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Southeast Regional

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by TDawg, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Ballfan

    Ballfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 7, 2010
    Why is it everytime Cherryville is brought up it has something to do with sportsmanship or a fight. Im not saying this was anybody's fault in particular but it gets old. Is Bobby Dale still coaching? To be such a legend maybe he should have his team on a tighter leash. Again not that this is their fault, but it seems sportsmanship is brought up more times than not wit that bunch.
  2. Ballfan

    Ballfan Full Access Member

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    Jul 7, 2010
    That's the truth.
  3. Ballfan

    Ballfan Full Access Member

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    Jul 7, 2010
    “Instead of pointing fingers as far as who was at fault, they kind of took the easy way out and told us we were both out of the tournament,” said Reynolds.

    Is that a joke? He honestly wanted is team to remain and the other kicked out. Why is this guy held on such a pedestal around te state?
  4. Flight105

    Flight105 Junior Member

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    Jul 3, 2011
    Ballfan, he wanted his team to remain and the other team kicked out because his team was the victim and not the instigator. Remember it was the other team's catcher who started this whole mess by maliciously throwing a ball at Mosteller and hitting him in the back as he was walking away. Mosteller could have been seriously injured - no one on here seems to realize that! Then when Drewery asked the catcher why he did that, the catcher physically attacked Drewery! That's why the Cherryville team reacted the way they did - they instinctively came to the aid of their teammates. When a teammate is physically attacked like that, you don't stop to think about the consequences, you instinctively react. That's human nature. Don't you think those GA boys would've reacted the same way if it had been the other way around? You bet they would've, and so would any other team that plays as a team.

    Now I readily grant you that rules are rules and the tournament officials had no choice but to disqualify both teams as per the rulebook. Very well - so be it. Sometimes you have to pay a price for taking a stand. This was one of those times, and I'm as proud of those boys as I would have been if this hadn't happened and they had gone on to win the tournament. And I couldn't care less what you or anyone else on this message board thinks about it.
  5. Respectthegame

    Respectthegame Full Access Member

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    Jun 3, 2007
    As silly as some fights are in pro ball, I couldn't agree more with what those boys did to defend their teammate. I would hate for that to happen to any team and would hope they would let the coaches handle it instead of jumping in, but can't blame them at all. When it gets down to where to rubber meets the road, those close knit relationships between players and coaches is why Legion baseball is special. It means a lot to know somebody has your back, and it always will. Not a Cherryville fan either.
  6. A Non E Mous

    A Non E Mous Full Access Member

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    May 25, 2010
    Flight 105...you may or may not be right but to portray Cherryvile as pure as the wind driven snow is humorous to me. I have it on good word that something was said before the catcher got ticked off and what most people fail to realize is that it's not always what you say but your tone of voice.

    By the way, let me know how that Legion Code of sportmanship is holding up
  7. Ballfan

    Ballfan Full Access Member

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    Jul 7, 2010
    That's my perspective is that the catcher didn't just do that out of frustration. And with all the problems you hear from Cherryville dealing with sportsmanship, it's probably safe to assume tey were not completely innocent. Either way, as another poster stated, this could have been prevented if these boys were in Church on Sunday as opposed to playing ball.
  8. Flight105

    Flight105 Junior Member

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    Jul 3, 2011
    I’m not portraying Cherryville as being as pure as the wind driven snow – not on purpose anyway. We most certainly are far from that and I’ll be the first one to admit it. Saints we ain’t. I did say in an earlier post that I didn’t think anything was said before the catcher lost it (based on what I saw in the video) but I admit I could be wrong about that. However, even if something was said, there is still no excuse for what the catcher did.

    As to the Code of Sportsmanship, it isn’t holding up – in a lot of places all over these United States, I’m sorry to say.
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I agree 100%. There are proven ways to retaliate to someone that shows you up (not saying that happened), but to throw a ball in your back?! No sir...a fight is on! And if no support, then respect is lost.

    I'll lose the war to win this battle, but if I don't win this battle, I'll lose the war anyway.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  10. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

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    Nov 4, 2008
    I noticed this year in a few of the legion games I attended that there was alot more trash-talking by some players than I can ever remember before. Not widespread, but a player or two off some teams that just ran their mouth constantly at the other team. Obviously this kind of behavior can escalate into potential trouble during a heated playoff game. Not saying that's the case here because I didn't see what happened, but sounds like maybe there was a close play at the plate, words were exchanged between both players, catcher was fed up & lost his cool & threw the ball at the runner. Then:

    All Hell Broke Loose!

    Shame, too. Cherryville was leading at the time & probadly was going to end up winning & continue on. I guess the cooler heads prevailed in this regional.

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