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Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Gman13'sdad, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. Gman13'sdad

    Gman13'sdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2003
    apex n.c.
    I know I'm old and long in the tooth with my son's high school and college playin' days behind him. I do have my DD's college softball to look forward to but, (don't tell anybody on the "other" board) it ain't the same!

    I keep seeing teams of 12, 13, 14 year olds called "showcase" teams. What, or more importantly who, are they showcasing for? Are there middle school coaches or scouts, with little "gun gardens" bunched up behind the backstops at tournaments?

    Showcase should be not what you play, but who you play in front of. If they don't have a U (university) or C (college) on them somewhere, or dress a little funny (scouts) you're just playin' travelball.

    I miss the days when the teams played AAU and there were no more than 12-16 teams in the whole state in each age group for 10's thru 14's. Those were some pretty damn good teams back then. Every team my son played with, or against, had players eventually reach the college or pro level.

    Guys, don't let it get like softball... too many teams, too little talent, too much daddyball and too many people trying to make a buck off of false hopes and dreams.
  2. justadad

    justadad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 5, 2010
    made me laugh...it is funny and true 13 certainly isnt showcase. Also, have been to dozens of "showcase" events for 15-18 year olds that there is no body to "showcase" to. it has been a definite and often conversation starter among parents in the stands wondering if any coaches will show up. Like them or not Impact around here seems to be the best at getting on college campuses to play and getting coaches there to watch.
  3. Spartan23Fan

    Spartan23Fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 13, 2010
    couldn't agree more

    Showcase is not what it use to be to is for sure. When you are playing 1 game at the big campus and 3 at a high school who is taking a look at the kids. It is a money making thing for some organizations and if a parent has the money his kid can play no matter what his talent level. I have seen to many kids that will not play beyond high school and because they are on a showcase team their parents think they will go to the next level. When my son was 5, I thought how great it would be to see him play high school baseball. He is entering year 3 of high school ball and it has been a blast watching him compete. He wants to continue playing after high school and I hope that dream is realized for him. But, he has 2 more years left of high school ball and I am looking forward to enjoying that with him
  4. Gman13'sdad

    Gman13'sdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2003
    apex n.c.
    Spart, enjoy! it goes fast
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Amen brother!!! What a treat to have Gman drive thru
  6. go3

    go3 Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2009
    Too late. The statement above sums up EXACTLY what I saw this past summer
  7. Blue-is-True

    Blue-is-True Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 30, 2009
    showcase ditty

    Showcase is fun and totally cool,
    But don’t be tricked and be a fool.
    Winnin’ is great and braggin’ is too,
    But money’s a big reason they’re interested in you.

    Coaches love the kids, and that never wanes,
    Doesn’t really matter, Dirtbags or Canes.
    They say” boy, you can play college ball”
    “All we need is a check, that’s all”.

    Ol’ Don down in Charlotte does it for free,
    But he’s a rare bird, you don’t often see.
    So bring your spikes and a big wad of cash,
    Soon you’ll star at the “U”, and make a big splash.

    There are flights to catch and rooms to rent,
    Draining my savings, soon it’s all spent.
    They say Perfect Game is the place to go,
    Travel down south and put on a show.

    All are good people, and nary a sinner,
    There’s nothing wrong with being a winner.
    Anglers, Panthers & the Cubs are champs, too,
    Just don’t forget to bring your wallet with you.

    Congrats to the winners, they’ve done it well,
    What’s after Showcase, only time will tell.
    The world’s a changin’ place and there is no doubt,
    The game is much more than “three strikes, y’er out”.
  8. Gman13'sdad

    Gman13'sdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2003
    apex n.c.

    Now I do still believe that showcase ball is the way to go to be seen for rising juniors and seniors. But, a kid has to be with one of the few programs that actually put thier players in front of the coaches and scouts.

    On the otherhand, those programs have to maintain a talent level that those coaches and scouts want to see. That's where the rub is when too many teams/organizations start popping up.

    If I could be the "Showcase Czar", I would have teams like the 'Bags, Panthers, Cubs and 'Canes get together once a month during the summer/fall seasons and beat on each other. Each team would "host" a weekend at a college facility, say ECU, UNC, UNC-G and Charlotte. These teams would play other tournaments the rest of the month with the goal of being prepared to go kick ass at the WWB's. These "regional" monthly events would be a chance for coaches in those areas to get an extra look at players and the players would get the benefit of knowing they are showcasing thier talents against top competition

    If a new team wanted to join the party they would have to prove themselves with, say, three top ten finishes at WWB events. They would then have to host at a new venue to expand the exposure.

    I used these four original teams because they were the "big dogs" when my son played, So don't anybody get their panties in a wad!
  9. Gman13'sdad

    Gman13'sdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2003
    apex n.c.
    Braves, I'm always lurking in the shadows!
  10. Tri9Fan

    Tri9Fan Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 12, 2011
    The big clubs are also guilty...

    Some of the better known clubs also have a B team. You pay the big bucks just like everybody else but end up playing your tournament games at a rinky dink high school field while the A team plays at the college stadium. Guess where the college recruiters go? There are promises that you can move up to the A team if you prove you can play at that level. But it doesn't take that long to realize that they dont' "drop" the A team guys even if they are already signed.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2012

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