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Chris Deal returns to Taylorsville

Discussion in 'Football Forum' started by grayb70, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. #52stillcouldbringit

    #52stillcouldbringit Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 15, 2008
    Fact: WE'd beat yal
    Fact: We always beat yal!

    Oh were an after thought in 4A? Do you watch football outside of Wilkes county? You do know we were 10-1 last year correct? You also know that we lost to the state champions by like 5 in the 2nd rd and thats ONLY BECUASE OUR QB was hurt. We were 20-30 points better than ACR who went on to win state. Are u serious dude?
    Whoever that guy is could not block steven no offense and ACC really now? Who was the last person from Wilkes to play in the ACC? haha sorry thats just funny and good for you that kids fast I bet money that he couddnt get buy dustin anderson.
    Sorry man i know your all happy that you played with Hibriten in all but we always beat yall and ill give your runnin back props to he seems good...
    but we'd stilll beat yal..
  2. jmundy03

    jmundy03 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 20, 2008
    You have got to be kidding me. You said so many stupid and idiotic statements that I'm not sure where to start. First of all, when is the last time WC has beaten AC? Have fun looking that up. Secondly, who the heck cares about 2A anyways? No offense, but if ya'll went to the 2nd and 3rd round of the playoffs in the past 5 years, when AC teams weren't very good (in 2007-2008) and still beat you, then that just shows how bad 2A sucks. Honestly, like 52 said earlier, if AC doesn't blow out Wilkes Central, it's embarrassing. When AC won in overtime in 07-08, everybody was depressed about it. That's how much respect we have for Wilkes Central in football. And you better check again about Alexander being an afterthought in 4A. We had Reynolds butts kicked before we screwed that up. They didn't win, we lost. A loss is still a loss, but that's one we'll never forget. Say what you want about speed and all that crap, ask Hickory how that worked for them.
  3. WilkesCentral

    WilkesCentral Member

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    Nov 17, 2008
    ACR beats everybody they play by like 5 points.

    I'm just trying to rile you guys up...obvisouly it worked. We used to suck in football until 06 when we got a new coaching staff, we have had 5 straight winning seasons. If we beat yall it would defintley be an upset, but it's not like you're losing to West Caldwell or something..lol. The 2007 game, we also played bad. Our starting RB Leo Guevara(who transfered to Hibriten last season, #2..had a couple Td's against yall) didn't play that game. We would of won state, had a great Lincolnton team not kicked a field goal in the final minute.

    We have a pretty good team again this year, and even though young will make some noise in 2A. Next year should be better than 07 though.

    I wish we could play AC, I miss it. Y'all always prepared us for conference play. Good luck the rest of the year...seriously.

    All I'm asking is for a little respect, i think we earned it.
  4. cougar man

    cougar man Full Access Member

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    Aug 18, 2005
    I think Wilkes has earned that respect.. Its also hard to loose those transfers to schools that close by.. Wilkes and AC are hopefully two programs on the rise.
  5. NotSoFast

    NotSoFast Full Access Member

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    Nov 12, 2007
    is this what happens when the "special" kids get to use the internet?

    LOL seriously- you guys are a riot.

    PS- 52, yall were 10-2 last year.....remember your biggest game of the year???? the one where AC had as many motor cycles as HHS had points? oh wait, you didnt have Kinnard....i forgot he's good for 50pts on his own.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  6. #52stillcouldbringit

    #52stillcouldbringit Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 15, 2008
    haha yea man your mom let you use the internet and see how it turned out.
    Na but wilkes yal definately are a good program in 2A and are well respected. I will say you can no longer be over looked.
    Not i dont even feel like arguiing with you and yes but consiering i was stating our regular season regular i found it pointless to count our playoff win an loss. I guess you could say yall were what 12-1 or 13-1? :):):) Either way you still lost just like we did.
  7. jmundy03

    jmundy03 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 20, 2008
    The biggest game of the year was against AC Reynolds. We wouldn't have won with Kinnaird, but it wouldve been a lot closer than you morons think
  8. sliderule

    sliderule Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 9, 2006
    Here's one for you cougar fans.Taking in to account the weak conference you play in,and the weak nonconference schedule.You should finish first or second every year.Davie used to be good but they are not as good as you all make them out to be.Mooresville is not the team they used to be either.IFit wasn't for Hibriten you would'nt play anybody,and no i am not a Hibriten fan.This is just an unbiased opinion.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  9. jmundy03

    jmundy03 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 20, 2008
    I completely agree.
  10. jarrettfan

    jarrettfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 29, 2006
    what does any of this have to do with coach deal

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