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ACR continuation

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by baseballguy16, May 22, 2010.

  1. bthomas

    bthomas Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 24, 2010

    Well with that said i dont see why the game was cancelled. I know that there were only 5 outs left to play but i dont see why the umps just called the game. I play for PR and i know for a fact that if the umpires would have told us to put the tarp down 5 minutes earlier the field would have had minor damage to it. I also know that if the umpires decided to continue the game on Saturday at a different place the options would have been slim to none. We are the only school within a 75 mile radius that has a full field tarp that could have protected the field. No fields anywhere close would have been playable.
  2. beaverfever

    beaverfever Junior Member

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    Apr 20, 2009
    I don't believe the problem is with the umps, the rain, the tarps, playing conditions, whether all means necessary were exhausted before calling the game or if ACR players should have worked on the field too. The problem is in Raleigh. The rules for a playoff game should be 7 innings even if ACR has to drive back another day. If they choose not to, then game over.But, a playoff game has to go the distance no matter if darkness, rain or whatever. If PR had lights and the breaker blew out and there were no lights in the bottom of the 6th- what would be the ruling? Same should apply to darkness!
  3. Red Bear

    Red Bear Full Access Member

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    Feb 8, 2005
    This may shock some of you, but guess what? In time, you'll get over it. Really, you will. As a matter of fact, the kids involved will get over it a lot sooner than the parents.

    When kids go off to college, most of them realize pretty quickly that re-living the "glory days" of high school baseball is pretty useless. Oh, they'll wear a lot of their high school garb that first year. But their circle of friends will grow ever wider and independence will be gained and plenty of new experiences will put "the game" into a different perspective.

    What's done is done. Move on. Expand your horizons. Live a happy life. If this is the worst "crisis" for your son, you'll be lucky...
  4. beaverfever

    beaverfever Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2010
  5. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2006
    I hope they do

    but I never have. Back in 1976 I played my last hs football game. We ended the regular season 7-2-1. You only made the playoffs if you won your conference and we did. We played a very tough non conf schedule accounting for two of our l's. The tie was at West Montgomery. I still remember that game 7-7 and that was when I realized just how much I despised a tie.

    We went into the state playoffs as a huge under dog to an undefeated Southern Alamance team. They had a couple of running backs that had both rused for over 1,000 yds. We pounded them 20-0 at our place. We then traveled to play Clinton at their place. We had them down 20-0 at half but knew it was far from over. The entire second half we held by the skin of our teeth. They scored to tie the game at 20-20 with seconds remaining in the game. They had to kick off to us of course and we proceeded to take that kick off to the house for a 26-20 lead with seconds to go. As we started to go on the field for the xp an official waves us off and calls clipping. The flag was on our 20 yd line.

    Well we go into 2 ot's. In the second ot they fumble on the 2 and we recover. But wait , he was down. This is called way after the ball is dead. They go on to win the game in double ot. I can remember almost every play of that game. I can still remember crying my eyes out in the locker room with the guys I had grown up with my whole life. Looking at those guys and knowing we would never be together again. It was a bitter pill that I will never get over. 33 fn years later and I still want to play that game again. 33 years later and I would suit up right now and die trying to change that outcome.

    But the truth is we played the whole game and more. Clinton players and fans saw those calls their way. We saw them our way. But the fact is WE decided the game. And it is still something I will never get over and I dont want to get over. The people who make these type of decisions do not understand what it means to the players. They do not understand what has been invested by these players. They do not take it as seriously as these players. They have no idea what it really means to these players. If they did they would never allow a game to end in a manner like this in a situation like this.

    Its not fair to ANY of the players on either team. Dam it play the ENTIRE game or dont play any of it. These players will never get over this. They will just have to learn to live with it.
  6. DirtyMoBaseball

    DirtyMoBaseball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2007
    Couldn't agree more coach
  7. coachevans26

    coachevans26 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 3, 2003
    150 K for lights..... the poles must be made from GOLD....
  8. wossa

    wossa Not a ********* any more

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Amen Coach 27.

    You play to the last strike of the last out of the last inning. There should be NO exceptions.

    Back in 2003 Ragsdale had a great team, was in the third round with a trip to Piedmont. bottom of the 7th, 2-1 Ragsdale. Piedmont had 2 outs and a guy on second. The #9 hitter had a 0-2 count. Basically, Ragsdale was one strike away from a win and he ripped a single scoring the guy on 2nd.

    Piedmont went on to win that game in eight innings. One strike away from a win and one swing of the bat changed everything.

    ACR never got the chance for that one last swing of the bat. And that's a travesty.
  9. DirtyMoBaseball

    DirtyMoBaseball Full Access Member

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    Apr 3, 2007
    I am an impartial observer, but we are beating a dead horse. We have been in many games won or lost in the last inning. The team had no control over decision by umps and NCHSAA. I feel sorry for all involved, but it is over. Nothing will change by posting on this board. It needs to be addressed by NCHSAA. Probly time for this topic to die, too much good baseball still being played.
  10. Tatertot

    Tatertot Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 28, 2009
    Well said Coach 27! Anybody that has ever played competitive sports knows that you NEVER get over it.

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