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Lady Lightning Gold Program 2015 verbal commits

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by PGF NC, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. Rballer

    Rballer Junior Member

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    May 11, 2013
    I have no ax to grind with the coach, don't know him but obviously know the organization and the talent the team's possess.

    As a school teacher of children in the 7th - 8th grade age I can tell you I have taught hundreds to over a thousand students. I cannot think of ANY that I would say had the maturity and emotional stability to make such a life changing decision. Could there be an exception? possibly

    As a parent of 3, one a sophomore in college (who changed her mind several times of what she wanted to do and where) and one being recruited now - who still isn't quite sure where should would like to play and exactly what to study, and one in middle school. I can tell you with absolutely certainty that I would have never permitted any to make a commitment that young, regardless of their athletic talent and who was recruiting them.

    You can definitely blame a tb coach if he/she is pushing this agenda and is not strongly trying to dissuade this, you can definitely blame the parents for not truly looking out for the best interest of their kids, and without a doubt some blame is on the College Coaches who started this ridiculous vicious cycle.

    Bottom line, though is if the player is as truly gifted as it would appear to be pursued at 13/14 then there will be certainly many a fine school with a top athletic program that would welcome her with open arms when she is a late sophomore or junior.
  2. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

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    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC
    At no point did I ever trash a player so get your facts straight. I know that would be very hard for a person with your high morals & character. I did nothing more than merely point out the fact that a 14 year is has no business making this type of decision. Furthermore, it's even more ridiculous and completely irresponsible for a coach to be posting it on the internet. I understand the fact the some college coaches are coming around and trying to find girls at an early age but it doesn't make it right or even justify it and NEVER WILL. Based on the list of names you posted, I see there are many more irresponsible coaches such as yourself and this must by why you clearly feel justified. Just because others are doing it this must be the right thing to do huh? What an asinine thought process!!!!!

    The fact that you used "haters going to hate" clearly shows where your level of intellect is. As far as a "good ole boy network", I don't belong to one nor do I subscribe to any such thing. I will never hate the game of softball, only individuals that exploit it to profit themselves, push their own agenda(s), misguide parents and their children to champion their own cause for the wrong reason. If you have sheep that want to follow you, in time they will learn and understand the errors of their judgement

    Hey great softball guru, you never answered my question of how young is to young?????
  3. PGF NC

    PGF NC Banned From TBR

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    Feb 15, 2013
    Ok lets be clear about something. I AM NOT A FAN OF THE EARLY RECRUITING.
    I argue almost every day with a college coach and even had several conversation the week of this years convention. Bottom line until the NCAA does something, which probably wont happen for a while, this is the recruiting world we live in. In a non revenue sport, there is not enough eyes on it to protect the kids and families from the vultures of early recruiting.
    I totally understand maturing I have a 15 yr old baseball player that is trying to figure it out.
    This is the AROD rule. There is always a coach out there that will set the bar and offer something ridiculous and then all others have to follow in order to compete.
    There are lots of college coaches out there that try to wait but now with social media its hard to keep college coaches from trying to get a jump on the competition in order for them to compete.
    Early verbal is a risk on both ends. College coach quits or gets fired, player could be left out to dry to find another opportunity if the new coach does like her. Or player decides not to play college softball, get injured, or doesn't have the grades, now the college coach is scrambling to fill that spot.
    So I get it and educate my parents of the danger of it. But if college coaches continue to offer significant scholarship money to a HS freshman its hard to say no to it because there is ALWAYS someone out there that will say yes to the offer. I try to require my players to take at least 3 visits in order to make an educated decision. This gives them something to compare in order to discuss pros and cons.
    Us as TB coaches now have very little to do with the acceptance process other than give our opinion on what we know.
    I can tell you that when a kid in our program commits, they are given as much info on the situation as our group can gather and share. In this instant with our 2019, She made an amazing choice for her and her family, and I'm extremely happy for them.

    What bothers me about this whole thread, is that it was posted to recognize 34 players for their awesome achievement. And yet people on here use it to voice their opinion on something they don't agree with and then take pot shots at the TB coaches and program that opens many doors for players and families to change their lives for the better.

    So just say CONGRATS to these kids or start your own, "Hey listen to my negative opinion post"
    I'm sure you will find many people willing to read your that stuff.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
  4. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    as was stated before this, if she's that good, the offers will still be there when she is a sophomore or junior....maybe by then she will finally decide with some surety of which college she desires to attend or program she wants to be a part of....bottom line is: its about the education more than the game....isn't that the final goal? Or are we still of the mindset that says its always about softball? softball is just a vehicle to education....

    so congrats to these girls, no one has taken that away from you....you have all earned it..to the youngster, I hope you made the right choice at such an early age....
  5. Stanlysoftball

    Stanlysoftball Full Access Member

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    Feb 16, 2009
    Stanly County
    here are 2

    Likely one of the best LL players and one of the best in NC at the time. If I remember committed around her JR yr. Had UNC, NC ST and other major D1 on her list or her on their list. She chose Auburn. I guess she could have committed her Fresh yr but waited....

    Taylor Wike another good one. I think did the same around her Soph YR or summer of her JR yr. sometime around then. She waited.

    So if a FR wants to make a big decision like this. Corn himself said on this thread, coaches get fired or move, girls end up quiting or play VB or grades GPA dont work out. SO, thats the bigger chance a player is taking committing that early. I not a big fan of it.
  6. jacket97

    jacket97 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 13, 2015
  7. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

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    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    This post explains it all... Can she play?? Potential in the 8th grade does not guarantee success late in an athlete's recruitment. It also means more eyes will be on you, because presently nothing in the verbal is binding, and both parties can change their mind for no reason at all.

    What will guarantee success is a focus on education, which will create a pathway forward into life's journey. Softball will be there in some form if you choose it to be... It should come second every time.
  8. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC

    Well there you go, if you search long enough on the Internet you will find something more ridiculous than the last thing you read. At this point and regardless of what anyone else thinks, I truly believe this trend is wrong and those that are embarrassing it should think long and hard at what they are doing.

    Sad to see what some have done to this sport.
  9. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    these two events are just the tip of the iceberg......there are a lot of major things wrong with softball right now....most of it has to do with parents and other coaches choosing to just look the other way instead of stepping up and fighting......this is way off of the original subject, but honestly, 2016 must be a year where people just start putting their foot down and fight the people who must leave this sport.....just my opinion...based on facts
  10. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

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    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    I wonder.....

    We are all talking about the early recruiting aspects that go on, and understand it is " an arms race " at the top Division 1 level..

    I had one major D-1 coach tell me that he is recruiting and offering the best available athlete, not worrying about a specific defensive position, just best "potential"

    This would be good to know...

    Start tracking the early commits, see how many actually go to their first "committed" school, then see how many actually stay and make it through the 4-5 years within the program...

    I think we know the answer, just look at the transfers that happen every year..

    Merry Christmas ALL...

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