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Help with rule interpretation

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by CardCoach2, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. bigcat

    bigcat Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 1, 2006
    It only takes one

    Fishman -While I am certain that the party's wanting to conduct practice on this board would not push the boundaries, there is always one or more out there that would have their HS team out there 7 days a week for the full 3.5 months of the HS season - Same with dead periods, they are designed to prevent coach's from having mandatory practices to prevent kids from trying out for other sports ( all though they still can cut someone for participating anyway ) -- It is ridiculous that we have to punish the good to prevent the bad but it would be like common sense rules instead of laws -- you should drive no more than 70MPH but if there were no speeding tickets for it, there would be a bunch of people driving 100+ and killing others along the way.

    While it seems crazy that Rick can not coach his several HS players on the Cardinal team, i assure you there is some coach out there that has an entire HS team on his TB team as well and that is why the rule is in place. I do think they could come up with a % rule so that it would allow good folks like Rick to coach his TB team though he might have 2-3 players that are on the HS team.
  2. cmmguy

    cmmguy *

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    I dont think it has backfired. There are 6 days in which they can practice and I think that is enough. I dont know many sports that is beneficial to practice 7 days a week.

    Btw, how would you feel if your DD's HS coach made practice mandatory at 10am on Sunday morning?
  3. goon76

    goon76 Member

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    Apr 5, 2007

    if you know who the coaches are. turn them in. there are severe penalites for those coaches that practice on sunday. these are kids plays sports for free, not on scholarship or being paid. your statement is completely foul as they say in softball. thank you cmmguy for your great point. btw, ask northern guilford about this situation
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2010
  4. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC
    What is the difference between mandatory practice on Sunday's @ 10:00 AM and having to play @ 8:30 AM on Sunday at a TB tournament? Not quite sure what you are saying
  5. central-d

    central-d Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 22, 2003
    She would be there
  6. cmmguy

    cmmguy *

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    Your HS is the only team you can play for in HS, In TB, you can chose. Most that play HS do not play TB so playing on Sunday doesnt even come up for them.

    Personally, I dont have a problem with playing travel ball on Sunday but I do have a problem with a coach that can call 7 day a week practice. Would 100% of the coaches do it- probably not, but if even .5% of the coaches did, that would be too many. The rule is there to protect the athlete from unscrupulous coaches, it is unfortunate when it effects honest ones too.
  7. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2005
    Going to make a phone call

    I am going to call the NCHSAA tomorrow or Tuesday to get their ruling. I will let everyone know what they say.
    I have not had this situation arise before, as I haven't had many of the local HS players on my 18U team and when I did, I wasn't coaching HS ball.
    And the few that have played with me after being hired at the two different HS's, I restricted from Sunday practice. (which isn't fair to them either if they want to come)
    I am just trying to help a few more of my local kids by taking them with me this summer. We have generally had Cardinal practice on Sunday afternoon, after church.
    And, we are playing a lot of HS games on Saturdays this year, so it limits what I can do with my Cardinal team practice on a Saturday.
    Nothing malicious intended here, just wanting to know if I am interpreting the rule the way I read it. I read it to say a HS practice can't be done on Sunday. It's not too specific. I don't want to do anything that would affect my HS kids negatively. Thanks for all the input.
  8. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2005
    Answer to my question

    Although not what I wanted to hear. I received this today:

    "If you have high school players on your outside team, and you practice with them on Sunday, then you will be committing a violation. We understand that we cannot keep you from coaching the outside team, but we cannot give coaches license to get in extra practice with their high school players."

    Que Tucker
    Deputy Executive Director

    So I guess it will be Saturday night practices for my Cardinals. As long as it's before midnight. LOL
  9. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    Not too fast! There are rules governing practice hours, also. Not sure what hours. There are also limitations on the number of hours of practice.
  10. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2005
    Nothing in the rules about Saturday practice

    Except during dead periods.
    I give my kids a day off during the week anyway for homework or whatever, so there would be no issues that I can forsee.

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