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N.C. Legion Tournament (1st Round)

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by TROCK, Jul 30, 2005.

  1. homerun4

    homerun4 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 24, 2003
    north carolina
    I really enjoyed watching the state tournament this weekend some really good players in this tournament Just wish the Lexington/Shelby game had not ended like it did. I think the grounds crew lacked a little bit, why did they wait so long to atttempt working on the field ? Great crowd and plenty to eat at this tournament Legion is still the best baseball but needs some changes to keep it the best.
  2. 9nine9

    9nine9 Full Access Member

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    May 19, 2005
    Lexington, NC
    Lexington does it again. I cannot believe this. Lexington wins 10-7. Gutsy performances by 15 year old Clay Watson, Timothy Peele and Daniel Sechrest. These guys were bend but don't break all night. Lexington has tomorrow off and Andrew Morton on the mound Wednesday. Number 2 Zack White will also be available since he only threw 76 pitches in the rain shortened affair last night.
  3. UK7Dook3

    UK7Dook3 Full Access Member

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    Apr 6, 2005
    Just a quickie before I retire. Just got in from C-ville. I can't stop smiling. We're living the dream. I realize that Shelby & Caldwell & Cherryville have multiple titles between them, but to be in the finals is a first for Lexington. Heck, Lex has never even won a game in the finals. We don't know how to act & can't explain how it has happened.

    I want to give major props to East Randolph. We had everything going for us tonight since they had to play earlier today. Fatigue & available pitching was a factor. ER is a quality team who (like us) has overachieved. Our kids have become friends with their players. I really hope for their sake they make it back to the title game.
  4. hituwithapitch

    hituwithapitch Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 2, 2005
    'THE EYE OF THE TIGER ' HAS A TEAR IN IT!!! TIP YOU HAT AGAIN!!:lalala: :blah: :ylsuper: :satana: :agreed:
  5. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    GO LEXY GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    .....just to let you know that all of us in Area III South are hoping you bring home the state title....

    :woohoo: :bananalam :satana: :dancing_d :pepper: :94poopban :cucumber: :SmokinBan :smilejap: :butt: :banana: :silly2: :xyzthumbs :victoryg: :woot:
  6. UK7Dook3

    UK7Dook3 Full Access Member

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    Apr 6, 2005
    Getting ready to head back to Cherryville to watch tonight's action (finals of the Loser Bracket). A couple of thoughts:

    --Lexington is the Rodney Dangerfield of this tournament. Since I don't wear anything that identifies me as a Lexington fan, I have eavesdropped on several conversations of a few fans & even some opposing players who diss Lex's team. The Pitt players walked by as we warmed up last night & several just pointed our direction & laughed. 2 Cherryville players called us a "joke". Several Shelby fans told me to my face that we didn't deserve to be in the winner's bracket.

    --I actually understand where they are coming from. I mean, this team defies all baseball logic. Lex was 4-20 one year ago. We finished 5th in our League this year. The kid who previously was our #2 pitcher had ACL surgery 3 weeks ago. Our shortstop, catcher, present #2 & #3 pitchers were all FRESHMEN this past season. Our 1st baseman was a SOPHOMORE. We have only 1 college player. Our right fielder, ace & closer had not played an inning of baseball since last June. Lex is not tall or fast or super-athletic. They don't have a reputation or fat Showcase/AAU resumes. You won't find anyone on our roster listed on Impact Baseball's website. No flash--no sparkle--not very intimidating--awkward mechanics....but they keep on finding a way to win.

    --Lexington managed to win last night against East Randolph without using their ace in relief. So Andrew Morton will be fully rested & ready to take the ball Wednesday. He is 12-0 on the season. Mort also had 2 no-decisions due to late game errors that extended games into extra innings. Pitt County has several pitchers who are far more polished & throw it 5 mph faster...But I have learned to never bet against Mort. This kid's heart is as big as the moon.

    --If Mort does slip, rising sophomore Zach White will pitch game 2. Zach threw 76 pitches in the 5 inning rain shortened game against Shelby Sunday evening. He said his arm felt 100% yesterday, so he will be rested too. Zach has a bright future. Sunday he was clocked by a college scout cruising at 84 & topping at 87. Once he fully masters his changeup, this kid (a lefty) will be D1 matierial.

