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A word about Blue...

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Baylee Duckdog, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. Baylee Duckdog

    Baylee Duckdog Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 20, 2008
    Respectfully submitted ----

    It is a pleasure to watch a well-trained, in shape, hustling and enthusiastic man in blue work a baseball game. His pride in himself and his profession, as well as his love for the game shows through to players, fans, his peers and coaches. He knows the rules, knows and respects the game, has a smooth approach, and rules with a stern hand - but not a quick trigger.

    Is it that hard to be in position to make the call? Is it that hard to get a uniform that fits? Is it that hard to know the rules?

    As a former football official (18 years) I understand that there are "undesirables" in associations that you simply have to tolerate. There are ways to deal with them. But on a positive note - let's put a challenge out there for the boys in Blue.

    Here are some thoughts:

    • RECRUIT and TRAIN new guys
    • WORK to raise your image or create a new image
    • DON'T be a stereotype
    • HUSTLE Dangit!
    • If you need a paycheck that bad, go to WalMart and be a greeter (you can stand still and fake it for 8 hours)
    • RECOGNIZE it is NOT about YOU
    • Veterans -- check yourself -- are you one of "those guys"
    If you are an umpire - I hope you get mad at this message. Please share it with your peers. I hope you self-police. I hope you get in the grill of these guys that make you look bad and GET RID OF THEM!!!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE IT!

    Coaches - refuse to accept the guy that looks like a bad nightmare. COMPLAIN to the scheduling secretary. CLEAN UP THE GAME! It is time for a revolution!

    No one is perfect. Most normal folks can live with a bad call from time to time -- and I'll bet if you hustle and are in good position and make a definitive call you will find a lot of forgiveness, AND support.

    BUT, be out of position or don't move, show up the players and coaches with your attitude and arrogance, look like Homer Simpson, and you deserve everything you've earned.

    This summer has been the worst I've seen in years. (Sorry Stretchy --- you know you are the exception!)
  2. paidmydues

    paidmydues Full Access Member

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    Jan 31, 2011
    Another word about blue...

    First......wonderful, wonderful post.

    Second, my pet peeve is the umpire who obviously doesn't care. All his calls, mannerisms, and communications with coaches and players send this message. Blue, IF YOU DON;T FEEL GOOD......CALL IN SICK!!!!:flameme::flameme::flameme:

  3. jd2350

    jd2350 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2010
    AMEN brother.
  4. fish-ump

    fish-ump Member

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    Oct 3, 2008
    In response...

    Where did you see these out of shape, lazy umpires. Do you even know the rotations and what each umpire is supposed to be looking at according to how many runners are on base? Football is much simpler, as you have one zone of the field to watch with many more sets of eyes out there to help you.

    And as far as cleaning up the game....

    It is supposed to be showcase, not USSSA. Quit watering down the showcase circuit and get teams that belong there. There have only been a handful of teams that I have seen this summer that belong!
  5. Baylee Duckdog

    Baylee Duckdog Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 20, 2008
    Nerve Struck?

    Not intended to be a comparison between football and baseball - there is none (other than being in good physical shape).

    Regardless of showcase, USSSA, Perfect Game, God's Gift to Baseball or whatever tournament....when you (blue) step on the field you should give 100% regardless of who is who or what is what! That is part of the problem.... If you suggest a scaled pay system based on quality of baseball then your point may be on target - NOT.

    By the way, yes I know rotations and positioning. I know a plate ump should be relatively close to the catcher instead of on the grass (aka Softball) - these guys were working Firecracker @ Coastal --- embarrassing.

    Glad I struck a nerve --- that is progress.
  6. ASU86

    ASU86 Full Access Member

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    Jul 17, 2010
    Not going to put anyone's name out there as much as I would like to because I'm not going to go to his level.

    I will only say his last name begins with the letter---.

    I hope he reads this post as it has become obvious to everyone who has seen him call games this year during the HS season and Legion ball this summer he has placed himself well above the games and the kids playing the games he calls. From not shaking coaches hands at the plate before games, to making the catcher pick up balls laying at his feet between innings, or the constant don't challenge me about anything attitude or I will attack and embarrass you and hold it against you later in the game. I as a coach and parent have seen enough of this buffoon! None of the players or coaches I have spoke with have any respect for him. Somehow he continues to show up with his partner, a short guy who is very fair and professional, and think the game of baseball revolves around him.

