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Children making decisions

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by fastpitchdad1994, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    Dave, it used to be that we had so many members, I didn't have to chime in and give my two cents....everyone knows this board is quite dead due to other forms of social media....my opinion is my opinion, I didn't merge or preplan any form of attack with 1994....I have already given my opinion, and as 1994 states, im not the only one....some college coaches will not post on here, but I get emails sharing their opinion....

    I've never stopped corn from bragging on here, never stopped him or anyone else from posting about their players.

    but its interesting how someone who hasn't posted in two years jumps on this and he doesn't even have kids.....

    someone else just pointed out that your organization just posted a 2019 commitment also.....true? so you're just defending your organization also?

    posting my opinion isn't seizing control of the board...no one has been deleted, no comment left unprinted...I believe you just don't like the fact that in my opinion, its just plain wrong

    its only my opinion

    if you think you can moderate this forum better, please take the job....I'd gladly walk away
  2. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    interesting fact just presented to me....a D2 school had 20+ freshmen on its roster last year...this year, they only have 6 sophmores........this is a common occurrence as meeting boys or girls becomes a deciding factor for their immediate future or just the fact that they aren't cut out for college ball or college in general becomes apparent. so just so that you can look at it from the other side of the fence, 75% changed their minds after only one year, don't you think its possible that a 13/14 year old will change their mind when its four years away???? and if that possibility is great, why would you allow someone to commit before they really have their mind set?

    and if they don't follow through with that commitment, just what does that teach them?? that its ok to give your word and then break it??? if so, the hell with softball, make them a politician......

    Just curious.....
  3. swingaway

    swingaway Full Access Member

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    Oct 8, 2007

    Cheese - that is the point I tried to make to you. You want to judge all freshman and their early decision by how many finish their career at the college. I asked for a benchmark - how many juniors and seniors finish their career at the college?

    Again - you are supporting my argument. The test on a good / bad decision is not how many finish at a college, as external circumstances come into play to a large degree.

    If adulthood and age were the ultimate factors in good decisions, we would have no divorce!
  4. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC

    There are quite a few girls that go into their freshman year of college and never come back after Christmas break or at the end of their freshman year. I have seen it first hand for the past 3 years on teams across the board. I don't have any hard numbers to support it or back that up but all anyone would have to do is look on the internet and you can find it and see it for yourself. How can anyone really expect a girl at age 14 to makes a decision on what she is going to do 4 years down the road if they can't even make it 1 semester. The recruiting process is completely different than what it actually is once you get to the school. At that point, the courtship is over and all the real work begins that the child at age 14 didn't know anything at all about regardless of much you as a coach or parent told them about it. Just because a young girl meets a coach at camp doesn't mean she knows enough about them, their program & the school to a make a decision. It takes multiple of being around them, going to games without them knowing your there so you can see them in their element and no show is put on.

    I'll say it again, spin it which ever way you like, 14 is just to young. What is the real harm in waiting 2 years??? Is it because she might miss out on a power 5 conference????? From my prospective, that is what parents and or coaches are concerned with and about. The facts are this, only very few girls are going to play some type of pro ball so it SHOULD BE more about the education than playing softball in a power 5 conference but sadly enough it isn't
  5. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    swingaway, I wish I had the benchmark you are looking for, but I could only ask our resident college coach for that...CD ?????? any guess, any idea??

    sorry to antagonize, but I've know far too many college coaches who have left or been run off due to players not following through with commitments ...that's got to be frustrating for any coach
  6. swingaway

    swingaway Full Access Member

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    Oct 8, 2007

    Cut & paste from before - got it!
  7. fastpitchdad1994

    fastpitchdad1994 Where is the GURU???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2009
    Southeast NC
    Sure wish there was a "dislike" button
  8. swingaway

    swingaway Full Access Member

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    Oct 8, 2007

    You keep talking about the education - do you have a problem with the quality of education at the schools getting early commitments? Are the Power 5 schools providing poor education and worthless degrees? Non Power 5's in the Carolinas? Be real careful here, as a lot of parents have degrees from these schools.

    Most are picking schools with a broad range of majors and provide quality educations. And don't tell me a 14 year old doesn't know her major is a valid excuse, as the vast majority of 21 year olds don't either.

    Florida - got a 2019 commitment today. I know - crappy coach and crappy parents but, won't the girl get a quality education?
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
  9. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    hope so, quality school....wonder if she'll make it to her freshman year there??? will certainly track that.....
  10. Stanlysoftball

    Stanlysoftball Full Access Member

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    Feb 16, 2009
    Stanly County
    thats why

    My girl chose a D2, she went to the D1 camps and "Big" schools to see what was happening. Started going to D1 camps when she was 9. Coaches knew her by name when she walked in. Lot of politics involved at some of those schools. It did not take her and us parents long to read between the lines on some of these. So a D2 w 17 or 18 players and a coach that would set down and talk w us. Tell us this, this ,this...... What the coaches expects out of my girl. Yes, my girl got wow'ed by some of the light blue, red, orange, green... you can name the colors. And my girl might be one that will not last 4 yrs.... I pray she makes it... But she and we at least put sometime and effort into where she wanted to go.

    Yes, College ball will be different than HS or TB. Getting up at 5:30 on the field at 6:30 ..class by 8:30.... We went to a D1 camp and the coach asked the girls and parents if they had any questions. I asked the coach what a typical day at School_____ for a softball player was like? Coach was very forth right and told girls and parents to listen very carefully .... "Starts at 6:30 AM on the field or gym, cold or hot or rain or snow for work outs, then to class, then to afternoon work outs, back to class, team workouts in the evening, study hall home work ... Bed time light outs at 10:30, next day start over. Game days are almost like a break. Sound like boot camp? Well it is in a way. Some colleges are paying girls scholorship $$$ and expect hard work in return, period". this from the coach.... You should have seen some of the faces of those 14-16 yr old girls. Its not off to college and a fun time away from mom and dad and play a litte SB and then go to watch football and basketball and hanging out on _____ street after class. Thats why some one said some dont make past 1st semester. That why I believe college ball is all about $$$ and winning.....

    Yes I do believe that a 14 yr old should really ck out schools and get as much info as possible before they make these calls. Even 16s should be looking very hard as well.

    I dont know where this is heading, Fast pitch, NYtimes artical quoted the Memphis head coach said things need to slow down. But it won't. Not untill some one gets caught by NCAA or law suits or the GOV (heaven help us) gets involved. it always take an event of some type to slow things down or make changes.

    Just my 2 cents.... $500 million on Powerball today......

    almost 1600 looks at this thread, site is not that dead
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016

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