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Illegal Bats

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by HotCorner#33, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. Stretchy

    Stretchy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 29, 2007
    Coaches are responsible after pregame warning

    As it should be policed. Shame on ANYONE knowingly using or allowing the use of an illegal bat.
  2. campdogs

    campdogs Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 29, 2008
    Home run taken away for Alexander Central in the Providence/Alexander Central game yesterday in the first inning. Brett Austin, catching for Providence, pointed the bat out to the ump after it was hit.
  3. 1down22go

    1down22go Full Access Member

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    Jan 7, 2010
    Hot Corner #33.......I know at a game we played last week our Coach questioned a bat in the 3rd. inning, the Umpire told him their was nothing he could do. In that game 6 of 9 players were using illegal bats. The Umpires had no clue and did not want to take the time to get it right.

    ...Nothing he could do? If he can't do anything, then why is he there? Why not call your own balls and strikes? If you can't agree on the call it's a do over!! Why have a rule and not enforce it. It creates a big disadvantage for the team NOT using the "juiced up" bat not to mention the risk to the pitcher.

    That was a very well played 1-0 game by both teams. The "winning" run was produced off of an illegal bat that went over the Right Fielders head. That "extra" 10-15% of carry was the difference in the game. What should have been an out is now the game winning RBI. Nice job BLUE!!
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  4. mincmi

    mincmi Moderator

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    Jan 19, 2005

    Is not the penalty for using an illegal bat just that the batter is out and runners return to their base or result of the play, (batter hits into DP, defensive team can elect to select result of play) correct?

    Why is this such a dramatic difference from a pitcher who is caught using a foreign substance - immediate ejection and suspension? Seems to me that using an illegal bat should have a least a like penalty if not even a greater penalty because the rule prohibiting use of these bats was derived upon safety of the players.

    If these bats are still routinely coming to the plate (and reading this thread apparently they are) maybe the NCHSAA needs to take some immediate action in placing stiffer penalties.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  5. Titan Ball

    Titan Ball Member

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    Mar 5, 2010
    I saw the same thing last week in an iMeck game where 2 players hit home runs (bombs) using an Easton Comp that is clearly on the unapproved list. The offending parents booed, the coach stomped his feet and threw the bat and the umpire shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't have a list of illegal bats and allowed the hit AND the continued use of the bat. He inspected them before the game but didn't know which bats were illegal? If the umpires have no more idea than this of what's going on why are they there? There has to be a better answer than "I don't know".
  6. Stretchy

    Stretchy Full Access Member

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    Oct 29, 2007
    Illegal bat rule is still a work in progress.....

    Correct on the above bat question. As far as foreign substance it is not an immediate ejection BUT yes the umpire has the right to eject him. The umpire can eject players/coach if the same illegal bat is used after the first occurence.
  7. Stretchy

    Stretchy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 29, 2007
    Umpires need to know the rules

    The umpires are required to check bats before the game and then at the pregame tell the coaches that they are responsible for no illegal bats being used. The umpires also must have the unapproved bat list with them and are supposed to check it if a bat is protested. Sounds like some uninformed or lazy umps.
  8. mincmi

    mincmi Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 19, 2005

    This sounds like a mis-application of the rules. Could not the coach play the game under protest from that point and expect to be successful upon appeal from his league protest committee?
  9. Stretchy

    Stretchy Full Access Member

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    Oct 29, 2007
    Sounds like it is going to be a long year.......

    I would say that would be the smart thing to do is play under protest and have the bat details written into the official scorebook. What a mess!!
  10. the_insider

    the_insider baseball doctor

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2003
    I'm here. Where are you?

    I have talked to several umpires at different times...

    as of 3rd weekend of february they were going to bring their lists and go thru each bat... then tell the head coach that if a bat was "illegal" and unable to be used... if the bat in question was taken to the plate after the notification, then the player would be declared ... OUT

    just 5 days later... the umpires are only to do a "pre-inspection" of the bats looking for the BESR certification, cracks, and flat spots... if a coach had a question about a particular bat, then he could then call that bat into question and then they would pull out the sheet and either allow or disallow the bat (then let the chaos ensue)

    PERSONALLY... Let's make it real simple

    I am not sure why the NFHS will no do what the NCAA did last year and disallow all composite bats (unless it is BBCOR)... PERIOD... these are the bats that can be "altered" and cause the biggest issues, to my knowledge all aluminum bats are legal

    http://www.mme.wsu.edu/~ssl/certified/banned/certified.html - all the barrel classes are carbon fiber composite.... WHY NOT JUST BAN THEM ALL

    The NCAA got it right... I read an article that stated that all of the bats that were used in the College World Series in 2009 were tested and 80% of them failed the BESR recertification... which means that the bats' exit speeds were beyond what was allowable and all of the composite bats failed...

    The NCHSAA itself can step up and and do something if the NHFS will not and make their own ruling... my question is "if it is a case of safety and fair play, then why are we waiting for next year? If the NCAA is smart enough to say 'enough is enough' before federation rulings, then why aren't we?"

    Take it out of the umpires hands and the coaches and just ban comps all together


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