    As a HS coach for the last 25 yrs I have witnessed good and bad officiating in all sports. I can speak for the majority of all the coaches I know with this statement, "We all can accept a bad call as long as we feel the official is giving an honest effort and can admit a mistake when one is made."

    I can also say no coach or player or fan should have to deal with A__ HOLES like --- when they are coaching or playing the games they love.

    Hopefully someone can pass this on to him as I'm sure the majority of the people who have witnessed his work know who I'm referring to.

    If he truly respects his chosen profession he will change his attitude.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2011
  7. paidmydues

    paidmydues Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 31, 2011
    ASU..I want to rephrase what you said........

    Mr. ASU86....you are all over it!!
    You said: "If he truly respects his chosen profession he will change his attitude.

    I say: "He will continue his attitude, so he should change his profession"......like NOW!!!!:biggthumpup::biggthumpup:...PLEASE,---
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2011
  8. Julieshubby

    Julieshubby Junior Member

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    Apr 3, 2011
    Attitude is one thing, not knowing the rules is another.

    I agree with the comments that the umps need to maintain a professional attitude and appearance. I have watched over 100 games this year and would say that the majority of the umpires are doing a good job. The ones that are just "getting a check" know who they are and so do we!

    The thing I have noticed that is totally unacceptable though is the lack of knowledge of the rules. How do you get paid to do a job that, in many cases has an effect on other peoples future, and not know have the basic knowlede of the rule book? There are countless examples of this problem. I saw a kid, in a SW4A game, lose his balance while squaring to bunt and to keep from falling he stepped across the plate. He had a foot on each side of the plate. The pitcher hit him square in the chest with the ball. The runner on first went to second AND the batter was awarded first for being hit by the pitch! In a recent Legion game a batter was well up in the box and then a big stride took his front foot out of the box. He fouled the pitch off. Sitting in the stands, I commented that the batter should be out for making contact while out of the box. During a rain delay the following inning the umpire approached me at the concession stand and explained the rule to me. He said the batter only has to have ONE foot IN the box when he makes contact with the ball. I politely disagreed (surprise!) and he said he had been umpiring for 10 years and he was correct. The following evening I parked next to two different umpires getting changed for their game. They were discussing a call that had been made in a game they had the night before. I asked them what the rule was on a batter making contact with the ball with one foot established out of the box. They BOTH said that the batter only has to have one foot in the box! Rule 6.06 states that the "batter is out if the ball is batted, fair or foul, with a foot or knee established outside the batters box." These are just a couple examples but it seems to be a growing problem. It seems that the umpire clinics are not spending enough time on the rules (they have only been in print for 167 years!) and too much time on how to "sell" a call.
  9. Baylee Duckdog

    Baylee Duckdog Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 20, 2008
    No excuse

    There is no excuse for not knowing the rules.

  10. A Non E Mous

    A Non E Mous Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2010
    I except your challenge. I share your sentiment. I love what I do and I bust my ass relative to the type of game I'm doing. I will assure you that if I'm working 5 showcase games in a day that I will pace myself and bust ass when I need to to be where I need to be.

    I agree with your observation of "checkgetters". I can't stand them but they are the albatross that makes up the majority of associations. I've been to clinics where people who profess to be "veterans" get up there and ramble on about BS for 2 hrs while the newbies sit there hanging on every word that comes out of his mouth. I choose to remain "A Non E Mous" because I think it's better for my career. Some on here know who I am and they can speak at their leisure to my work ethic, attitude, etc.

    Attitude....attitude is perception. I will tell you I don't take crap off of ANYBODY. It's not because I have a "bad attitude" and "it's all about me" it's because I don't need to. I handle situations as they are presented and listening to coaches/players pop off isn't going to fly. You chirp from the dugout and when I give you a look or reprimand you than I have a "bad attitude"? You yell at me across the field and show your ass and I reprimand you and possiby dump you and I have a "bad attitude"? I do high school because I love baseball but I hate doing high school because you're expected to pander to coaches and players who don't understand the game. You have to treat them with kid gloves because otherwise their feelings get hurt and they tattle to the principle or the state that so and so "yelled" at them and hurt their feelings. They don't tell the people that their players or they themselves acted like A holes and deserved everything they had coming.

    I understand that being an umpire puts you in a unique position as far as ridicule goes. I get all that. Some of the nonsense that goes on such as the crap in Cherryville is totally unacceptable I don't care who is umpiring.

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