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Illegal Bats

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by HotCorner#33, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 12, 2005
    If the bats are not inspected before the start of the game every big hit is going to result in a scream from the stands of "check the bat". As has been posted above the thought process on what is legal and what is not is all over the board. The problem is even if you had everyone on the same page about what BESR bats are legal the umps must have the list committed to memory and even then who knows if its correct. Yes we have a list of approved bats but correct me if I am wrong these BESR bats are NOT stamped any differently than any other BESR bat? There will be misinterpretations and misapplications of the rule this year. It wouldn't surprise me to see pics taken of the offending weapon and posted here in a thread... trying to determine if a bat was legal after a game winning hit.

    Check the bats before the game... stop the problem before it happens... if you can.

    I agree we should just swing wood but thats not going to happen this year. We should have just gone to BBCOR THIS year.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2011
  2. LSSU57

    LSSU57 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 22, 2008
    We can check every bat, but the game won't start on time. Also, just because we check a bat doesn't mean a kid won't come to bat later in the game with a bat we didn't check because it was still in his bat bag.
  3. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 12, 2005
    LS: I honestly dont think there is really anything that can be done this year to prevent serious amounts of weeping and gnashing of teeth.
  4. TDawg

    TDawg Member

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    May 24, 2010
    I was told by NCHSAA to go to the website above and print a copy of my son's bat from the approved list and have him keep it in his bat bag. If a question came up he could produce documentation to show his bat is legal. The coach of his team is thinking about doing this for all of his players and keeping a notebook in the dugout to show his team's bats are legal.
  5. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 12, 2005
    I did exactly this ^
  6. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    Last bat comments...

    You are absolutely correct.
    Heck, bats can be shaved or loaded or WHATEVER.
    That has always been possible.
    I fault no umpire in any of this.
    Like so much in our culture "those at the top" - wherever that is here - have messed up and left the rest of us "scrambling".

    I will go out on a limb and make this statement:
    Concerning Glenn High, you will not be asked to check a bat after a homer/big hit by the opponent. (Maybe there won't be any! :couch:)

    If a kid hits it, it has a lot to do with his approach and hands and eyes, etc. Maybe just what some call luck. It ain't just the bat...

    I have never seen a bat challenged at the High School level.
    I just really don't see a lot of it happening now.
    At least I hope not.
    Water is drying.
    Maybe we play today!
  7. 1down22go

    1down22go Full Access Member

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    Jan 7, 2010
    Catcoach-....".If a kid hits it, it has a lot to do with his approach and hands and eyes, etc. Maybe just what some call luck. It ain't just the bat"...

    Barry Bonds had a great approach. He had great hands and a great eye. But no one would suggest that "science" didn't help him. Science also has a lot to do with the bat. If you don't think so, your in denial.

    It's not "just the bat", but the bat DOES have a lot to do with it. If it didn't, they would be using them in all leagues. If it didn't help, we'd only see wood bats being used (I wish that were the case). College teams have seen HR's in batting practice go from a norm of 20-25 per practice to a norm of around 5. Those guys didn't get any weaker since last summer. They didn't lose their technique. The difference is the bat.

    A hard hit ball is still a hard hit ball. However, if the bat provides another 10-15% of distance, it's now a HR or a double instead of what would be a routine out with a bat that complies with the new rules.

    I wish they would check them all and hold the players/ coaches accountable to the rules as written.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2011
  8. Low & Slow

    Low & Slow Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 25, 2008
    Bat rolling

    The makeup of now outlawed composition bats allows for even greater ball exit speeds to be achieved (trampoline effect) yielding harder hit balls with greater carry ...read about "bat rolling" on Google and you will understand how bat owners can pay a service fee to have someone juice up their bat by increasing the compression of the bat materials by having the bat travel through a series of machine rollers. A rolled bat produces hits that fly off the bat like golf balls and can easily be detected by the naked eye when hit squarely...they just travel with a noticeably different flight speed. Eliminating this cheating technique was one of the reasons to outlaw composite bats.
  9. packman

    packman Full Access Member

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    Feb 21, 2010
    Ok....I hope someone can answer this question. Is the 2009 model Easton Stealth IMX.... blue barrel.... a legal bat? It doesn't show on the legal list of composite bats on NCHSAA site but it doesn't seem to show on the list of bats deemed legal or illegal by the NHSF....at least that I can find. This is the type of thing that makes this season so out of whack. The umpires seem to have no clue. Our coach has questioned the bat in the last two games, and it was almost comical watching the umps try to figure it out. Any help on where I can find proof either way would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Edit: The bats are spelled out a little better on the "Unapproved List" or this one has now been added. Glad I could answer my own question. :)
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2011
  10. HotCorner#33

    HotCorner#33 Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 28, 2010
    Home Run Taken Away

    Here you go!

    I heard yesterday in the South Meck/Marvin Ridge game a 3 run Homerun was hit by a player on Marvin Ridge. The Eaton Composite Bat was questioned by S.Meck. Coach and found to be Illegal by the umpires. Yes, you feel for the player who hit the homerun but, kudos to the S.Meck Coaching Staff for doing what is right. The sad thing is Marvin lost by 1 run 6-7. The bat was illegal and should not have used in the first place.

    I know at a game we played last week our Coach questioned a bat in the 3rd. inning, the Umpire told him their was nothing he could do. In that game 6 of 9 players were using illegal bats. The Umpires had no clue and did not want to take the time to get it right.

    I thought, the Safety for Pitchers was the main goal behind this rule. Sure does not seem to be much of a concern for many Coaches & Umpires. I hope and pray this year goes by with No players getting seriously injured.

    If Coaches are policing their own players and not having a blinds eye none of this would happen. I know our Coach has been preaching to all his players from day one, he will not allow any illegal bats in his dugout or on his practice field period.


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