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Carolina Cardinal's Early Bird signing in Rockhill, S.C.

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by HIT-N-RUN, Jun 11, 2011.

  1. NCTide

    NCTide Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 16, 2009
    It's kind of ironic that some of these questions are being raised. My daughter has played in several of these tournaments but until this weekend, I had never really thought much about what the folks in charge have to deal with. After watching Coach McHone (and the others who put this tournament on) up close Friday and Saturday night when he was dealing with the weather and all the questions I have a different perspective. I told my wife that I wouldn't want his job for any amount of money. It would be easy to lose your cool with some people but in all cases that I observed people were dealt with in a calm and respectful manner. I have always heard that the Cardinals organization was tops and this weekend did nothing but confirm that for me.
  2. HIT-N-RUN

    HIT-N-RUN Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 18, 2007

  3. 4TheLuvOfTheGame

    4TheLuvOfTheGame Member

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    Mar 10, 2010
    The Ballfield
    Rick, most of the softball community appreciates you and the Cardinals Organization. I know many girls that have been made offers at your tournaments. Without your tournaments, who knows if these offers would have been made. These tournaments are needed for these girls to get the exposure they need, and I was not there for this tournament, but I have heard alot of praise about the number of college coaches that were there. This is a win win situation, the softball community is getting the exposure they need, while your team benefits from it also, instead of doing other fundraisers. I would much rather see your girls get the benefit than from someone else who is in it for the money!! As always, there are the normal complaints, bad umpires, blah, blah, blah, but overall you have built a good reputation in bringing in the college coaches, and again it is about the girls getting the exposure they need, not who wins, maybe a team got beat 15 - 0, but maybe there was that one girl on that beaten team that got the exposure she needed, and isn't that what this is about!!
  4. OldSchool

    OldSchool Yeah, where is he now?

    Likes Received:
    Apr 28, 2011
    I have been to many tournaments of all organizations where scoreboards are just sitting there unused. They are there for a reason, sometimes I see players look up to reference the count, fans like to keep up, etc. If tournament directors don't want to designate someone to run them, leave the option for the home team to provide someone to run it. Personally I think as much as it costs to play in all tournaments (not singling out one organization) the TD should have someone running the scoreboards. I don't know why they don't, because it is part of the game experience.
  5. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    Wasn't at this event, but I totally agree that the scoreboards should be used. After all, the fans do pay to get in and at least a part of it is for entertainment, or should be.

    It's bad enough that many think that winning is not important. It would be great news for me if I could find a tournament where it's all about winning and there's only going to be one champion for each division. Although I do enjoy some of the events (because there's nothing else in town) it's always in the back of my mind that there's not going to be a real winner. Winner in the context of tournament—not showcase.

    But, alas, those were the good old days! The old Cardinals and Challengers rivalry for example!
  6. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    in all the years i've know Ric, i've never see him mad at anyone. i have heard him vent, but in private and really a poor attempt at venting....good guy....i agree, better to finance a group of kids than just in someones pocket.....i wish they all benefited players like this.
  7. bugsdad

    bugsdad Full Access Member

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    Apr 21, 2006
    Why don't you host a showcase and show us how it's done?
  8. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    Why flame someone for expressing an opinion? It didn't sound like a personal attack.

    I think Ric's post made it clear what his event was about. I definitely have respect and admiration for his goals. Some people may have never known "where the money goes" or the other good things if the poster hadn't posted his views.

    As a matter of fact, it gave other posters the opportunity to express their appreciation and compliments to Ric.

    We don't have to think alike, we just have to think.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2011
  9. Chuteboxhero

    Chuteboxhero Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2011
    I just thought when he said "thoughts, comments, and concerns" that he actually wanted to know thoughts, comments, and concerns.
  10. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2005
    I welcome comments and such

    In my real job (that does pay my bills) I work in the service business; for over 30 years now. If we don't get feedback, we don't what kind of job we're doing.
    I appreciate all comments, positive or negative. Just expect a response when I get a negative take on what I do. No harm in expressing an opinion though. Also no harm in a rebuttal as long as we keep it civil. My phone line is open all the time for anyone who has concerns about what I do.

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