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Quality of legion baseball going downhill?

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by emptybullpen, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. emptybullpen

    emptybullpen Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 13, 2012
    I have watched 6 different legion teams kick the ball around the field to the point one wonders what is the skill level of the teams. As a frame of reference I have seen some of the better Showcase teams and my conclusion is heading towards Legion is slipping badly. I know the legion players are, on avarage, older but they also are worser.
    Anyone else drawing same conclusions?

  2. justadad

    justadad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 5, 2010
    Here we go again................argh Its all baseball and its all good
    different strokes for diferent folks

    plenty of showcase payers paying HUGE $ in fees and travel that would make most Legion teams that cost $200 and play locally

    Let it rest
  3. justadad

    justadad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 5, 2010
    OOPS left off "NOT" in front of make
  4. Vet-17

    Vet-17 Middle Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011

    Interesting point, i believe you may be correct. Probably hundreds of boys in the area play showcase that would likely not make the legion team.

    Do i read that it cost $200 to play for your Legion team, just curious has i know they all differ?
  5. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    Actually some legion programs charge their players NOTHING to play, because they have such community support. It is what it is. Some players simply don't have the option to play legion because theres not a team in their area, other players opt for showcase for other reasons. Players that play a legion schedule night in and night out with their hometown buddies against other rival towns take memories that will last them a lifetime.

    Final 2 cent, as much as some like to get on message boards and stir up debates like this, truth is many players find time to play both (legion AND showcase) at some point during their teenage years. Because in the end, the boys just want to play ball,,,, somewhere,,,, anywhere. Its usually adults attempting to find debates in issues like this.

    Both legion and showcase have their pros and cons bottomline.
  6. Vet-17

    Vet-17 Middle Member

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    Feb 23, 2011

    right on, our son went the play both route. He is very much ready for a break. Playing fall Travel then high school and now half way thru legion is getting to be to much baseball. Can't believe i just wrote that, but you know these guys are going year round. Miss the day when they played football, basketball then baseball all summer...
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I don't believe it has fallen quality-wise. In fact, with the allowance of college players i could make an argument that it's better.

    However, I am going to say something that may rattle some fences. I have followed Legion baseball with interest the last ten years; and have followed equally the advent of showcase baseball.

    I STRONGLY believe if American Legion could put aside their biases towards showcase and move forward with the new generation (and think outside the box), they could become the elite amateur baseball avenue as they were before.

    I believe most players want to play Legion. There is nothing else better. It's real baseball for 9 innings being played with best friends and playing for a community. Because of the many games, players get to play multiple positions---something they love to do. Pitchers get to bat---something they love to do. And catchers get to pitch---something they love to do.

    The true elite showcase teams will always be there. They do a great job in what they accomplish. But there is a very distinct group of teams under that umbrella. For all of the other teams participating in travel ball---it's a waste of money!!!!

    And here is the part that saddens me. There are many great players on those "other" travel teams that would benefit more by playing Legion baseball. They don't understand...or maybe it's the parents that don't understand. If their goal is to "be seen" by scouts and that is the only reason they are playing showcase baseball, guess what? You can still do both and get the best of both worlds. Most recruiting is done in the fall, so play showcase in the fall. Leave your summer for Legion! I can promise you two things: If you have college talent and you want to play college baseball, you will play college baseball. If you play american legion baseball and most of your friends join you, you will have the most fun since......dang, I can't remember....playing baseball.

    American Legion could become the premiere baseball league in the summer, but they will have to make some changes, philosophically (tough thing to do), and maybe make some changes in leadership.
  8. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    Conclusion drawn.
    A review on superlatives is necessary.
  9. Respectthegame

    Respectthegame Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 3, 2007
    My first thought is let's play a seven game series against whichever showcase team you want to indirectly promote or that your boy plays. Would not be afraid even though we have recruiting rules & limitations on where we pull kids; however, this would not solve anything because there is always an excuse when the top tier players don't get the job done.....

    What was the common characteristic of the "surprise" teams that made a deep run in the high school playoffs???? The bulk of teams that I know in the west side of the high school bracket have a legion team that a lot of their players support. 4A west elite 8 teams ties to legion baseball. West Forsyth-yes, East Forsyth-yes, Davie Co-yes, Mt Tabor-yes, Hough-???would guess no, South Caldwell-yes, Mallard Crk-???once again would guess no, TC Roberson-???

    A few thoughts......never had a college coach tell me he had to teach a legion kid how to fit in a team environment. Legion is fun for the kids that want to dedicate to it. The amount of live game reps can't help but make them better. If u can play, they will find u. Kudos to doing both if u are dedicated. Legion in the summer & showcase/camps in the fall.

    Braves has it right, legion is its own worst enemy. Until the coaches & AD's stand together and demand what is right, we will continue to make the Jerry Springer Show seem all to familiar. The very short list of coaches that abuse a pitcher to win a "big game".......well they need to get a clue also. Tried to be honest and provide negative issues as well.

    No spellcheck Catcoach so take it easy on me. I already know my English teachers are not proud of me!!
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2012
  10. SoutherNo1

    SoutherNo1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 20, 2003
    You hit the nail on the head Braves.

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