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nw3A/4A scoreboard....

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by CHIMIKE3, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. batsandballs29

    batsandballs29 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 15, 2006
    Can i assume WHS, you're referring to the "infield single" by Jacob Hoyle in the 2nd or 3rd Inning? If so, I gotcha. It was most definitely not scored a single in our book...haha

    forgive our announcer for his very gracious interpretation :)
  2. whspioneers

    whspioneers Full Access Member

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    Feb 8, 2006
    That was one of the plays, that we all did a double take on. The other was the error he announced on your right fielder on our triple, where the right fielder was playing shallow and had to make a dive onto the track to even get a glove on.
  3. batsandballs29

    batsandballs29 Full Access Member

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    Sep 15, 2006
    oh yeah. i totally forgot about that one. our RF took a bad angle on the ball, but it wasn't an error by any means. it was hit really well and kept carrying too.

    oh well, your box score is exactly how we had it in the book so no worries on "officially" padding stats or anything...haha

    great ball game last night all around
  4. thumper61

    thumper61 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 7, 2008
    South Caldwell 8
    Hickory 3
    WP Hatton 13k's 6 H's
    LP Poole

    J.Hatton was impressive in his first conference start. South score 3 runs in the 1st inning to provide some cushion and never looked back. Good response after poor outing agaisnt AC the other day.Maybe this young team learned something from their loss. Play a hot St. Stephens team Thurs at St.
  5. lee

    lee Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 4, 2007
    Great Job Jacob!

    Hatton had a great day on the mound for the Spartans, glad he got the chance to prove himself. How about the other pitchers getting their chance? What are the coaches thinking over there?
  6. thumper61

    thumper61 Junior Member

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    Mar 7, 2008
    What other pitchers are you talking about? L. Ally is having arm trouble and T. Ray throws hard but has no off speed or control. I'm sure the coaches are working on this in practice and will give him a chance when ready. Cody Reid pitches but he is way to good in center to pitch.Cook 3-0 and Bumgarder 3-1 are doing fine so far. I'm glad to see a 3rd pitcher get in the rotation and from what I see could be there #1 in a short while.There are a couple of lefty's on JV(undefeated)that are doing well also. I don't ? J. Parham, the man seems to win every year.

    CHIMIKE3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 7, 2007
    more scores............

    weds pm, west lincoln 12, hibriten 2 in five innings...........the panthers are 6-7.
  8. TBA

    TBA Full Access Member

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    Apr 11, 2005

    I can assure you that WINNING is what they're thinking about. This ain't little league, where everybody gets to play. If "junior" isn't getting to play, he needs to keep a good attitude and work harder. You can't be "just as good as..." and expect to knock someone out the line up. For a kid to become a starter, he has to become a better choice for his position. Practice is where you prove yourself...Games are where you prove the coach...I know everybody's "little junior" is a superstar to mom and dad, but the fact of the matter is you can only play 9 at a time, and coaches are normally going with what they feel is their best 9 for that game. Coaches think alot of every player, or they would not have been selected for the team. Coaching is not near as easy down on the field as it is from the stands. If you want to help "junior" encourage and push him to work harder, don't grumble about the coaching. DID I MENTION WORK HARDER...HARDER...HARDER?

    I almost forgot, congratulations to Jacob Hatton for a fine appearance at Foard and the fine outing at Hickory. He has made some real improvements in practice, and obviously the coaches have noticed.
  9. batsandballs29

    batsandballs29 Full Access Member

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    Sep 15, 2006
    WOW!! I like the way you think TBA. So refreshing to hear somebody say what needs to be said and not worry about "hurting someone's feelings."

    I'm pretty sure South's coaches know exactly what they are doing in going, what, 8-1 so far on the year? They are not a team, but a PROGRAM that knows how to win. Let them do their job folks
  10. lee

    lee Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 4, 2007
    GOT IT!

    OK, I got it. 2 fielders and 3 pitchers in the dugout wearing the uniform but not good enough to play? You are right this is not LL. If they are good enough to be on the team they should be good enough to play. Am I the only one who thinks this?

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