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Team Make-up/Article

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by LBlues 1, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 12, 2005
    great post replete with truth!
  2. BlazeCoach

    BlazeCoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 22, 2007
    It all depends on what a coach considers an A,B or C player to be.Some B players could be A players on other teams All teams have A,B OR C players even the Blues.I think it is up to the coach to pick which players he can turn into A or B players.Yes it is nice to pick up a A player but as far as I'm concerned all my players have the potientail to be an A player.It is up to me to make the players become a better player reguardless of type.Define an A player? There is never too much a player can learn no matter what level of play.I would rather use the term adverage or above adverage.What would define a coach as an A,B.or C coach?I know as a coach everytime I'm watching or coaching I learn something new.As long as I keep learning new things about the game as well as my players we will eventually get to the Higher level of play.They all do play a very important role of a team.Great post by the way no matter where it came from!!!
  3. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Good Article & Explanation !@!--But I Have A ???

    I have a question can the medias influence, and being popular cause your grade to be higher than it really should be as a player ?? I have seen kids put on a higher grade that don't deserve it, and some kids that deserve the "A" rating but don't get it. Do you follow what I'm saying ?? In other words if I'm a well known coach I might put Sally Smith as an "A" player but really she is a low "B" player but she gets all the acclamades that aren't deserving... Now again this could be just my opinion about the kid, so am I'm right to put a grade out there? I trully believe that you can be brain-washed to believe a kid is everything, but really lacks alot. That's is why we catch ourselves saying "How did she get on that college roster?" We are guilty of all saying it at one time...

  4. #7's Dad

    #7's Dad Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 9, 2009
    Salisbury, NC
    Used as a management strategy

    I don't coach but have managed people for many years. The A,B, and C rankings are used to turn over your bottom 5%, or worst performers every year in the workplace. I use to do things differently than I do now and spent an inordinate amount of time managing, observing, coaching/counseling my so called "C" employees. Just as stated above my "A's" were bored and needed more, my "B's" wanted praise for what they were doing and my "C"s" drove me crazy. I now spend very little time with my so-called "C's". After spending some time with a very good consultant,I spend most of my time finding projects for those that need more and praising all that get the job done on a daily basis. You'd be surprised at how much more effective I am and how much better the relationships are because of my shift in mind-set. No matter what you do, a "C" will never become a "B" unless they want it themselves.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2009
  5. cmmguy

    cmmguy *

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    Unless I misunderstood what the ABC designation means... it is more about ingrained personality and attitude. Understanding what a player is and coaching to it. I did not see the ABC designation as a reflection on skill level or aptitude.

    If I was correct about what is meant by the ABC designation, then it would be reasonable to believe that a C player will likely never be an A or a B player.

    ..or did I misunderstand the designation?
  6. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    You are correct, I think. But that doesn't keep someone from trying to change them. That will probably only "change" the ones who were probably mislabeled in the first place.

    Sadly, that is what makes #7's Dad successful in his management policy.
  7. BlazeCoach

    BlazeCoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 22, 2007
    As far as softball goes doesn't everyone start out as a C.When we were all infants we didn't just learn how to walk like a professional in one day!It was little by little or brick by brick C's can become A's or B's if they want it bad enough.Most of the B's in the work force get the promotions I see this way too many times it becomes who you know in the work place reguardless of your work ethic!!! And our company has been in business for century!!!If employee's see this does it send the right message in wanting to become an A employee.Aren't there more B's than A's in the work force anyway? Same with softball there are more B's and C's than A's? Ladies and gentlemen we have a lot of work to do!!!

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2009
  8. #7's Dad

    #7's Dad Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 9, 2009
    Salisbury, NC

    You can't change anyone, they have to want it for themselves. The policy is not about skill level; it's about internal drive, initiative, and self motivation. Everyone can't perform at the same level skill wise, but everyone can give an "A" level effort.
  9. BlazeCoach

    BlazeCoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 22, 2007
    I AGREE 100% #7
  10. Tatertot

    Tatertot Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 28, 2009
    You mention teams that scout and recruit players that someone else has put the time in to develop. Would you consider the people running these kinds of teams coaches or just marketing people?

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