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Have I lost perspective?

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Baseball & Hotdogs, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Baseball & Hotdogs

    Baseball & Hotdogs Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2009
    Set me straight guys. I've coached many years and have been my son's harshest critic. As he's gotten older I've stepped back more and more from coaching. You'll have to take me at my word that I'm not a daddy-baller but this instance has me questioning my perspective. He has really been affected by a lack of playing time issue. He's had times in his career where he didn't play but he always knew why. Here's the story:

    After a long High School and Jr. Legion season my son was planning on attending showcases this fall. In late August he was asked to help a local fall 'Showcase' team. The coach claimed he wanted to distribute time evenly amongst his players - except for his dedicated pitchers. He didn't care about wins or losses but wanted to get players seen. This sounded reasonable and my son accepted, we paid our fee and were off and running...

    Now many weeks into the season his playing time has been less than 40%. He's averaged 1.6 plate appearances per game. He was not entered into a game at a large school with lots of scouts present. Defensively he's looked very good but has been struggling at the plate. He has gone deep in the count many times and has bunted effectively but has not driven the ball as he's been known to do. The team as a whole is weak offensively with one or 2 exceptions.

    My son approached the coach and asked if he was doing something wrong besides his hitting and wondering what else he might need to improve. The coach responded that there really isn't anything wrong, yes the hitting is an issue but defensively all is well, oh and incidentally, you're only playing in 5 of 18 innings this weekend (8th & 9th innings of game 1 and 7, 8 & 9 in game 2...27% of the innings). When my son explained that was pretty frustrating, based on the pre season claim of equally distributed playing time, the coach's reply was "I would be frustrated too". When my son asked if he could see time at his secondary position the coach replied "I'm halfway through the season and not going to change what I'm doing now".

    My son, who has never wanted to do anything but play ball, wants to leave but to his credit has said he also feels he's made a commitment to this team.

    At the next practice the coach seemed surprised to see him there. He said "oh you're staying?" My son replied "I made a commitment coach" to that the coach replied "Just so long as you understand your innings won't change".

    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2011
  2. MCreek

    MCreek Member

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    Apr 17, 2009
    Other than for the very top of the line players, I'm sure you'll hear many similar stories relating to high school and showcase teams. Always frustrating for the players (and their parents).

    Some of the things you see going on defy logic at times. But there's not much you can do.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2009
  3. Stretchlon

    Stretchlon Stars

    Likes Received:
    Nov 15, 2006
    Rocky Mount
    Mystery solved

    It's never about what did you do for me yesterday...it's always about who can do something better for me today!!!! Don't sweat walking away from that coach.
  4. hititfar

    hititfar Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 20, 2009
    I would ask for my money back as well......
  5. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2006
    Dont ask a player to play

    if your not going to play him. And performance should have nothing to do with how many innings he gets on a team like this. First of all you paid to play like everyone else. Your there for the same reasons everyone else it. To play baseball. This is not the HS team or the college team. These situations are for experience and to get the opportunity to compete. They are not for deciding who plays how much and based on performance or anyother reason.

    IMO when the coach decided that he was not going to stand by his committment to the player the player no longer is held to his committment to that coach. These types of situations are never good for a player. They suffer many times from a loss of confidence and baseball self esteem. They need to understand that nothing is wrong with them they are just caught in a baseball situation that is not right for them.

    Personally I wouldnt want my money back I would just walk away and chalk it up to learning. Pay for play is exactly what it should be. You paid like everyone else so you should expect to play like everyone else. If your not going to play me dont pick me for your team.

    And make sure your son understands that this situation is pay for play and not HS. I am sure he does but I still have to say it. Find a program where playing time is equally distributed when you are paying to play. If a program tells you up front that playing time will be distributed based on performance and you are not guaranteed playing time or a certain amount of playing time fine go for it if thats what you want. But to lure you in with a Pay for Play approach and then to limit innings is simply wrong.
  6. Gman13'sdad

    Gman13'sdad Full Access Member

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    Mar 8, 2003
    apex n.c.
    Reset your priorities, this coach obviously has. If there are showcases or college camps that your son would have attended if he hadn't committed to this team (in it's "hour of need"), I would now make them the priority. If there is a conflict I'm sure this coach will understand what is more important for your son... and it ain't gonna be riding the pine for his team.

    If in the beginning, the coach had said that no playing time was guaranteed, then you really wouldn't have a beef. But, if what you have stated is true then now you need to do what is best for your son.
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I always cringe when I read this (bunting). The coach already stated it's not about wins/losses, but showcasing your talents. This is SHOWCASE, not AAU. College coaches didn't come to see you bunt; they want to see your swing!

    Now, if it's a championship type tourney, I can somewhat understand it, but very few Showcase tournaments are set up that way...and for a reason. College recruiters could care less who wins the games. They are watching the players they are following pitch, field and "swing" at the ball. You are there to catch their eye...ain't going to happen when you bunt. It may be a good baseball play, but that one at bat may have been your only opportunity to catch someone's attention---don't waste that opportunity.

    Showcase baseball has never hidden the fact of what's it's mission and purpose is. It's not for everyone...and it certainly is not for the coach that doesn't understand it's purpose. It's for players with next level skills to have an opportunity to display those skills in front of scouts...period.
  8. baseballx3

    baseballx3 Full Access Member

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    Mar 4, 2008
    South Charlotte
    For every great situation that exists there is another that doesn't work out the way we expect. I too could go into some stories that ring so similar to yours, but better to provide some insight than to tell my stories.

    I agree with Gman, it is about setting the expectation up front and then meeting that expectation. Don't say it is equal playing time if it isn't, don't say that we need you if you don't.
    And in either case a coach who summarily dismisses the player when he asks what he can be doing better to earn time with "no, you're fine, everything is good, but your playing time isn't going to change. And oh by the way I would be frustrated too" isn't a coach or teacher at all. And in fact, in my opinion he has basically jammed the proverbial finger in your face because he has no idea how to really answer the question and you are just in the way of his fanciful little power trip.

    That is why there are so many teams and organizations out there. There is a good one for everyone, but they are all not good for everyone. Find a place to play and enjoy the game.
  9. Diesel1

    Diesel1 Stay Strong, Uncle Sam.

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2008
    Team setup sounds rec-ish
  10. Baseball & Hotdogs

    Baseball & Hotdogs Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2009
    Thanks Everyone.

    I truly appreciate all your comments. He'll probably stay on since he's never quit anything in his life and we share a concern over the "quitter" label, even though the coach promised equal playing time, But he'll have no qualms about attending a prospect camp at a school he may have interest in.

    We've been lucky really, in 11 years of baseball this is the first narrow-minded, untruthful, 'not as smart as he thinks he is' coach my son has played for - though we have heard the horror stories.

    Thanks again everyone, your responses were very much appreciated.

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