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Commitment: Team & Player

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by fastpitchdad1994, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. Throwing Heat

    Throwing Heat and Catching Heat

    Likes Received:
    Oct 25, 2007
    Some things to consider

    Some programs are non-profits. There are certain legal and financial issues that prevent teams from reimbursing money. All our money is used to pay for tournaments, sanctions fees, uniforms, etc. and all our tournaments are paid in full by March. My team has a budget that we follow to be in compliance with non-profit status, and every parent gets a copy of that budget.

    All parents and players know up front that if they leave, there is no reimbursement of fees because there are no fees to return. I only carry a roster of 12-13 and never take any pick-up players because I am committed to playing these 12-13 that committed to me.
  2. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC
    As posted in an earlier reply (by me and others) TB is a business. Most team are non-profit but that has no bearing on any legal issue of refunding money. Money kept by a team is used for various other things that a team may want or need so they won't show a profit at the end of fiscal year.

    Now I know that the coaches out there are going to take issue with that last statment but it's the truth.
  3. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    ....thanks cheezepal for giving me this opportunity to chime in.
    Contracts can be signed by parents for kids or kids for themselves and in theory they make sense but in reality none of them are binding, period.

    To me, this whole idea of contracts should be to teach a kid a lesson of commitment. I'm cool with that.

    As for returning the upfront player fee.....well, I have to admit that it sucks to be told, as a parent, that "no refund" pal. Yuor money has been combined with other cash from your teamates and those funds have been dispersed to enter tourneys, pay for insurance, buy uniforms, etc.

    Also parents, ....when ya'll really think about this gig, wouldn't you feel alot better about yourselves when look in the mirror knowing that your money is still working to benefit kids after yours isn't on the te

    Last edited: Jan 29, 2010
  4. scal

    scal Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 28, 2008
    the forbidden zone...
    IF a contract IS signed and the coach commits to a set number of kids he needs to commit to that number and work with those kids, but that doesn't always happen either.

    I had to think about that last part for minute, and I'd have to say no. The reason is because everyone always told me "its' all about finding a fit". I never got into youth sports expecting a kid to sign a contract like a professional ahtlete and then get hi-jacked by some bum who took the money and didn't deliever on what he said. It happens and it's not right. If it's truly about the girls then let it be about the girls, and if we as parents-DD's-coaches change our minds then the honorable thing to do is give a refund and move on with well wishes. We are talking about kids here. Girls need to feel good to play good, remember? Always make them feel like champions... Trust me when a coach is nasty to a DD they carry it with them. If my DD needs a lesson in commitment she can get that through academics, school clubs, family, and God. If we decide to make a donation I think it would be better served at Duke Children's Hospital and The Make A Wish Foundation. One other thing, contracts like relationships are two way streets. All due respect Bro....
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2010
  5. Hurdle1

    Hurdle1 Member

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    May 28, 2009

    Before trying out for a team find out about the organization. Go watch them at tournaments, ask around about what they stand for and how they treat players. Talk to tournament directors and get their opinion. Contact previous players. There is one thing about it everyone that has been around TB has an opinion good or bad. It is important to find out what tournaments they play in if you are looking to play in college. Don't get caught up in do they win all of the time because some people haven't figured it out that showcase ball is not all about winning. You don't have to play for one of the ELITE teams or should it be play for free teams to go to college. Contracts are not bad and like you some has said both parties need to live up to their part. Coaches should not bring in players unless someone is sick or hurt and cannot play but we all know there are coaches who do this just to win but that is something that should be in the contract. Everything between a coach,player and parent should be discussed up front before money changes hands. As a player are you being brought in as a starter or are going to be someone who's skills are not up to eveyone else but the coach is going to take a chance and try to help you be a better player and have a chance to play. As a parent you should sign a contract saying I will not bash the coach or organization on the sideline because my DD is not playing the position I want her to or she is not getting the playing time she deserves There is always certain coaches who are talking to other teams parents on the sidelines trying to find that person. Support your team always and if you are not happy finish the season and what you committed for if possible and then leave. It can be expensive to play so be careful and play somewhere your DD is happy and has good teammates and coaches.
  6. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    .....whoa now, ease me in here scalpal. First I need to use spellcheck, wow, I'm gonna leave my post above alone just to show the kids to stay in school and get a good education.

    Wish everyone alls da best, Fishman:smiley-patriotic-fl
  7. scal

    scal Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 28, 2008
    the forbidden zone...
    It's all good..... This has been a great thread. Hurdle hit it good to.
  8. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    this has been a good discussion. many valid points about this and many opposite views expressed with, dare i say it, taste.

    a minor signing a contract is not valid, but when i quizzed a couple of coaches on this, the reply was the same: committment - though not valid, it teaches them about the world ahead of them......i like that idea.

    i also believe that contracts are a two way street. if rules or guidelines are laid out for players/parents, there should also be a committment made from the coaching staff/organization they intend on playing with.

    some have accomplished this feat through trial and error, in the early days of tb, when coaches sought committment, the horror stories were plentiful. now, those days are behind us and contracts are very, very common with tb teams.

    hey, if i put a team together with 12 great girls, i want a committment. i dont want to lose 2 or 3 halfway through the season and have to look for pickup players either. especially if i dont have a dog in the fight. coaching is a very time consuming venture, figure 8 hours of preparation BEFORE the tournament and 2-3 12-16hr days during the tournament.

    but if i want a committment from them, i'm willing to put down on paper what is expected of myself and my coaching staff to show equality and how complaints/issues are going to be handled.


  9. PhoenixPhan

    PhoenixPhan Full Access Member

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    Oct 9, 2009
    While I truly feel that Hurdle hit it out of the park with this post, it appears to me that this would be more applicable for the older girls and the ones that have been playing TB for a while. Sometimes it isn’t possible for someone to do their homework on teams before that have to make a commitment and hand over the cash. This is especially true for the younger teams and new organizations. Even some established organizations have turnover in coaches that can drastically change the culture of a team in either a positive or negative direction. Of course you can and should talk to the coach prior to joining the team to see if it sounds like a good fit for your daughter’s needs, but the only way to know for sure if the coach keeps his/her commitment is to give it some time. In addition, your daughter’s needs may change over time and what was a good fit in the past, may no longer meet her needs. A decision to leave a team should not be taken lightly. When it does becomes necessary, I think one should leave a team at a time that it does not cause problems for the team (i.e., give plenty of notice so the team can take appropriate action to find a new player if needed). If it means forfeiting money to the team (which I have done), in my opinion it is a small price to pay for what is best for both my daughter and the remaining girls on the team.
  10. scal

    scal Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 28, 2008
    the forbidden zone...
    Agreed. Re-reading "Dad's" original post I think where it gets frustrating for parents/players is when you go ready to get it done, pay the money, sign the contract, and then you get coach or an organization do a 360 on you once you get there. IF a team NEEDS a kid for whatever reason so the others can play, normally coaches ask parents "do we know anyone?".

    All the due diligence in the world doesn't prevent someone from reserving the right to change their minds on kids, and then they have your money and you try talking to them and you get "if you don't like it go find another team".

    Personally, always someone to make it hard for you. I just put my faith in God that if it's in his plan it will be there for us......somewhere.

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