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Showcase Ball - Pros and Cons????

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by agaluknow, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. 33414boys

    33414boys Junior Member

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    Aug 5, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011
  2. ballsandstrikes

    ballsandstrikes Junior Member

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    Sep 14, 2011
    333414boys....WHY DO YOU SAY THAT????

    I did review my post. I only stated the facts. I stated no opinions, and everything I said is true.
    ...so why do you say I am not very informed. Or was your cheap shot all you could think to say. You should back up your retort, instead of just name calling:icon_bs::icon_bs::icon_bs::bsflag::bsflag::bsflag:
  3. MClements

    MClements Full Access Member

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    Nov 11, 2008
    ... Showcase Rosters

    I would have to say that if you consider that you could just purchase a roster spot for the Dirtbags, Panthers, Canes, etc... without having a talented ballplayer is disingenuous at best.

    I do not believe that you can state that as a 'fact' under any circumstances. Unless you have a better idea of what a 'fact' is.
  4. 33414boys

    33414boys Junior Member

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    Aug 5, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011
  5. ballsandstrikes

    ballsandstrikes Junior Member

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    Sep 14, 2011

    Last evening I was told who you are. So, like Stan Musial once said "I don't have the mental discipline to debate the unequipped." :music-smiley-004::music-smiley-004::music-smiley-004::music-smiley-004:

    But, keep posting; we all need the laugh.

  6. 33414boys

    33414boys Junior Member

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    Aug 5, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011

    FIELDOFDREAMS Junior Member

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    Nov 1, 2011

    I do not believe that you can state that as a 'fact' under any circumstances. Unless you have a better idea of what a 'fact' is.

    Balls and Strikes,

    I have been wanting to address you for quite some time. Are you related to INFIELDFLY AND PAIDMYDUES??? You responses are very similar to theirs....ARROGANT, CONDESCENDING, OPINIONATED, MISINFORMED. And we haven't heard from them in quite awhile. I agree with AGUYYOUKNOW, MCLEMENTS AND 33414BOYS. You do not seem to care for 33414BOYS. But AGUYYOUKNOW AND MCLEMENTS have more baseball knowledge than you could ever imagine. Do you know who they are too?

    You cannot say it is fact that the Panthers parents are the "happiest parents". Believe it or not there are happy parents on other showcase teams. And there are some unhappy past and present Panther parents too. It is obvious (from this and prior posts) that you love the Panthers and Don Hutchins. Good for YOU! I am glad that it is working for your family. You posted previously that you were speaking for "ALL PAST AND PRESENT PANTHER PARENTS....." - did all of the parents take a vote and nominate you as spokesperson?

    Have a wonderful day!!!

    Field of Dreams
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011
  8. JM15

    JM15 Moderator

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    May 11, 2003
    Old Cary, NC
    I've coached and played both.

    Fact is, there's no answer as to which is better. Depends on where you live, who you know, who your teammates are, where you want to go in college, etc., etc., etc.

    Showcase has pro's... Play in big events on college campuses, play with future DI stars and potential draft picks, play against the top competition around most of the time.
    Con's are it is becoming extremely watered down, there are tons of teams now. Not much difference between "showcase" and "travel" teams. Just because you play on a showcase team and play on DI campuses doesn't make you a DI ballplayer.
    Legion has pro's... Team unity, play for the Men and Women who served this country, play for your community, play with the friends you grew up with. Much more team oriented.
    Con's... weak in some area's of the state due to showcase/summer league influences. Not as "flashy" as showcase ball.

    Bottom line is if you can play, you can play and you will be seen. You are the player you are no matter if you're in the sandlot or in the spotlight.
  9. 33414boys

    33414boys Junior Member

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    Aug 5, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011
  10. Post15fan

    Post15fan Full Access Member

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    Aug 10, 2009
    "Ballsandstrikes" has difficulty differentiating FACT from OPINION.

    If BallsandStrikes is excited because his/her son, or someone he/she knows got selected for a team, and had a good experience, and liked the price tag. Go ahead....Carry the banner. :20_3_5:

    However, be careful about insulting other programs and making assumptions about parents, their knowledge of baseball, their son's abilities, or their choice of showcase organizations.

    You know what happens when you assume, right? And also what they say about opinions, right? Well, your posts lately are full of both.

    A few weeks ago you were asking what a "2-way player" was in baseball. This tells me that you are new to baseball. May be you deserve some slack. But your posts come across very harsh and opinionated.

    Some of the people you insulted are parents of more than one excellent "2-way" D1 talent-level players. They are also fine young men of high moral fiber and work ethic and are team players in the highest sense. Their parents, I'm sure are largely responsible for shaping their character. Therefore they deserve all of our respect.

    So, really, they don't need your approval, or your opinion, and weren't really seeking to debate with you. I'm sure they were just tired of reading your propaganda and felt the need to point it out.

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