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national letter of intent

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by marlinfan1, Aug 27, 2009.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Well, my concern with this mess is the legal one of having to hire an attorney (but of course, those sharks have found a new source of revenue) and take an NLI before a judge to determine it's validity or if it offers the minor a fair offer> Doh!!! ain't that what parents are for? We're not speaking about the sleazy people that can be involved in the entertainment business--although one can make an argiment about the sleaziness of the NCAA actions.

    But if a NLI is not signed then there is no legal commitment by the school of any offers agreed upon.

    Everything about this ruling stinks---just lines the pockets of attorneys---and would amount to more expenses before even starting college.
  2. jjsphotos

    jjsphotos Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 4, 2009
    gastonia, nc
    yes, highest priority has a foothold in this. and for 99.99% of athletes that degree SHOULD be first.

    but either the schools should be forced to make those scholarships guaranteed for 4-5 years or the kid should be able to transfer without penalty if the coach that recruited them leaves.

    there is no guarantee theat new coach is even going to honor that scholarship.

    and i made that choice. not that drastic and i had no team money, but the option of walking on was the difference in choosing Hickory over Chapel Hill.

    i did see 3 different girls bkb coaches in 5 years. so i have seen the drama of transfer-dont transfer first hand
  3. scal

    scal Full Access Member

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    Jul 28, 2008
    the forbidden zone...
    It's never about the student or athlete or "girls." That's just crap people try to sell you. If it was then there would be NO penalty for transfers, NO penalty for asking a coach, "WTF?", NO one to tell you, "if you don't like it go find another team."

    It's all about finding a fit, without penalty, without labels, without persecution. If it was I think you'd see people both coaches, players, and parents trying to make things work a little better then they sometimes do.

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