    --No matter how the games turn out Wednesday evening, we are living the dream. Who would have ever 'thunk it'???
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2005
  7. DiamondSiS4life

    DiamondSiS4life Junior Member

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    Aug 1, 2005
    WS, NC
    You are very much right, this Post 8 team IS living the dream of their life...Having been around over half these guys during the spring season, I know just how much heart this one team holds...After every game this past weekend I was getting updates from Zach White...he would tell me that no matter what, these guys held high heads and stuck together as a TEAM...I guess being the sister of 2 players and Twizzler*giver to another i REALLY want this team to shine Wed afternoon...Maybe my positive mesgs to Tyler are helping out...who knows...T*Mac, you were right when you said, "Nobody feels like he's better than another." There is no I in TEAM and these guys have shown that time and time again...Wednesday night nothing can keep me from watching Post 8 baseball...Good luck guys and y'all deserve this!!!
  8. SUMO

    SUMO Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 18, 2003
    From parts unkown
    You are correct

    Cherryville has done a good job with the tournament this year. Someone questioned the parking but I have been to Caldwell and the parking is no better up there. Nobody was whining when shelby was the host team and they got into the southeast regionals ?????? Shelby does have the best parking for this type of tournament. As for the tournament area three has been shining and played better than the rest so far. But for little old Cherryville the fun of putting out two of the biggest rivals is hard to put into words. Beating those two teams was worth the price of admission alone for the tournament. YOu could see the noose tightening around the fans necks in the crowd as the scores got closer and closer in these last two games. So if the crowd could feel the pressure you know that the players and coaches had to be feeling some of the pressure.............. what fantastic comebacks by post 100.......... so in closing just take what you get and quit WHINING Good LUCK post 100 ( just need four more come from behind wins to pull it out ) :rotflmao: :detonate: :fight: :whoopass:
  9. 9nine9

    9nine9 Full Access Member

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    May 19, 2005
    Lexington, NC
    To me personally, there are 3 factors to Post 8's success this season.

    1) Team Chemistry - How many teams around have one, let alone two guys that move into the area and assume starting roles. Nobody even knew who Derek Swilley and Brandon Clodfelter were 2 1/2 months ago. Nice pickups to say the least.
    They have two seasoned leaders. Tyler McKenzie and Andrew Morton have been to the brink and back for Post 8. They are priceless.
    From my perspective, these guys really do love each other. I've seen countless Legion teams over the years that start to grate on each other's nerves after about a month. I see no signs of that with this group. They are genually having a blast.
    Also some of the other guys are starting to tap their potential. Daniel Kassouf, Zack Roach and Josh Bush are much better baseball players than they were in the spring.
    There are so many analogies here - pieces of a puzzle coming together, different parts of a machine working collectively to perform a job that just the sum of the parts couldn't imagine doing etc. etc.....

    2) Coaching - I can't say enough about these 3 guys, but I'll try.

    Coach Stone - The new guy. I helped to coach this guy in high school and he worked as hard as any player I've been around to achieve his goals. He has that college baseball player mentality that rubs off on these impressionable kids.

    Coach Shoaf - Known him since we were 12 years old. One of the fiercest competitors I have ever been around, but also one of the funniest people I know. Kids love him because he is fiery and funny as heck at the same time. He expects everyone to compete the way he did - with reckless abandon. He's one of those guys that is mad as a hornet if you beat him at anything.

    Coach Griff - The mastermind. This guy can flat out coach. Whether he realizes it or not, he has been preparing for this moment since the time he picked up his first ball. He's been a quiet leader ever since I've known him (16 years if my math is correct). He's always been a coach, even when he was a player - if that makes any sense. He keeps his cool under fire, while maintaining his drive for excellence, better than any person I've been around. He may be young (29), but he is an old soul. Old school, if you will. No one player is above the team and absolutely no one is bigger than the game. He teaches the game the way it was meant to be played. You play your butt off regardless of the score or outcome, you never disrepect your opponent and you never, ever disrespect the game. Mark my words, if this guy coaches baseball for 20-25 years he will be a legend in this state. I promise.

    3) The Stars Must Be Aligned - The whole "Lippard's Last Stand" thing comes in to play here. Its been well documented that ole Lip is stepping down after 21 years of being - in Coach Griff's words "The man that makes it all happen." Aside from that, Lexington has also been very fortunate during this run. Rowan gets disqualified, Nick DeRose (Winston's best player in my opinion) gets sick during that series, the Shelby rain shortened game - the list goes on and on. I know alot of times you make your own breaks, but dang.

    Maybe it all ends here, maybe it doesn't. But this season has been "magical". Something that the coaches, players, legion officials, Lip and the fans will never forget. Good luck tomorrow guys - and thanks for the ride. I know, I for one, will be there to see it - I wouldn't miss it for the world.
  10. Intimidator Coach

    Intimidator Coach Premium Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    WTG Lexington....

    Good Luck !!!!

    btw.. in the pick um thread.. i chose Lexington...
    Other than Lexington regular fans.. I guess Tj and Myself might be the only others who believe in them.

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