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Caldwell County Baseball

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Southern Gent, Jan 22, 2005.

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  1. Southern Gent

    Southern Gent Banned From TBR

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    Jan 9, 2005
    What happen to the threads on American Legion Baseball with the State Title Issue? What's the latest/
  2. JM15

    JM15 Moderator

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    May 11, 2003
    Old Cary, NC
    Got a little too heated and a little too personal for the public, I think.

    But I believe that when a decision is reached it will be all over the board.
  3. strikeoutking18

    strikeoutking18 Junior Member

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    Nov 10, 2004
    in summary..

    a compromise was offered to Caldwell County Post 29, but they decided against taking the compromise and the process has now come down to a final meeting with the State and Area Legion Commissionaires coming up in the next few weeks. at the meeting the final consequences will be handed down to the garner team for their illegal participant in last year's season. as above stated the board ruling will be all over the message boards.
  4. RaleighDevil

    RaleighDevil Banned From TBR

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    Jan 10, 2005
    Raleigh, where else.
    I don't understand why the Legion officials are "offering" Caldwell a "compromise." If there was a violation, the officials take action. If there wasn't one, the matter is dropped. What does the "complaining party" have to with it?

    It does not work that way in the legal system. This is not the equivalent of a mediation where the mediator, who does not have any power, tries to get two sides to come to an agreement. How can Legion officials decide that Caldwell has any authority to decide what the penalty, if any, should be? The Legion officials have the responsibility of rendering a judgment and administering any penalties if they are needed.

    It makes no sense and is beyond my understanding.
  5. strikeoutking18

    strikeoutking18 Junior Member

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    Nov 10, 2004
    reason for compromise...

    the situation is very sensitive as you can imagine...both to us Caldwell players, and to the legal players on the Garner team, as well as their supporters and fans...so a compromise was drawn out to see if the issue could be resolved without the outcome being completely by the legion officials and being pushed to the full extent based on the rule books...that way if the compromise seemed fitting to Caldwell, they would get some of the things they felt they deserved as well as garner wouldnt be punished to the full extent...
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2005
  6. RaleighDevil

    RaleighDevil Banned From TBR

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    Jan 10, 2005
    Raleigh, where else.
    I thought we weren't going to revisit this subject until the matter was resolved? Oh, well.:laugh1:

    Strikeoutking, remember this. Caldwell is not the only team involved. Garner beat us for the Area I title. We have a bone to pick. And how about the team that Garner beat out to get into the Area One West playoffs? Garner won a tiebreaker for the last spot. Without this player, Garner does not make the playoffs in all likelihood. He was not a scrub sitting in the dugout using a clipboard to chart pitches. Garner's pitching was the difference.

    Teams that don't abide by the rules have to pay a price. Legion officials should not attempt to sweep this under the rug. Aren't they role models?

    Notice that I have not said he was illegal. I am talking about what should be done in this type of situation.
  7. strikeoutking18

    strikeoutking18 Junior Member

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    Nov 10, 2004
    thats the reason....

    I believe that the fact this issue affects far more teams than us (caldwell)...is one of the main factors for forgoing the compromise as it was discovered that more than likely if we took the compromise other teams affected by Garner would step up and protest...I believe you're exactly right..and yes we are role-models..i know that especially here in caldwell the community and kids look up to us and follow us throughout the season....
  8. JM15

    JM15 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    May 11, 2003
    Old Cary, NC
    Can we give this topic a rest until there is a decision made?

    Last edited: Jan 23, 2005
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