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NCHSAA Dumb Rules

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by SuicidalCoach, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. reporter

    reporter Full Access Member

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    Feb 6, 2003
    Yea they worry to much about things that don't matter and not enough about things that do.
    You can wear metal cleats and slid in to a girls ankle but that girls better not have an ear ring in. or a rubber braceleat on. STUPID!!!!!!
    Can't smear eye black or wear a ribbon. Yea those 2 are major problems STUPID!!!!!!!!!!
    Coaches can't sit outside on a bucket. That don't hurt a thing.
    I could go on forever about the nchsaa, month long dead periods, 24 game limits ect.

    The nchsaa don't have a clue what is good for our kids or what our kids want or need
  2. SuicidalCoach

    SuicidalCoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 1, 2008
    So who makes these rules? I know it's the "State", but is it one man or a board that recommends them. I looked online, and viewed who was on the Board and didn't see any "softball people". How can positive change take place in our sport?
  3. lylejohn

    lylejohn Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 1, 2004
    I saw an umpire go to a pitcher today about the optic yellow stitching on her glove. He just warned her about it for future use and did not make her change anything today. Her team was losing 15-1, so I am sure that it did not give her an advantage.
  4. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005
    Today the ump pick up a new-this-year Anderson bat to do his required pregame inspection. Upon feeling the customary minor ripples that all Rocket Tec alloy bats normally acquire, he made the comment "Its not bad enough to throw out yet, but this bat is probably pretty dead and should soon be replaced." We just laughed! In reality, this is quite normal for this type of bat and it's just beginning to get broken in. This bat should last for many more seasons. Here we have the governing body of softball telling umpires to inspect bats without giving them any training on how to correctly do the inspection, or even what constitutes a defective or worn out bat. At least this ump did do a good job of calling balls and strikes!
  5. rhughes18

    rhughes18 umpire

    Likes Received:
    May 27, 2009

    The NCHSAA follows strict NFHS rules with the exception of hair ribbons and eye black that is worn for purposes other then glare protection which are NCHSAA policy. The jewelry rule is a youth sports rule in most rule sets, but not all. As far as field conditions the umpires should walk the field before every contest and point out any hazards that cannot be fixed to the visiting team. (storm drains, irrigation ditches, holes in the fence, etc...). The recommended grass height is no taller then 6" inches, but there is not a rule requiring such. NFHS has a rules comittee that meets every year and votes on rule changes. I am not sure how the NCHSAA determines policy, but I would imagine they have a comittee also. Instead of complaining about the rules we should be teaching our children to respect the rules and abide by them. If you disagree with a rule then go through the proper channels and try to get the rule changed. Learning to respect rules and follow them is part of life. There is more to learn from playing sports then just the game. Remember playing HS sports is a privilige not a right.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2012
  6. PiedmontSB#6

    PiedmontSB#6 Senior Member

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    Mar 8, 2012

    Thanks for trying to explain some of the things on here. Question? Do umps that call HS also call MS too? We in the MS, in our conference adopted or agreeing to use the HS rules. So all the girls in MS could be ready for HS. Not having to worry about some crazy MS rule that's not in HS. We did say no metal spike shoes. The only thing. There are some MS conference that use 4 out fielders and so on. We wanted to get our MS on to the HS rule level. If there are other MS/conference out there that are not using HS rules. It may would benefit you to move to it. With so many girls playing TB, would cut down on confusing games.
  7. rhughes18

    rhughes18 umpire

    Likes Received:
    May 27, 2009
    Yes, some umpires officiate LL, MS, TB, HS and College.
  8. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2005
    Rules are rules

    I agree rules are rules. But just like the "strike zone" from one ump to the next, they are open to interpretation. LOL
    I teach all my kids to obey the rules. That doesn't mean I necessarily agree with them though.
    You have to admit, some rules are just plain stupid.
    What harm comes from a ribbon in a kids hair?
    You saw what happened with my pitcher this weekend.
    They are standing in front of projectiles every pitch.
    But a ribbon! Can't say I would agree with the rules committee on that one.

    FP SUPER Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2003
    Would love to see umpires walk the field before every contest instead of showing up 15 minutes prior to the game, check the bats and helmets and get started. I cannot remember the last time I saw an umpire walk the field prior to the game.
  10. rhughes18

    rhughes18 umpire

    Likes Received:
    May 27, 2009

    I agree that there are rules in place that defy reason, and put me as an umpire in a bad position when I have to enforce them. It does seem like the powers that be do not thoroughly think them through when the are enacted. Maybe if enough parents and coaches email the powers that be these rules or policies will change.

    Great game this weekend. Hope your pitcher is ok. It looked like she was shakin up a little.

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