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Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Schaefer, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Schaefer

    Schaefer Full Access Member

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    Mar 2, 2008
    I hope this subject brings out the passion. Let’s see the temperature on NC Showcase Baseball, Legion Baseball and now World Scout League.

    How many of you burnt out on the “SHOWCASE” baseball format?

    I’m lobbying to change the definition of “SHOWCASE BASEBALL” to; watered down non-baseball or self serving baseball.

    Opinion: I think we have done the game and the kids who play in the summer and fall an injustice. I don’t expect everyone to agree but I’m thinking more are tired of not only the term, name or format that “SHOWCASE” represents.

    : For awhile there has been no better option. I say that with no disrespect to the Legion programs around the state. Unfortunately, the baseball landscape has Legion baseball as the place where the better talent plays their last summer before going to college.

    : Why is "SHOWCASE" baseball not being played the same way high school, college or professional baseball is played?

    : What is the purpose of the game if it isn’t being played the way it was meant to be played?

    Question: Why is it that everyone wants to go play in the WWBA events in East Cobb, Jupiter and recently the “must be in” Fire Cracker Classic at Coastal every summer?
    My answer: those are tournaments where real baseball is played…not “SHOWCASE” baseball. It is where college recruiters and MLB scouts go to see if the kids can actually play the game that they will be playing at the next levels.

    As an organization (www.ecpbaseball.com), we are changing direction and playing the majority of our summer schedule in tournament format events and the World Scout League coming this summer. We feel this is the best direction to go in for our kids and summer baseball. We are confident the WSL will bring the players in our organization even greater exposure and better prepare them for the game at the next level. The number of power house organizations from across the country that have joined the league insures our kids play against highest levels of competition.

    The link below is a 20 question interview with Matt Bomiesl, Founder of Prospect Wire (www.prospectwire.com) and the World Scout League. The interview brings insight to the WSL and why Matt went down this road. It is a very good read.

    I understand certain NC organizations and teams not being sure about jumping into a league format immediately. It is change, and not everyone is willing to step out of their comfort zones. Especially when a league mandates rosters and requires wins throughout the summer to seed into a true national event. It’s even tougher for those who load up rosters with players who never played with them before just for one event. With the WSL you have to play your hand.

    Let’s play for a NC Division Championship and National Championship. No different than High Schools play for a conference and state titles. No different than colleges playing for a conference and national titles. No different than MLB playing for division, league and World Championships.

    I want to see our kids playing the real game of baseball all year round.

    Fire away boys!


    Jeff Schaefer
    Co-Founder, Champions Baseball Academy
    East Coast Prospects
    Owner, Virginia Sports Complex
    Regional Director, USA Baseball NTIS Team Mid Atlantic
    [email protected]
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2012
  2. Stretchlon

    Stretchlon Stars

    Likes Received:
    Nov 15, 2006
    Rocky Mount
    Long overdue

    This was advocated 4 years ago in NC but nobody would listen!
  3. DirtyMoBaseball

    DirtyMoBaseball Full Access Member

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    Apr 3, 2007
    I had no issue with the showcase system for my son. He was not a pro or even mid level D1 prospect, but a pretty good D2 player. Most showcase events placed him with players fairly even abilities with him. This new format looks to be for the elite of the elite and will be a great place for them to show their talent. I only hope that there will still be a competitive place for those with enough talent for D2 to have a place to play. My son played legion after his sr year and plans to play again this summer. Legion and fall ball does not have the talent that most showcase events have, so that is not the best option.
  4. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    Do I have this correct?

    WSL = AAA
    Showcase = AA
    Legion = A
    High School = Rookie

    Sound about right?:victoryg:

    Now stepping away from my cynicism...
    For what you're proposing, it actually sounds great for the "best of the best" and to truly renew the aspects of "playing the game" that 3 participatory innings of grip and rip/chuck and duck to light up the guns has deleniated. So kind of both an 'ata boy' and 'aw shucks' here. It just ain't the good ole days anymore... and they might not have been that good anyway. Hope and Change! Well, change anyway. I hope it works out to the benefit of many players lives.:biggthumpup:

    (I can't imagine life without SMILIES now!)
  5. Pride9

    Pride9 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 20, 2011
    No disrespect but how can a first year league with very few organizations signed up in the Carolinas be considered the best of the best or AAA compared to the alternatives? I am all for a "league" setting where you are playing for something with a set rosterr but I am not so sure that it will be populated with the best prospects at this point.
  6. Prepster

    Prepster Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Charlotte (formerly)
    This is very interesting, Schaef. It would be hard not to support an organization that seems genuine in its aim to restore some integrity to the summer and fall baseball scene.

    I went to the organization's site to try to get a sense of the other early participants; but, I couldn't seem to find a link for that. Can you give us a feel for other well established programs like yours that have committed to the new league; both nationally and closer to home?

