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Diaries of a High School Coach

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, May 26, 2003.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Thought it might:D
  2. DodgerBlues

    DodgerBlues Full Access Member

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    Jan 9, 2003
    :bump: In case you missed it two years ago. Coach Mennitt is one of the all time good guys in the coaching business.
  3. baseballmom34

    baseballmom34 Full Access Member

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    Feb 8, 2005
    Dear Coach Mennitt:

    Have you ever felt that High School Baseball would be better off if the parents stayed at home. In my observations parents are setting terrible examples for their child athletes. They seem to revel in starting discord where none previously existed. If Johnny's not starting the game it's because Dave's parents are sucking up to the coach, throwing their money around, etc. Talent never seems to enter the equation. There seems to be some unwritten rule that because Johnny is a senior that he should start over the talented sophomore or Junior. I was told that I was a "suck up" because I like to attend practices. The way I figure it, my sons has three years of high school left, fast approaching two. I am going to soak up as much of his high school days as I can, plus I truly love sports! I applaude your views on the items you have addressed thus far. As a parent, I thank you, for how you have influenced the athletes that you shape daily into not only fine baseball players, but fine young men. Therein lies your reason to continue! Good luck in your new position.
  4. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003
    You bet!

    Baseball Mom second those thoughts THIS unfortunately is the case NOT everywhere but at many many schools hint hint :thud:
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Bump for Coach Mennitt....he is still learning his computer, so I told him to ask his 5 yo (Sam) how to do it :D Just kidding Coach...Welcome back
  6. mark mennitt

    mark mennitt Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 26, 2003

    I believe and understand much of what you say. My son just started t-ball and when I get the chance, I soak up all the joy of seeing him compete and most of all have fun. I personally don't mind parents at practice, I want them to know what their boys are doing. Coaches must always have the TEAM and it's well being to at the fore front of his priorities. Sometimes parents have "blinders" on and can't handle the "truth". I recall my first year at Independence, 11 years ago, I had to make a decision to start two sophomores in front of two seniors. Our problems were compounded by starting the year 1-8. I began to question my ability to coach and had to do some "soul searching" . The story did have a happy ending with both of those sophomores signing division 1 scholarships and our team going on a 12 game win streak. We ended up going to the 3rd round of the playoffs, losing to the eventual State Champion Providence Panthers coached by Gary Smith.
    By the way Braves my computer skills are getting better and one day Bill Gates better watch out.
  7. DodgerBlues

    DodgerBlues Full Access Member

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    Jan 9, 2003
    Coach -- It was great to see you again yesterday. You're looking good. I was impressed with the way your team competed. No, they weren't perfect and they were clearly outmanned, but they played with passion and found a way to compete. Sorry today's games got rained out. It would have been fun to see your guys against a lot of your former players.

    I'm glad you're doing well. We miss seeing you around here, though.

    It was also great to see a lot of fine young coaches on the field at the same time (I mean the really young ones) before your game. Aaron Hammers, Mac Winget and Toby Bicknell were all out there catching up with one another. It is fantastic that we are getting such fine young men into teaching and coaching -- it is a credit to you and several others who are setting such a good example.
  8. mark mennitt

    mark mennitt Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 26, 2003

    Thank you for your kind words and genuine love for the game. I will always respect and be grateful for people like you who spend countless hours to help young people. Best wishes to you and your fine son.
  9. oldguycoach

    oldguycoach Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Feb 17, 2003
    north carolina
    Old School versus New School Coaching Theory

    undefined :umno: I am, as my name suggests an "Old School" Coach who has both played with and coached with some very fine astute players and coaches. One rule of baseball that was a constant was "Never run into the first or third out at Third Base". (this of course would be stretching a double into an out at third or trying to steal third with no outs or two outs. It seems that most H.S. Coaches have now replaced this old school rule with steal third anytime so it increases your ability to score on errors or past balls, wild pitches, sac flies etc. The only problem with this is that it is the easiest base to be thrown out stealing since the catchers throw is only 90 feet. Which school do you perfer in your coaching, and if you could expound on your answer, I would appreciate it. :229031_ha
  10. mark mennitt

    mark mennitt Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 26, 2003

    You may be talking to the wrong coach here. My teams will run and steal bases at any time in the game given the "odds and opportunity". Sometimes I admit we may run ourselves out of innings but sometimes you have to let your "gut" takeover. I also feel you have to know your players well enough to get the job done on the bases. Sometimes you have to play percentage baseball and let your team pick you up. Back to the point, and you said it, there are many more ways to score from third than second.

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