well into Monday morning. There was several teams that had not played a game and six of them left Sunday out of the twelve. Not sure but last I checked commitment goes both ways. Get your facts straight.

    As far first time posters bashing Impact... I was not aware that was a problem, however, since it was brought up, is this an exclusive problem for Impact and Andy?

    Finally, I guess it's good business if you take someones money and not provide that service or goods. Lets assume I ran a tournament and invited 20 or 30 teams and it rained it out, I would make a killing. If I was Andy I would open up my almanac and look at future rain dates for my next tournament.
  3. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006

    The purpose of Showcase Baseball is to PLAY Baseball! Not to go home early. Your team was scheduled to play on Sunday but you went home early. It sounds like you didn't like the Sunday game times you were given so you left......and want your money back!

    That is why your commitment is in question.
  4. oldbbguy

    oldbbguy bullpen

    Likes Received:
    Nov 16, 2007
    Would be hard to assume,

    that you were running a showcase tournament.Its obvious you have not been around these type events much if any.If you had you would be better educated on the subject.I believe I would try to learn a little bit about how it works before bashing people..........
  5. Strike-em-out

    Strike-em-out Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 2, 2007

    Hard for lots of these modern day dads to transition from rec ball to showcase. :bigcry:
  6. Remo

    Remo Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 6, 2009
    So maybe some one can educate me on Showcase events??
    I'm sure it's all about the players and their exposure to college recruiters and scouts. Appalachian was swarming with recruiters this past weekend looking at talent.
    Listen.. this past weekend had nothing to do with the weather or game times on Sunday. It had everything to do with doing the right thing. We had difficulty in accepting playing behind teams that had already played at least one game prior to us playing our first. No effort was made to accommodate those teams that had not yet played. The right thing to do would be to play the teams first that had not played.

    However, I'm sure your an old hand in the Showcase arena and I could be off base being that I'm uneducated on this subject.

    Again, I could be off base here, being that I'm uneducated on this subject but Showcase baseball, although, praised by college recruiters and scouts have recently been criticized by those same coaches. I know I have limited experience in this area being a little league coach and all, but I have heard from several college coaches recently that have said that they are tired of watching players "just going through the motions". They want to see the games mean something and be more competitive. They want to see players in stress situations and see how they react to those stresses.

    But then again...I have a lot to learn about Showcase Baseball from all of you more experienced guys.
  7. Remo

    Remo Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 6, 2009
    Oh yea... by the way I do run showcase events....
  8. Baylee Duckdog

    Baylee Duckdog Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 20, 2008
    Please share...

    Remo -

    Anyone who has every played baseball or coached has been on the raw end of Mother Nature at some point. I am certain that all 12 teams would love to have had "Chamber of Commerce" weather and enjoyed the hospitality of the Boonie's - but Mother Nature had a different plan. So happens she had the same plan in Columbia and Greenville (ECU) as well. Lot's of teams endured her wrath last weekend.

    I'm not sure what you are mad about. Is it that your kid didn't play this weekend? You got to travel with your son and spend quality time with him but didn't get the hardware? You bought a tournament pass and didn't get to play? The schedule didn't fit your needs? Someone else stayed, played and won?

    You are clearly an unfortunate victim of a well-orchestrated and exceptionally carried out attack on your son's baseball team.

    I'm curious what the refund policy is for your showcase events? I'm sure there are many teams that would jump at the chance to play in the FLAWLESS PERFECTION WEATHER BLESSED PERFECTLY SCHEDULED WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.

    Congrats to the teams that enjoyed a great day of baseball on Monday! I hear it was quite a show!

    By the way, isn't that what this site is about? Celebrate the greatness of the game and celebrate accomplishments of great kids?
  9. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006
    Competition Galore

    I think you just said it all (above). YOU had difficulty accepting something. YOU were not in total control so you took your bats and balls and went home.

    By the way........you want competitive stressful baseball? You should have stuck around and used the tournament passes you bought to see Mondays Championship Rounds! The Green Wave team played their hearts out. They battled a terrific Spartanburg Phillies team and overcame 3 run deficits TWICE to win their semifinal. Then they went extra innings with the 15U Dirtbags before losing 14-13. The Dirtbag boys tied the game with 5 runs in the bottom of the 7th and won it in the bottom of the 8th.

    IT WAS COMPETITIVE AND STRESSFUL! Too bad you didn't stick around to see it!
  10. Remo

    Remo Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 6, 2009
    Thanks for the input and the well articulated post. Again.. it had nothing to do with the weather or other issues you described. It was a collective decision that the team made to drop from the tournament after enduring two days of cancellations and failure by Impact to accommodate the teams on Sunday that had not played. If an adjustment in the schedule is made due to rain... teams that have not played would be first in line to play the next available time when the weather breaks.
    My rain policy is that if you play in one game you receive no refund. With that said, I have given back partial fees when I felt it appropriate even when games are played. But then again.. I am accessible at all events and respond to emails and answer my phone.

    My believe is.. if you treat teams fairly they will come back and play with you again. I can also assure you that if your team does not play for whatever reason...your gate fee will be returned if it was taken at all. I have never kept or taken a gate fee from a team that did not play nor will I ever.
    But hey... we all live and learn. I guess you can say it was a $900 lesson learned. Cheap lesson learned really for us.. but could prove costly for Impact. Some how I managed to complete our Fall schedule without an Impact tournament.
    Done venting... I'm out of here.

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