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Week 6 - April 2-7

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by mincmi, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. PhillyDave

    PhillyDave Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 28, 2004

    My question is.................. where were the parents and why didn't they say something! I sure as hell would have!
  2. gopack49

    gopack49 Full Access Member

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    Oct 23, 2010
    I was in the booth and did not really get a feel for the parents' reaction but we were certainly talking about it up there. If it was my kid, with the future that Ryder has, I would either be having a heart to heart with the coach, or he'd be playing somewhere else next year. However, it was a truly wonderful performance by the young man!
  3. Low & Slow

    Low & Slow Full Access Member

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    Sep 25, 2008
    Try 200-225 when you add in pregame warmups and warmups between innings....
  4. WCLion

    WCLion Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2009
    Champion's Baseball Academy Spring Break Classic at EM

    Coach Koppe and his volunteers did it again over at Coach Dave Jones Field. East Mecklenburg really is a Field of Dreams. What an atmosphere they have created for the Champion Baseball Academy Spring Break Classic. Simply put, they treat everybody right. As a result, everyone, from the players and coaches, to the fans, the scouts, the umpires, the volunteers, and the kids, all have an absolute ball for 3 days. The field is simply immaculate, the food is the best around (try a Koppe Dog or a Wendell Burger and you'll see yourself), the VIP tent is unique, the competition top-notch, and the hospitality unparalleled anywhere. They do the little things to make sure you have fun at the Classic. That's what it really comes down to.

    As a well-respected College Coach remarked to the folks in the press box, "You guys have the perfect thing going over here. Don't change a thing. The timing is right. The field is beautiful. It allows the players to shine and you've got top flight teams and talent. Why would you want to play anywhere else but here.". Maybe that's why the Classic had so many scouts in attendance. I don't have the list, but they even had a special seating area for the scouts and I saw ACC schools, Major League Scouts, Divison 1, 2, and 3 Schols, and junior colleges all represented.

    Best of all the games once again lived up to the atmosphere. All I can say is Wow. Those boys can play some ball. New entry TC Roberson came down and showed why they conquered the western regional last year. They also saw the high level competition that we've grown accustomed to in the Charlotte area. Butler was the only undefeated team (the Bulldogs love this Showcase, having emerged as the only unbeaten team 2 years running). TC Roberson and Charlotte Catholic were awesome replacements for the Union County squads (why can't we all have the same spring break week). Hough showed off their talent, Independence their grit, East Meck their heart, and North Meck their togetherness (those Vikings are great teammates to one another). Each year I think this thing can't get better, and each year it does. Mother nature even loves the Classic, holding off the rains and blessing us with three days of perfect weather.

    At the center of it all is Coach Koppe and his staff and their volunteers. Thanks Coach.
  5. baseballlady

    baseballlady Full Access Member

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    Jan 3, 2012

    Shouldn't you add in any in-game attempted pickoff throws?

    Some here say "where were the parents"? I agree 100%. But I also say where was the kid? He has some responsibility to say to the coach that enough is enough. It is part of growing up to have the confidence to express an opinion to "authority". And if he did not know what was going on, then shame on him. And if the coach comes across as unapproachable to his players, then shame on him.

  6. batsandballs29

    batsandballs29 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 15, 2006
    As much as you would like to think the kid would say something, no competitor will ever ask to come out of a game. Many times they don't know how many pitches they've thrown and in the middle of a game may not have any soreness or tightness. Believe me, I have to make my pitchers come out when/if they get around the 100 pitch mark and they don't like it, but they do understand it. Kids don't want to come out of games and that competitive drive is a great quality to have. However, that drive has to be reigned in by the one in charge. Sounds like that didn't happen in this situation.
  7. Bulldogsbacker

    Bulldogsbacker Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 4, 2010
    Butler 7. Hopewell 1

    Butler completes sweep in CB/EM tourney by out scoring opposition 24-5. Malachi Hanes went 6 1/3 shutout giving up just 3 hits. Tommy Ollis and freshman Jordan Huntley paced Bulldogs with 2 hits each. Butler has won their last six games in this tournament. Thanks to EM for such a fine venue. I have not seen All tournament selections, but know the Bulldogs represented as a great TEAM in their efforts. Hopefully this will spark their play for the second half of games in the SW4A.
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Each year there is always a team that uses this tournament to propel their season. This year it appears to be Butler. Way to go guys!!!
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Nail on the head!!!!
  10. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    :trophy::clapclap: to the EM coaches, EM staff and all of the volunteers. They take great pride in doing this right.

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