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You make the call...never seen this one

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by chachacha, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. edge4sball

    edge4sball Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 17, 2009
    eastren NC
    how about this one?

    my team is at bat, runner on second, one out, batter singles to right, right fielder comes up throwing to the plate to get lead runner. The throw was off line up the third base side. Runner is clearly safe at home, but ball has hit the on deck batter , who was attempting to get out of the way. The ball hits her foot and caroms off a ways. The plate umpire call "dead ball offensive interference, by rule the lead runner is out. Makes no difference if there was an attempt by on deck to get out of the way. "His explanation, "same as a ball hitting a runner between first and second. " I asked could you get help, "No". The run was the tieing run in a game we lost 2-1. Loss or win is not relevent, is this the correct call?
  2. JACK0328

    JACK0328 Member

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    Aug 26, 2008

    if the girl stays in the on deck circle and it hits her it should still a live ball if she is out of the circle dead ball lead runner is out. Just like the coaches box
  3. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    ...sounds like the person who should of been out is the coach....ie me if I were in the mix because rule or not, the fishman would have been in the parking lot quick!

    Food for thought along the lines of "safety" by being in the right place. Coaches need to tell their RH kids to stand tall and not back out of the batters box when a runner from 2B is stealing 3B.
    Why? because if the ball hits the batter who is trying to play nice by getting out of the way, she's out if the ball hits her, etc.

    Now, you can figure that, "if" the batter stays in place in the box, 'ol homey loud mouth ready to fight coach is gonna sling some snot! Either way somebody is gettin' tossed.

    I love this game!

  4. JefferMC

    JefferMC Full Access Member

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    Aug 10, 2005
    Upstate, SC
    It is the on-deck batter's responsibility to get out of the way in this situation. It would really depend on what could have happened if the on-deck batter had not interfered. IF (that's a big if), because the throw was so far off line that there was no way to get the runner even if the ODB had not been there, then: no play--no interference--run scores. However, she could have prevented a play on the batter reaching second or third and that runner could have been called out on the interference.

    This is a judgement call by the umpire.
  5. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    ....hey Jeffrey, question for ya buddy, What if this gig was about a basecoach? Obviously a coach would try to not get in the way, uuuhh well atleast we want to think so.

    So, foul ball to 3rd, 3B runs into the coach, and can't get to the ball, whats the call?

    Or, ball thrown from RF to 3rd, ball scoots under the 3B glove and hits the coach in the foot and off it goes into LF, whats the call?

    Or, and you'll love this one.....wait for it........runner on 2nd and 3rd, 1 out, batter bunts, goes to 1st, pitcher checks runner at 3rd and attempts to throw out the batter/runner going to 1st. 1B pulls off the bag to catch the ball, you know, all pumped up knowing she's got to throw home. Thinking that the out was made at 1st, the 1B throws home and pegs the kid at the plate, game over in the defense mind. BUT, no out at 1st, so my runners keep advancing, meanwhile, the other teams players and coaches rush the field for winning the 12u NSA state championship. It looked like the gig we see about the Stanford game when the guy ran through the band.

    All chaos, now my question is this, whats the call?

    to be continued...its cool!

  6. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    ...to be continued.....

    I've told this story before, and many folks on TBR had kids in that game.

    Regardless of what was called, I'm asking what should be the call.

    BTW, 6 years later, the opposing pitcher and my DD were frshman roommates and most, if not all of the parents and kids involved on both teams are good friends today.

    Moral of the story is no single game is bigger than THE game, so don't get your panties in a wad over the small dumb sh*t, and lose sight of the good things and cool lessons that come from competition.

  7. JefferMC

    JefferMC Full Access Member

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    Aug 10, 2005
    Upstate, SC
    ASA rule: "When a coach intentionally interferes with a batted or thrown ball, or interferes with the defensive team’s opportunity to make a play on another runner. A batted or thrown ball that unintentionally hits a base coach is not considered interference."

    If we're talking about a line shot, then it's a foul ball. If we're talking about a sky-high pop that the third baseman could get under with normal effort, except for the big lunk head that didn't get out of the way... Interference, batter out.

    Unless the coach tried to kick it, it's nothing.

    We've been here before, Fishman. My answer's the same as it was last time.
  8. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007


    CANIPE Full Access Member

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    Nov 10, 2004
    Forest City NC
    Girl has to make an attempt to interfere. If she is in the on deck circle, she is part of the field right? If she has to try to avoid it, you could have your defense throw at her to get the call--like some deranged game of dodgeball. She may not be paying attention, going through a practice swing or something. (Kids are goofy at the younger ages.)Hopefully none of us would do that, but you get my point. There has to be intent on her part to affect the play.

    And help me wrap my mind around the first one: If she is the last out, (we've played a lot of local rules tournaments) isn't it impossible to bat eight people, and she still is on base? You've got three outs in an inning. She couldn't have been the last out--
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2010
  10. JefferMC

    JefferMC Full Access Member

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    Aug 10, 2005
    Upstate, SC
    There is at least one way she could have been the last out and been in this situation. PRIOR INNING, is runner on 3B and is tagged out at home on a ground ball close to the plate (fielders choice). For simplicity, let's say she was in the #1 slot. #2, #3 and #4 have all had their turn. THIS INNING, #5, #6 and #7 reach base, and #7 needs a courtesy runner. #1 comes in for #7 as the last out of the previous inning. #8 and #9 walk, #1 is now on 3B but is due up at bat.

    BTW, this is without using up the up-to-two outs available this inning to make it work.

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