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What is going on at Burns High

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by ilovefootball, Feb 20, 2005.

  1. bucktrap

    bucktrap Junior Member

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    Feb 21, 2005
    I heard from a couple people that the players left tryouts at 4:30 for this "night" class. The team evidently witnessed this. Either the class was at an earlier time or they left a tad sooner than they needed. At any rate I can see, by them leaving at that time to go to class, how the coach believed that would be the time they would leave each week. If it truly was a night class, they should have surely been able to complete tryouts and still made it to class. As for the character of these players, it has not been my intention to question thier integrity in any way. I know of both of these girls and have watched them play many times. Both appear to be excellent players and fine young ladies.

    FPSOFTBALL23 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 15, 2004
    You are correct. The pitcher left early on the first day of tryouts so she could drop the class with the knowledge that this would be the end of the class.
  3. bucktrap

    bucktrap Junior Member

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    Feb 21, 2005
    I wonder why the other player left? It seems that leaving practice early to drop the class still constitutes missing practice. I would think a phone call to the teacher after practice might have been more efficient. Missing tryouts is obviously a big deal. If the class was a night class, as you say, then she probably would have been better advised to finish practice then go and quit the class. In other words why did she have to leave practice at all if the class didn't conflict with "ball" time? I also would have made sure I told the coach that the class was no longer an issue. Hey but I'm old. I certainly didn't think of all the right things to do when I was that age. Still don't for that matter.
  4. softballchic2

    softballchic2 Junior Member

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    Feb 22, 2005

    As as Senior at Burns and a former softball player with these girls i know what a coach is looking for in a ball player. What a coach should look for is HEART and Skills when is comes to making cut. Heart is what these girls have! Iknow this because i also have heart for the game of softball but i cant play because i have an 8 month old baby. Heart is when you all you do is think about the game of softball....when at night you dream about it. The 2 girls that did not make the team , along with the girl who quit where the only 3 girls who i know that actually had softball in there heart and played for the love of softball. Why the coach cut the 2 girls i dont know. Her paper that she sent out stated that academics comes FIRST!!! taking a class and a college is also academics. The girl who quit is one of my best friends.....and i dont blame her for quiting. Can you believe the coach told her to get softball in her heart??? i cant because she is about the only one that does a i said. I know the coach may read this and she probably knows who i am but i want to tell her that her actions have caused these girls Senior year to be ruined. They way she has treated them is uncalled for. Burns needs to find a GOOD coach who will actually stay there for a while and give these softball players a chance. I am also a senior and the 4 years i have been there we have had 4 different coaches. Whats up with this? Oh wait i forgot that this is a Girls sport not a Boys....we dont get as much.
  5. k.hunt

    k.hunt Junior Member

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    Feb 22, 2005

    :huh: As a parent that loves each and every girl on the Burns High Team I cannot understand what has happended to this team. How in the world do you cut these girls they are not only wonderful people the are great players and have so much to add to this team now their senior year has been torn apart along with the rest of the team. I think that these coaches need to step back and punt with any team you need to show that you care about the team and every person on it that has not been the case at this school in many years. You have the best group in the county and are throwing it all away. Could the coach not have talked with these girls? This whole thing has broken my heart. To the Burns High Team, I Love you all and hope you some how can get past this. To the Seniors on and off the team I also Love you with all my heart, keep your heads up YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can also say, Every Senior Who has played Softball for Burns High Have More Heart for the game than any one can have.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2005
  6. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

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    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    ladies, i understand your frustration and believe me when i say this.......its going to be worked out and SHOULD have been settled back in June '04 if they would have offered Barry Latham the job!! :huh:
  7. bucktrap

    bucktrap Junior Member

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    Feb 21, 2005
    Only time will tell what has happened to this team. I remember a football coach at another Cleveland County school made some tough decisions with regards to several of his star football players. This happened two years ago and the results for the short term were devestating. They lost several straight games to start the season. Alot of folks were upset with him at that time. He stood on what he believed to be right for the overall, long term good of the program and certainly didn't base his opinions on message board banter. The end result was a much stronger discipline structure for his team and continued tremendous success. Nobody knows for sure what was said between the players and coach except the parties involved. One thing is for sure, whatever took place was strong enough to sway the coaches opinion of which players she needed to keep. This coach, like the previously mentioned football coach, has proven by her actions that she will also stand up for what she feels is right irregardless of what we on the outside would say and think.
  8. k.hunt

    k.hunt Junior Member

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    Feb 22, 2005
    My post is not directed to the Coach. I am not trying to sway her decision. But I will stand strong with the girls. I have a voice and know more about this team than most, I truly care about all the girls.
  9. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

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    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    experience is so important in coaching todays HS softball.......

    the principal there is a good man and should see from the success at Crest and Kings Mtn and the failure at Shelby High, that they are at a turningpoint!!
  10. bucktrap

    bucktrap Junior Member

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    Feb 21, 2005
    All great coaches were first year coaches once.

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