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Best Show Case Team

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by cougarsoftball12, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. appfan21

    appfan21 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 10, 2009
    Well i'm not sure about the Blues and the Wildcats when it comes to the state championships or college players but I do know that they are both great teams with great coaches, as well as the Cobras. Its hard to say that one team is better because we all know that anybody can beat anybody on any given day.

    here is a couple of links to check out the cobas


  2. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    State Championships....

    .....well, I remember my team the NC Dominators and the Cobras bowing up in the NSA 12U states and WOW!, trust me what a blast!.

    HUH? why is the fish going to old school stuff?

    Because the players on both of these teams are some of the ones on D1 rosters today.

    The best part is that they actually live together! Yep, how cool is that? To have friends, roommates, the very people you now lay your head down at night just across the dorm room or apt. who you played against over the years tells me that NC fastpitch can be one big happy family.

    Thats cool!

  3. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 12, 2005
    sorry fish runnin' in fact mode not diplomacy mode this week....
  4. stiksdad

    stiksdad Full Access Member

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    Jul 13, 2009
    "I believe you hit the nail on the head. If you can offer no team fees when you are recruiting players from other teams it helps in assembling a good showcase team. What does it take to build this type of team...money. "

    Bingo, unfortunately money does play a role in teams being able to attract more talent. But their are several organizations in the Carolinas who will get your DD seen enough if she wants to play in college. Many of them have been listed, my advice seek out a coach who is going to develop talent, and who is aware of how the recruiting process works, and lastly understand there is a lot of work to be done by DD and yourself, enjoy the ride it ends too fast.
  5. Dawgswood

    Dawgswood Full Access Member

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    Feb 3, 2006
    What teams do not have fees?
  6. Tatertot

    Tatertot Full Access Member

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    Oct 28, 2009
    First of all I'm not judging or saying what is right and what is wrong because it is obviously working, but if we are in fact mode let's go with the facts. You have someone who has access to all the ASA Rosters phone numbers etc, the ability to watch the girls perform at some of the largest showcase tournaments in our area and the resources to pay them to play so to speak. You take older girls that already know how to play (who have spent their formative years somewhere else) including some that are on the radar already and assemble a team. You SHOULD have more girls go on to play at the next level. Personally, I don't think that teams such as the Cobras get enough credit because those are the teams that have gone throught the hard years of teaching the players how to play and continuing until they age out. The players and their parents deserve all the credit, but if you are going to start naming teams as the reason girls are getting scholarships maybe we should go back a little farther than the last team they played on. Sometimes they are only on this showcase team for one season before playing in college. Someone somewhere else has spent the tough years at 10, 12, & 14U with them. Truthfully, if you want to recognize teams for getting girls recruited, there are probably too many to mention and those that don't get mentioned are probably the most valuable to this process (as phreak mentioned the players know who they are). They taught the fundamentals and love of the game.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  7. Tatertot

    Tatertot Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 28, 2009
    Cardinals, maybe others I'm not sure.
  8. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 12, 2005
    then the parents who played catch, who worked on fundamentals, who perspired, bled and shed tears, who robbed peter to pay paul so they could play should get ALL the credit!
  9. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    ALL who help along the way are important!

    The ones who are helping are probably not even thinking about credit or recognition; they are helping for more important reasons.

    The subject of who deserves the credit or recognition isn't brought up by the ones who are helping the girls realize their dreams.

    Again, it's ALL the people who help that makes a difference--players, parents, coaches, etc.

    The real reward is knowing you helped someone; the more you help, the bigger the reward. Recognition feels good maybe, but that's not why most people do it.
  10. Tatertot

    Tatertot Full Access Member

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    Oct 28, 2009
    Well, maybe not all, but without the parents' sacrifices that you mentioned above (I know I have done all) you wouldn't have much. I will say that the hard part is getting them to the point where these organizations want to recruit them at 16 and 17 years old. The parents and the coaches of their younger years deserve much more credit than they are getting. I see posts on these boards all the time saying "Congratulations to the (insert name) organization for getting Sally Softball a scholarship. Good Job Coach". Let's get real here, at the point they played for these teams they already knew how to play or else they wouldn't have been asked and they can drive themselves to tournaments and practices. They play for these organizations one or two seasons. What about the blood, sweat, tears and bruised shins of the parents and coaches of their formative years? Those are people that are to be congratulated, yet it is rare that it happens.

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