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Sunday mornings...

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by catcoach, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    OK, so I'm excited about HS season starting Monday, and baseball is great, and... all that other stuff.
    But I was passing a few minutes on the Board and came across a few different posts - some older - and it kindled a question in me that I have wanted to ask before, but never have.

    Simply, why is it that travel/showcase has to play/start/tryout/do (whatever) on Sunday before 1:00?

    Yes, I am posing this as a question that has a faith-based (religious - though I don't prefer the word) "lean". I just know Little League doesn't do it, HS doesn't do it - and PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong - but college and pro levels don't schedule that way.

    And, yes, I realize that as a Christian (with ties to the Judaism my faith is related too) that an original, true sabbath is Saturday - and EVERYBODY plays on Saturdays at ALL times. I'm just admitting I'm not being all-inclusive here, focusing on "Sunday protestants". I'm just making a case from my perspective - the only one I can have -but without intended offense. [Side note: ABC News (secular) and Barna Research (Christian)both poll that ~83 % of Americans say they are Christian. Most of which, TRADITIONALLY (grandma and grandpa) attend church services on Sunday morning.]

    I'm just concerned that so many kids and their families opt out of church to participate in a sport (and I realize baseball isn't alone), and often times this continues for years. I know each person has choices to make, and I'm not trying to judge any individuals as to when they go to church, or how often, or if they choose to never do so. I am just curious as to why the "governing organizations" don't seem to allow for traditional Sunday morning church attendance in their scheduling. [Another side note; Most of those I have dealt with who are involved in travel/showcase express to me that they are Christians. That's just in my personal converations with them, as I often do try to, "work Christ into conversations with new acquaintances."] As for parents of kids playing, I have heard quite a few say things like," well it's not what we prefer, but it's the only way to play the stuff."

    And look, before you focus on the number of games that have to be squeezed in on limited fields in just 2 days' time when playing, address first the tryouts early on that occur weeks before play, that are often held on Sundays at 10:00 or 11:00. Why can't at least those be at 1:00 or 2:00?

    I'm just posing a question and looking for rationale.
    I know because it touches "religion" that it may be volatile, but I'm willing to take any shots to create a discorse.

    In the end, I love the site, love the discussions, and I love all of you - at least in theory. Be kind if you can...:square:
  2. Stretchy

    Stretchy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 29, 2007
    Let's stop and get gas and a biscuit before going to church

    Probably for the same reason ANYTHING starts before 1:00 on Sunday!
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I agree. I have found it a bit disconcerting. But, I was relieved to find many of the "big" events offer a "christian" service nearby (and sometimes at the field) for those inclined to attend.

    I believe if more people spoke up and demanded a change of schedule or to provide a "service" at or near the field then it would happen.

    But in this political climate would you be expected to provide other religious services? Or do you just provide service to the religious majority? I dunno Coach. It's a tough question.
  4. eastof95

    eastof95 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2011
    I agree; My Sunday mornings are when I hope to be able....

    My Sunday mornings are when I hope to be getting a little............................................shut eye!!
  5. Mudcat

    Mudcat gone

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    It is up to the organization conducting the tournament when they start. If the organization professes to be Christian, but schedules games before 1 on Sunday just so they can get home a few hours earlier on Sunday night, maybe they need to spend a little more time with their preacher.
  6. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006
    Unconventional Settings

    Give me his email address and I'll send him the showcase schedule. Just kiddin' but seriously in the minor leagues the preacher came right into the locker room to give a devotional. It was a good thing except when some of the players were praying for hits. I thought that was a little over the top.
  7. coachevans26

    coachevans26 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 3, 2003
    When I coached showcase in the past, we did Sunday Morning Devotions for those interested. You know it is up to the tournament directors and sponsors, etc.... In July it is easier to have earlygames... cooler...
  8. catcher10

    catcher10 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 19, 2006
    It all evens out, the other team's pitcher was praying for outs!
  9. beaverfever

    beaverfever Junior Member

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    Apr 20, 2009
    I have coached "travel" baseball 6-7 years, but not the last couple. My son started when he was 9. Sunday mornings were always a problem for my team as parents wanted their kids in church instead of a devotion at the field which a parent graciously volunteered to do for not only our team but anyone around who wanted to listen. My concern is this- would we rather our kids at least act as if they are listening to a devotion or sit at church- mad because their parents made them come to church instead? I always wondered what was going thru the kids head that went to church while we played with 9 - sometimes 8. It's a very tough question. I will go out on a limb here though about travel ball- it has become "watered down" with rec teams because "lil johnny" wants to be on a travel team. I witnessed many teams that were very weak. Many years ago AAU was the elite baseball- then the travel thing blossomed into a great money maker for a few people. Kudos to those who envisioned the opportunity of capitalizing on kids baseball and softball to get rich, because the main organization- USSSA has seen men's softball die out and have made a fortune off travel ball because parents want lil johnny to be cool and play travel ball. Seemd like every tournament we went to it was the same as rec ball- parents yelling at the umps and kids at the top of their voices. No difference just different opponents.
  10. bamabound

    bamabound Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 15, 2012
    Rob. Co.
    Maybe to give a couple hours driving time before showcase/tryout, then a couple of hours for the actual showcase/tryout and then a couple hours to drive back home before it gets dark/late.

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