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What is going on at Burns High

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by ilovefootball, Feb 20, 2005.


    HIGHCHEESE4 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 12, 2005
    All great coaches.........

    Your right all were first year coaches. But how many of the "great" ones were assistants to good coaches or even assistants to bad ones and learned from the mistakes they saw. I agree with rules and standards...you can't break for the star or for the final player chosen. I also believe in finding out what is going on with your athletes before making a decision. Like.."why did ya'll leave early, and is this going to be an every week thing" Then you make your decision. I also believe in second chances, especially for young folks. If they made a mistake and come to the coach to make ammends then give them another chance. After all, we as adults are there for the kids.........they are not there for us. I just think a coach can be too ridged. YOUR CUT........YOU LEFT EARLY.......NO QUESTIONS.........not that this is the case but if it is then there is nothing to commend about that. That sounds like a stand of I'll show them. Like others have said though.....no one really knows the story but the 3 initially involved. Sounds like an unfortunant situation that can be resolved with a little common sense. :laugh1: :laugh1: :xyzthumbs
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2005

    FPSOFTBALL23 Full Access Member

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    Oct 15, 2004
    I am not sure you can compare this situation with a football coaches choices several years ago. There may have been other reasons other than a class that was the problem there. I think some of these post are missing the point. When these 2 girls found out that the class would be a conflict, one dropped the class all together the first day of tryouts and the other let it be known that the class would not conflict, that the class came second to softball. No missed practice, no missed games,etc. That is my understanding at least. Now if the one dropped the class then it is not a problem anymore and if the other said softball first then the class is not a problem anymore. There was no special treatment needed for these 2 players because the class was a non issue after the first day of tryouts. Like I have said before I do not know everything else that was said or any other circumstances that would cause the coach to make this decision but I don't think a class that was a non issue after the first day of tryouts should have been the only reason.
  3. bucktrap

    bucktrap Junior Member

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    Feb 21, 2005
    My understanding is that neither player "let it be known" that the class was not a problem to the head coach. Both players walked off the practice field during tryouts and failed to even acknowledge to the head coach why they were leaving. There are numerous witnesses to this fact. As I have said before, the coach had to make her decision based on what the facts she had at the time. Communication is the key issue here. I think the players could have communicated better and possibly even the coach. There has to be some responsibility on the player's part to tell the coach, as opposed to just "letting it be known". Also, why even enroll in the class in the first place, knowing of at least the potential of conflict once the season started? I'm also a little curious as to one other thing. I, along with others on this board ,have referred to these players as "star" players. I have to admit, while I have seen them play numerous times, I actually don't know thier stats and info all that well. Can anyone post stats from last year? Finally let me state again that I've enjoyed the "conversation" on this issue. I'm impressed by everyone's softball IQ and acknowledge the emotions involved.

    FPSOFTBALL23 Full Access Member

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    Oct 15, 2004
    Well it is my understanding that the coach did know that the pitcher did drop the class and that the classes would not be a problem.

    As far as stats I can only speak for her last summer as she played on my 16U travel team. I don't have the exact stats in front of me but She threw 1 no-hitter and 1 perfect game in the AAU State Championships, her batting average was around .450 for the summer. Her ERA was below 2.00 and she won around
    80% of her games. If she lost it was because she lost a 1-0, 2-1 game. She is a tremendous competitor and has tremendous heart. Throws the ball around 60 MPH. As far as her H.S conference I don't know a lot of the pitchers there but I do know that Crest has a good lefty, Of course K.M. has Mo Childers who definitely is the best in that conference. Not sure what FTF and St. Stevens has back but I can't imagine that there are any better pitchers than her beside Childers. She is in the top 3 easy in that conference.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2005
  5. EnkaJet04

    EnkaJet04 Full Access Member

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    Mar 5, 2003

    You sound close to this situation. I guess my question is this? If communication is the problem on both sides, then is there no room for conversation to maybe find resolution to this problem? I know that if the players are off the team then you might say thats resolution in itself. But, if there is truly a communication problem, can not the players and or coach sit down to resolve this one on one and not through this board nor through other avenues? I have found it best to go sit down and find out what the issues are and if there is anything that can be done to satisfy both the coach and players. I know the coach has to be the one calling the shots and I doubt if anybody here questions nor disputes that but if information was not correctly presented to her then maybe if they sat down then this could be taken care of now. Just a thought :xyzthumbs
  6. CanAmMan

    CanAmMan Full Access Member

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    Apr 15, 2003
    Childer's ain't no good!!!!! She throws like a girl!!!!! My granddaughter could get a hit off of her and she ain't but 3 months old!!!!!!!! [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    FPSOFTBALL23 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 15, 2004
    Great post Enkajet04!!! :applause:
  8. EnkaJet04

    EnkaJet04 Full Access Member

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    Mar 5, 2003

    Thanks FP, I really do think if they would sit down then it could be worked out.

    I want to say something else on this thread off the topic. I see that most of the people that are responding to this thread joined this week. WELCOME. But, please join in and try to contribute to the whole softball forum not just this one thread. Let us know what you know and what you would like to see out here. I have made many friends and have learned a lot just by joining TBR almost 2 years ago. I know how easy it is to get heated over these things but if cooler heads prevail then maybe everything will work out the way it was meant to be. :xyzthumbs

    HIGHCHEESE4 Junior Member

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    Feb 12, 2005
    Sit Down and Talk...and Bucktrap

    Don't let this get out of hand. It is getting ready to from my understanding if certain parties go through with what they plan on doing. Sounds like a bunch of miscommunication to me. Yes Bucktrap you can blame the girls and they do have a responsibility and they are seniors. They should know better if what you've heard is true. BUT they are still KIDS. They make mistakes, they don't think, they just go and do without slowing down to say wait a minute this might not be a good idea. The adult needs to take charge here. I'm not blaming the coach but the coach is the adult and the situation can be resolved if the proper avenue is taken. Thats why they call it a second chance because of a mistake, appologizing to the team, possibly some type of punishment. But the situation needs to be handled before any more damage is done to that team. This type of situation will tear a team apart, especially young ladies. As far as the "STAR" players reference....both would be in most coaches lineups.:laugh1: :laugh1:
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2005
  10. bucktrap

    bucktrap Junior Member

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    Feb 21, 2005
    Highcheese, I agree totally with the statement about them being kids. They certainly are. In a previous post, I all but acknowledged that fact and admitted when I was thier age, I might have acted in a similar fashion. I'm sorry if I sound as though I'm casting blame. I understand how my posts may come across that way. Let me try again. I don't blame the players for making mistakes. Mistakes happen. They are a part of life. My contention is, however, that a mistake was made either in course scheduling or communication. The coach was forced to make a simple but gutwrenching decision based on the information she had at that point in time. Based on ALL she knew, she made the best chioce that she possibly could. Had she had better or different information, her decision may have been different. Nothing would please me more than to be able to go back in time and make both girls and the coach talk more about the situation prior to the cuts. The coach would then possibly have better or different information and the decision may have been altogether different. Finally, you are again correct about the coach being the adult here. There are however other adults involved. They are the parents. I'm sure they were consulted prior to enrolling in the class. If the players missed the possible conflicts with games and practice, maybe the parents should have picked up on it. I hope and pray this all works out without getting uglier. I'm not optimistic that it will. Sorry again if I sounded overly critical towards the kids. Definitely not my intention.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2005

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