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“The FINAL Roster’s are in and I have a question”

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by LegionBBFan, Jun 25, 2011.

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  1. t42

    t42 Junior Member

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    May 4, 2011
    Respect the game

    I agree with all you say ecept for one thing. A super dedicated person who is thye head of legion. Surely you COULD NOT be talking about a man from Hickory, If you are you don't know him like most people

    LKNVET Junior Member

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    Feb 23, 2011

    you are right "just because something is heard and passed on does not make it fact" But the "facts" here are not rocket science. Was the player released or not? And if "all" of the adults acted like adults in the first place we would not be talking about this now would we?
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  3. stonewall

    stonewall Junior Member

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    Jun 27, 2011
    Yep, take a breather.

    This will work out. Relax just a bit. The people in charge will get it fixed and we'll all move on. Ya can't be alittle bit pregnant and Ya can't be alittle bit Released. You are or you aren't. Let them fix it.
  4. mooresvillesupporter

    mooresvillesupporter Junior Member

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    Apr 24, 2008
    The rules for the people from West Virginia and those that don't know how to read

    First, the player from Rowan who was protested against played on the Rowan Roster before June 23. If he would have waited till the 23 of June to play or the deadline at that time, he could have been added to the roster and been legal.

    The person who was added to so called Team B roster did not participate for Team B until after the 23rd of June when he became a so called legal player because Team A did not put him on the roster. Team A called the kid and asked the kid if he wanted to be put on their roster. The kid told them know. They still had the right to include the kid on their roster to protect him. Once the kid was not put on their roster, he was considered eligible to play for the next closet team. That team he got a release. The next team, Team B, put him on the roster. This kid has to be 18 or 19 to be able too do this. If the kid is 17, the kid must be released from the nearest base school and can not be added to Team B's roster.

    A teams final roster is considered the Final cut. This kid expressed no interest in playing for Team A. Therefore, it was not like the kid just hid. He went several times to ask for his release. If Team A wanted him they should have been put on the final roster like they DID ONE KID WHO IS NOT PLAYING FOR THEM.

    Also, the team manager was called that day by the area commissioner about that player. Before the game started, he told the manager that the kid was legal to play along with one other player that they thought was closer to team A's base school.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  5. LegionBBFan

    LegionBBFan Junior Member

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    Jun 25, 2011

    All that has ever been asked for here is a "rule book quote." Does final roster day or any day for that matter change the "rules of relase" ??????/
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  6. TeamMom1

    TeamMom1 Junior Member

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    Jun 27, 2011
    U my friend are absolutely ignorant. If this is legal, then why has this not been happening on a regular basis for years and years. There is no possible way you believe this will stand up. I was told the kid in question was 17 years old now, not 18 or 19. I just want to know how Team B found out this player was not on roster before the deadline had passed. I have learned one thing over the last couple of days, and that is yall folks in Mooresville have a big problem, and I hate it for the established post that has fielded a team for nearly 40 years.

    I can promise one thing, if this ruling is not upheld, and the player ruled illegal, this will make one heck of a story in our local paper and I will personally see that it gets published. Baseball is one thing Rowan CO takes seriously and noone has forgot about that year our boys season was cut short for the same thing that is taking place right now in Mooresville!!!!
  7. Respectthegame

    Respectthegame Full Access Member

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    Jun 3, 2007
    In the national rulebook, under case section(near the back). This is the section I use because like Andy Griffith always said, "There is a time for plain talk" and that section doesn't throw in to much lawyer talk. Definition of cut reads as follows: 3. Players who have been cut (released) and transferred to the next nearest team. So to be "cut" you must be released. No mention of hanging out, not being added to a roster and then being a "free agent". Further clarification by book, Plan “B” allows your team the flexibility to change school combinations to recruit nearby players. It is important to note that teams can only recruit players who attend or live closest their base school. Players who live near another base school’s territory are required to try out for the nearest Legion team, and if cut, they may be transferred to the next closest team. I would not put a kid on my roster if he told me he didn't want to play with our team. It is tough to make a run in the playoffs without a full 18 players so not going to put down any maybe kids on the roster. Definitely, possible with less than 18 but takes the right chemistry and plenty of pitcher/position guys.

    Also from the book:
    Rule 4.D – Transfer Rule; 4.D.1; 4.D.2; 4.D.3; 4.D.4 Explanation: Following are key points to keep in mind when seeking a transfer:
    • The player must try-out for the nearest team in accordance with the rules. If a player fails to try-out, that player is not entitled to transfer to the next nearest team. Some coaches will release players without a tryout, but that is their decision. The rule is very clear.

    Final point from the book:
    Players who try-out for and fail to make the nearest team can request to transfer to the second closest team to the parents’ domicile. If cut again, that player may try-out for the third closest team, until such time the player is able to play for a team. The enrollment of the high school a player attends on March 31, shall be counted. In theory a player can be cut from a team in Maine and play for a team in Washington, however that player must obtain a release or transfer form from 5,400 other teams that are nearer. If a player fails to obtain a release (Transfer Form #76), that player shall be declared ineligible and all games in which that player participated shall be forfeited.

    Hope this helps with the request for black & white from the book. Looks pretty straight forward to me.
  8. Baseball

    Baseball Junior Member

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    Mar 12, 2009
    Truly Amazing

    "No".. thats the phrase that Team B's management does not understand. Everyone in Mooresville is scared of them.
  9. mooresvillesupporter

    mooresvillesupporter Junior Member

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    Apr 24, 2008
    Just following the rules

    First, the Team Manager called the state before he did this because he new that most ignorant people would not understand the rule book.

    The roster was published on Legion.Org. After the roster was put online, then the Team Manager added the player.

    The release from Team C was not necessary. However, that release was in hand.

    Just remember that the state has rules that are supplemental to the national rule book just like state law and federal law.

    I am sorry but we are trying to let as many kids play ball that is possible.

    People will turn in there roster on the final day just to keep kids from playing ball.

    So, the integrity part of this script, are you worried about kids playing legion ball or keeping kids from playing legion ball?

    Team A had a full roster. If they wanted the kid they should have put him on the roster. Again the kid is an 18 year old.

    The reason for the 40 years of play by Team A was because of three men. Whitey, Frank and John.

    Good luck.
  10. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

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    Nov 4, 2008
    I've read all this---

    and I would think that teams A thru whatever (no team in particular) would not be adding any players at such a late date. All legion teams have been playing for several weeks with whatever players they have & had to finalize their rosters on June 23rd. Right? If a player didn't make his teams final roster, I would say he's done, and if a player hasn't even been playing for anybody, I would say he's finished also.
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