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Charter schools, Homeschooling etc.

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Tigerscoach, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. Tigerscoach

    Tigerscoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 4, 2009
    West End, N.C.
    Is anyone familiar with the legislation being introduced on these subjects. I have been told that if it passes public schools will have to share all their money with charter schools. I was told by my AD that this includes fundraiser money for a sport. Lets just say that my softball team or the band has a fund raiser for new uniforms or a trip. I have been told that part of this money would have to be given to the local charter school even if THEY DON'T HAVE A SOFTBALL TEAM OR BAND. I really don't see how this is fair. Also was told there is legislation to allow home schooled students to play for local public schools. I don't see where it would affect softball in this area but when it comes to football and basketball I see where this could really open the doors for some unethical doings. Just would love to here some other opinions and let me know if I have been given bad info.
  2. erms

    erms Full Access Member

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    Mar 17, 2006
    My favorite example of what this leads to is in regard to activity buses. When a team travels there is a mileage charge for activity buses. In our county it is 1.50 per mile. This is a reimbursement from the school general fund to the transportation department. Should senate bill 8 be approved as written there would be a 7% charge on the money when it goes into the genearal fund of the school because it would be considered revenue. Then......there would be the same charge for when it pays our own transportation department because it would be considered revenue for them eventhough it is already within the system.

    And..... our legislatures and representatives are ridiculing our kids because of the messages they have sent to them in response to the obvious inequity they promote.

    It's a real sore spot for me....so I'll put up the soapbox before I get carried away.
  3. NCTide

    NCTide Member

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    Oct 16, 2009
    Tigerscoach, we were given the same information in a faculty meeting. I've taught for 23 years and I thought Public Education wouldn't go down the sewer before I retired but now it looks like it might.
  4. Dukedog4

    Dukedog4 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2005
    The republicans in Raleigh . . . .

    believe they were elected to do two things; limit government and cut spending. Many have little if any regard for public education. Certainly athletic programs that are seen as not benefiting the people that elected them are under scrutiny. Ironically travel ball, like club soccer and AAU basketball, reinforces the view that schools really don't these teams or, if they do, they should be a 'pay to play' thing. I have wondered whether schools really need golf and swim teams. Agree or disagree, it's a good idea to find out where your legislator stands on these issues before you cast that vote.
  5. erms

    erms Full Access Member

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    Mar 17, 2006
    Truer words have never been spoken. Until the past couple of months I had no idea of the true character, or should I say lack of character of our elected officials. i have also been amazed at their lack of understanding of the big picture and their ignorance of current society.
  6. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005
    This is the tip of the iceberg. Its amazing how many folks who voted, actually believed all the hype and distortions and unknowingly voted against their interests. These people they voted in are now making laws that will ultimately benefit only a small portion of the voters who elected them. The economy is improving and the government money problem will correct itself if smart people manage it for the long term.

    We need fully funded public schools with small class sizes, competent teachers, and good extracurricular activities, athletics included. School should be a place where kids are eager to go. Healthy, educated kids are our future.
  7. erms

    erms Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 17, 2006
  8. justsoftball

    justsoftball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 3, 2010
    Homeschool players

    Several years ago when the legislation pertaining to home schooled childern participating in public school athletic events was introduced, I sent a letter to my congressman and senator vehemently opposing the bill.

    My children have been home schooled...one from 5th thru 9th grade as his emotional disabilities from a drowning accident made it very difficult on him and his teachers due to his outbursts, odd behavior and I'll say it, boredom (genius IQ not effected by drowning); the other was home schooled for opposite reasons: the school system had no interest in helping my dyslexic child learn to read, so she was brought home from 3rd and 4th grades to learn how.

    When my son expressed an interest in playing sports, I made it clear to him participation in school was mandatory for participation in sports. He returned to school.

    Since I have home schooled and been part of home schooled groups, I have seen the good and bad. There are those, like myself, that teach more thoroughly than the schools did (i.e. Son's 8th grade cirriculum was advanced Latin, Spanish II, Calculus, Anatomy & Physiology, European Literature, History of WWII) and there were those that never taught their kids anything and took their end of year tests for them (these kids never even graduated high school - hard to when you can't read).

    My point to the politicians centered on one thing: Equality. When I home schooled I could have put whatever grade I wanted on my child's "report card". In the instance above when those parents never taught, took year end tests, etc they would present to the state report cards of Straight A's...yet their children could barely read, had no knowledge of history, struggled with basic math.

    The NCHSAA places upon students stringent rules pertaining to attendance and grades. This cannot be regulated when it comes to homeschooling. Thus to hold one group to one set of standards and have no way of enforcing those standards for others leads to bias.

    School pride comes from being an active part of the school environment. Student athletes are built because of the demands placed upon them to succeed in the classroom as well as the sports field.

    If you are not in the public education classroom, you should not be on the public education sports roster. Period.

    As for sharing funds with charter schools? My son attended 2 charter schools in Florida - 1 charter elementary school in kindergarten and 1 charter school for the gifted until we left the state. It was made clear when we signed up the kids - often during pregnancy - by opting the charter way, we were forgoing the public education system - electively.

    Public school funds should go to the public school programs and participants, period. When you opt out of one, you also opt out of being able to suck funds out of the same place you chose not to be a part of.

    My :two-cents:
  9. Tigerscoach

    Tigerscoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 4, 2009
    West End, N.C.
    Thanks for the post. You answered several of my questions and concerns. Thanks for sharing your personal experience. Best teacher of all.
  10. kanwj

    kanwj Full Access Member

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    Jan 10, 2007
    I don't have a problem with homeschool kids playing for the public school in their area. Their parents pay taxes just like everyone.

    I do have an issue if the Charter School takes the money earned by the boosters or other group a the regular public swchool. I realy would like to see the bill that grants this. It sounds fishy to me. I have big issues with regular public schools determining fairness. If my school out works your school on the other side of town, why to you limit opportunites, facilities and equipment for my kids. Get off your --- and go to work building your school!:Reagan-hittin-head-

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