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Area I Senior Scores June 26 till end of season

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by tools, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. GarnerPost232

    GarnerPost232 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2008
    In reference to north raleigh, they were disqualified yesterday because they played the season over enrollment. My understanding is that cary and raleigh post 1 chose to each forfeit one game of the doubleheader on friday and remain seeded as is.
  2. Coachrtp

    Coachrtp Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 26, 2011

    I am the head coach for Post 1 and this is correct. Raleigh Post 1 and Cary each forfeit a game and will enter playoffs at 100% strength. Post 1 would have had to win both games against Cary friday to take the top seed. Even attempting this would have left post 1 (who are not deep at P) in a bad spot entering the playoffs.
  3. Noregrets

    Noregrets Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 1, 2011
    Anyone know how much the North Raleigh Post 297 was over enrollment?
  4. Coachrtp

    Coachrtp Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 26, 2011

    I was told between 12-15
  5. Squee1

    Squee1 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 1, 2011
    WOW is this Fair??????

    From a concerned Post 71 parent, this seems very unfair. If I understand the playoffs system in Legion, Post 1 is going to play Post 71, I wonder how Post 71 coaches feel about this. They were completed with their conference games on June 26 in order to be playoff ready and had to play DH to due this. This would appear to be bending the rules in order to just be ready for this series. It would not have been bad if the outcome of the games would not have affected seating, but as the coach for Post 1 said these games could have affected seating.. Something smells in this mix. It would appear to me that a team that does not complete the regular season schedule prior to the cutoff date should not be play-off eligible. In this case it would effect both Cary Post 67 and Raleigh Post 1. If the games did not affect the seating then no harm in forfeit.
  6. Coachrtp

    Coachrtp Junior Member

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    Apr 26, 2011
    "Something smells in the mix?" - I am not sure why you would say that. I am pretty sure I explained exactly what we did and why.

    Since you are concerned I will explain in detail.

    The whole situation was a result of N.Raleigh being disqualified. Originally if Cary beat Durham on Wednesday, Cary would have locked the #1 seed and Raleigh and N. Raleigh would have to play a DH Thursday to determine who would be the #2 or #3 seed. If Post #1 won 1 of 2 games they would lock the #2 seed. Both coaches and the commissioner agreed if Cary beat Durham the Cary/Raleigh games would be cancelled.

    The day of the Cary Durham game (Wednesday) the commissioner notified myself (coach for raleigh post 1) that N. Raleigh was disqualified for the season. He then went over the scenarios if Cary beat Durham or Durham beat Cary. It was determined that Raleigh would have to play Cary only if Cary lost to Durham, otherwise the games would not affect the standings. Post 1 was then asked to play N.Raleigh on Thursday despite the game not counting on the record books - this was because a scout was looking at a kid from N. Raleigh. I agreed to play the game as long as Cary won and we didnt have to play Cary on Friday.

    I called the Cary coach before his game against Durham and updated him on what the commissioner told me. I told him if they win we will not play Friday - which is what we both wanted in order to be ready for the playoffs. The games scheduled for Friday were a make up from rain on Monday.

    After Cary won, he told his players they were not playing Friday. I also informed my players and cancelled the EW field rental. This was done based on our agreement which was based on the information the commissioner shared with me earlier.

    Unfortunately, the math was done incorrectly after N. Raleigh was disqualified. At 11:30 p.m. on Wednesday the Cary coach and I spoke on the phone after the commissioner emailed the Cary coach after he realized this mistake. I believe the commissioner had the incorrect win/loss results for Cary and N. Raleigh which led to the mistake. The Cary coach and I both discussed the possibilities and agreed that playing Friday would not be the best thing for our teams, and the best for Legion baseball. We both feel Legion baseball will be better served by both teams being able to represent their posts at full strength.

    We decided to call the commissioner on a conference call to discuss the options. If we were going to play on Friday, Raleigh was not going to play the N.Raleigh DH on Thursday as it would not count in the records. Also, Raleigh had already told it's players we were not playing on Friday and several players already made arrangements for the 4th of July. weekend. Raleigh would basically be going through the motions just to play the game, and that is if we had enough players. The commissioner wanted us to play but after hearing our situation he decided to leave it up to the coaches.

    Both myself and the coach for Cary decided to forfeit a game and get ready for the playoffs. Since both teams already told their kids we were not playing, both teams would have struggled just to get enough players for the 2 games anyway.

    I didn't feel the need to explain this in detail earlier, but since there is some issue with the decision I felt I would go ahead and explain to clarify the situation.

    Good Luck to everyone this post season.
  7. Squee1

    Squee1 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 1, 2011
    The whole smelly part of the deal is since everyone makes the playoff, maybe next year just quit playing a couple weeks before playoffs to get ready. I can't say I recall the last time a college team or even a legion team in Area 1 had the playoffs locked up that they cancelled conference games to be ready for playoffs. What is the value sent to your players. We will take second and get ready for playoffs, we dont want first. Anyway, I was just expressing my concern in order to protect the intergrity of American Legion Baseball and Area 1. I am sure the coaching staff at Post 71 will also have their guys playoff ready, and hopefully this is not allowed to happen in future seasons.
  8. Coachrtp

    Coachrtp Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 26, 2011

    Every team in your division makes the playoffs but not in our division. We have to earn a playoff spot. With N. Raleigh being disqualified Wednesday that allowed Durham to get into the playoffs, otherwise Durham was done for the season.
  9. Coachrtp

    Coachrtp Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 26, 2011
    Clayton - 7
    Raleigh post 1- 9

    Raleigh post 1 takes the first game in the best of 3. Ben Duncan pitched 8 innings for the win. Game 2 at SSS Monday at 7. Game 3 if needed is tuesday at east wake HS at 7pm
  10. Baseball Britt

    Baseball Britt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2008
    Wayne County 14
    Edenton 7

    Kinston 3
    Wilson 0

    Pitt Co 7
    Ahoskie 4

    New Bern forfeits to Rocky Mount in game 1 of round 1

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