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A Bright Future

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Stretchlon, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. Stretchlon

    Stretchlon Stars

    Likes Received:
    Nov 15, 2006
    Rocky Mount
    How do you measure a "Good Future"?

    Is it playing baseball in college at the expense of your studies?

    Is it playing in the minors with no end result?

    Is it making it to the big show as a journeyman player?

    OR must you become a major league millionaire all-star?
  2. Uncle Charlie

    Uncle Charlie Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 19, 2006
    eastern NC
    "Good Future"

    My first-ever post. Been lurking on here and thinking, mostly.

    I don’t think “the end” is always in mind. A kid with a “good future” is one who has developed a unique set of interests and skills, is able to clearly see and explore the opportunities that match them, and is committed to pursuing one or more of those opportunities. All that’s left for the “good future” to be complete is for the people, places and things that can positively impact that future to somehow match the kid’s efforts.

    The kid with the good future goes and makes his future happen with his/her attitude, confidence, excitement, preparedness, knowledge and execution. They cannot, and will not, get there alone. Sometimes the people, places and things that can positively impact that person’s future (family, church, school, preacher, teachers, coaches, mentors, resources, etc…) line up fortuitously in support of the kid.

    To realize his/her expressed dream(s), whatever they may be and however many times a kid's options may change, most of the time there must be a working combination of some sort that, ultimately, makes that “good future” a reality.

    Through all of this, the “good future” kind of perpetually defines itself, and can be continuously measured as the kid gains ground on his/her potential. Provided the supporting mechanisms are there, baseball (or any other pursuit) can be as much a part of that future as the kid’s interest, skills, enthusiasm and execution will allow.

  3. Low & Slow

    Low & Slow Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 25, 2008
    Well, Uncle Charlie...your first swing was a home run. Welcome!
  4. baseballfanforlife

    baseballfanforlife Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 26, 2005
    Great insights. Thanks for the post.
  5. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    Great Thread Stretchy

    I got into coaching because I wanted to continue to compete. I wanted to try and give others what my coaches had given to me. I wanted to help players reach their full potential so they could achieve all they could achieve in the game. But most importantly I wanted to teach them the principles of success for life through the game.

    The same things that make you successful on the baseball field will make you successful in life. Learning a strong work ethic. Understanding that the blueprint of being average is in front of you everyday of your life. All you have to do is try and be like everyone else and you will be like everyone else. I wanted to teach them in order to be special you must strive to be more than everyone else , work harder than everyone else , be more dedicated than everyone else , etc etc. Being dedicated and believing that the team is more important than you. Understanding that true success is not measured by what others decide is success. But knowing you have done everything you can do to be the best you can be and doing everything you can do to help those around you be the best they can be.

    Baseball is just a vehicle for teaching what it takes to be successful in life. If your early your on time. If your on time your late. If your late dont bother coming. When you get knocked down you get your ass back up and you fight. If you get knocked down again you get your ass back up and you fight again. You only lose when you stop getting back up. And that is your decision no one else can make that decision for you.

    What is success? What is a bright future? Some kids are very successful in the game but fail in the most important game , the game of life. Some kids are not as successful at the game but they learn the lessons of life through the game and are very successful in life because of it. A kid could work his butt off and finally make the High School team and never play past High School but be very successful in the game. He reached his full potential in the game and learn lessons that he will take on to life and use to be a great dad , boss , husband , etc etc.

    When I see kids that have no self esteem , do not understand how important a strong work ethic is , do not understand the importance of helping others , I see failures period. When I see kids that have self esteem , a strong work ethic , care about others , I see success and a bright future regardless of how long they play the game and what level they play it at.
  6. throwheat22

    throwheat22 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 28, 2008
    Well played 27.
  7. Grayben

    Grayben Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 9, 2007
    Bright Future?

    Don't know about a bright future, but I can share the " happiness meter"!

    Cold beer, chicken wings, grilled brats, Beefmaster, good friends, family, cold beer, watching baseball, talking baseball, getting ready for baseball season, watching other people cutting grass on baseball field, cold beer, Summerwinds at Indian Beach, full tank of gas, clean car, cold beer, ECU football, tailgating, cold beer, and of course, heckling umpires who have a "too tight" strike zone!!!!
  8. Bonsway

    Bonsway Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 16, 2008
    What? No beer?
  9. Diesel1

    Diesel1 Stay Strong, Uncle Sam.

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2008
    :N1oldschool: These are some great reads... all of them..
  10. Gman13'sdad

    Gman13'sdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2003
    apex n.c.
    after reading where Nick McBride had signed and then reading this thread it made me think...

    Like with the tallest skyscraper, a young person's future potential is solely based on the foundation it is built upon. The building's foundation is earth, steel and concrete. The young person's foundation is made of charactor, class and determination.

    May all our sons be skyscrapers!

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