    Thanks... and best of luck with the new direction!
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2012
  7. Pride9

    Pride9 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 20, 2011
  8. Charliedelta24

    Charliedelta24 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 11, 2012
    I am sorry folks but as a scout i am American legion all the way you play baseball like it is supposed to be played every night 9 innings, major league rules, big crowds, you actually see the pure baseball player in legion games .You are not watching a bunch of hyped up players from some organization that you have to pay to play.
  9. Schaefer

    Schaefer Full Access Member

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    Mar 2, 2008
    I'm happy to see the different comments and opinions. It shows the passion NC baseball people have for what they feel is best. The bottom line is about what is best for the kids and what each of us feel (the ones who care) best prepares them for the next level and life.

    Several NC organizations were invited to join the WSL. Yes, they may be consider some the better programs in the state. Don Hutchin's SC Panthers, Andy Partin's Dirt Bags, Ricky Keith's Cubs, Jason Harris' Heat, Scott Bankhead's Golden Spikes and us (East Coast Prospects). Bankhead, Harris and our crew jumped in immediately. Why? You guys look at the people heading up each of the organizations that jumped in and the ones who didn't. You can draw your own conclusions.

    Each one of the mentioned organizations had indepth conversations with Matt Bomeisl and have their own reasons for sitting out this year. The point is not whether those mentioned are in or not. The point is the ones who want to play the real baseball have committed to the league. Lead or follow? Pioneer something. Herder or sheep?

    CharlieDelta24, For what it is worth I repect your opinion. You beleive in Legion Baseball. If there were more that stood up for Legion baseball like you then it still might be a good alternative to showcase baseball. Good for you. As a scout I wish you would put your name on your posts. Scouts are considered authorities on the game. I understand not putting your name on the post if you are an associate scout.

    I am in 100% agreement with CharlieDelta24 when he says Legion plays real baseball. 9 inning games under MLB rules, with standings and championships. That is real baseball. I know the locals love their Legion Baseball but I would guess that another scout or college recruiter would be tough to find in that big crowd. Great concessions though. Choice of BBQ or a good hot dog!

    The beauty of TBR is we are I entitled to disagree. That is one of many reasons we all keep coming back. Heck, that "Legion vs. What Andy Partin and Impact stands for" post was great. You guys lit it up! That would have been a tough bar room discussion, somebody would have had to call the cops. So, I'm taking my TBR liberty and disagreeing with CharlieDelta24 on one point, that the better baseball players play legion. Certainly not before they graduate high school.

    Pride9, I'm not exactly sure how WSL qualified the teams. There is plenty information on all organizations out there. TBR is one of those informational sights that talk about top players and organizations. I will say this, when we were asked to join we were also asked who we felt were the top organizations in the state. Put egos and personalities aside and the answers were easy and obvious.

    I'm don't disagree with Pride9 when he says it doesn't appear the league will be populated with the best prospects in the state. The other two teams playing in the NC division may not be from NC in the first year. But take three of the top 6 NC organizations and put them in the league and that changes the landscape of the NC showcase environment.

    Whoever the other two organizations are that Matt puts in the NC division will be good. The talent pool will be populated, it just might not be with 100% NC kids in year one. What is important is a league that leads to something special. It is a vehicle that teaches the kids how to compete again. It is a format that gives purpose to that 4pm Sunday game when you are three hours from home. Nothing worse then to be playing the 4 pm game on Sunday with nothing on the line. The kids know it, parents know it, and the recruiters and scouts know it, so they leave early that day.

    As far as the league being only for the top NC organizations. The goal of the WSL is to have levels similar to what Catcoach laid out in his AAA,AA, A example but all under a league format. The game is always enjoyable if there is parity in talent. Nobody wants to roll into a tournament and get run ruled all weekend. For sure no real baseball people want to run rule every team they face in a weekend either. Put our boys in a dog fight every weekend and watch how they develop. What environment will the boys learn how to compete in game seven of the College World Series?

    I have to tell you guys this, I coached my first 10U team this past weekend in a Nations Baseball tourney. It was freaking awesome! The butterflies in my stomach and adrenalin was pumping. It felt no different then opening day in the big leagues. We played in the select bracket which the lowest level at that age. The bracket didn't matter, the players age didn't matter, what mattered was the game and the kids playing in it. REFRESHING! Those kids weren't playing for scouts or recruiters. They were just playing baseball and loving it.

    We get caught up in this stuff because we are passionate about the game. We love the game so we become a protective of it. We try to preserve its purity. We look to fight the non-baseball or selfserving people who found their way in. We call out egos, which we all have one. We like to expose the wannabe baseball people. We do our best for the next generation of passionate baseball people so they carry it forward. We look to create competitive environments for kids so they learn more than just the game.

    It would be great if everyone of baseball influence in NC, or any state for that matter, got along and were on the same page. That is never going to happen. The truth is half of us don't even like each other. I admit that this thread was to stir it up, find the temperature, get NC baseball people thinking, and to state that some of us were going to head outside the box because we think it is what is best for the kids and the game....bottom line.

    Jeff Schaefer
    Co-Founder, Champions Baseball Academy
    East Coast Prospects
    Owner, Virginia Sports Complex
    Regional Director, USA Baseball NTIS Team Mid Atlantic
    [email protected]
  10. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006
    Now I know

    So you're the scout that goes to American Legion games. I heard about you but I've never seen you and didn't believe it.

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