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Caldwell Legion

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by FROZEN ROPES, Sep 27, 2005.



    Likes Received:
    Aug 18, 2005
    Heard there may be a shake up in Caldwell's Legion program next year.

    Anyone got any information...
  2. Rock N Fire

    Rock N Fire Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 21, 2005

    Recently, I heard that Watauga baseball coach Hardee will be taking over....is this true?
  3. FutureCoach

    FutureCoach Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 28, 2005

    I am pretty close to this program and to the coaches.From what I have heard there may be a coaching change next year.I don't know the exact reasoning behind this or who the next coach may be.But yes I have heard that there will be some changes being made!
  4. Banks

    Banks Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 28, 2005
    The information you have gotten on the coaching situation for Caldwell Post 29 is false. Manager Gary Hamby will be back for Post 29. People are obviously starting rumors. Why would there be a coaching change, coach Hamby has a record of 73-16 over the last 2 years. He has won back to back division and area 4 championships not to mention 3 state championships in his nine seasons of coaching Post 29. Coach Hamby has played for the state championship 4 times in those nine years. His record as Post 29 manager is 283-106. Whenever there is a coaching change in Caldwell County it will be when Manager Gary Hamby decides to walk away. This past year I had the oppurtinity to coach with Coach Hamby and Post 29 many people do not realize what a fine job coach Hamby does with this program. Post 29 is by far the finest legion program in the state of North Carolina.
  5. gismo11

    gismo11 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 28, 2005
    Really Inside

    I would like to give some real inside information to you as a wife of the coach.
    There is no shake-up or major changes going on with Post 29.
    The coaches and atlhetic officer are busy working hard on 2006 already.

    They are looking at offers from tournaments in Las Vegas and in Deland, Florida for the 2006 season.

    Also the games will be at MS Deal Stadium. they are not moving.

    I can promise you that those at the helm of this program are as hard working and dedicated group you will ever see. They love their players too.

    The expectations are very high for this program and it takes working at it 12 months a year. Not just the summer months.

    The great success of this program (especially under the current staff) is what creates a great deal of the expectations. This staff has a record of 283 wins and 106 losses over 9 seasons of coaching. That includes 4 state championship appearances in 9 years, winning 3 of them. Also in that period playing for the Area 4 title 6 times in 9 seasons.

    The 283-106 winning percentage is the best in North Carolina for current coaches in American Legion and tops that of Cherryville, Shelby and Rowan.

    Coach Hamby's personal winning percentage is higher than that of Coach Reynolds, Coach Grayson or Coach Gantt by over 40 percentage points.

    The last two season have been particularly successful with 73 wins and 16 losses, winning 2 straight Area 4 trophies, 2 straight Western Division trophies and a State Runner-up trophy.....5 trophies while Cherrryville, Shelby or Rowan have one none in those two years.

    Caldwell, is like most teams, they are human and can't win the state championship every year, but they have always gotten the team to the doorstep of a state championship every year, while in those years their main rivals would sometimes lose in the first or second round.

    Personally, I want to thank the great fans of Caldwell county for their part in making Post 29 a model program and the envy of so many.
  6. TBA

    TBA Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 11, 2005

    This is the silly season, you know when someone not happy from the previous season gets rumors started.

    I have no first hand information, but I would be shocked if Coach Hamby did not return next year. He has continued to put together a competitive team year after year.
  7. LegionIsBest

    LegionIsBest Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 27, 2004
    Caldwell County
    Silly is the Right Word

    It"s remarkable how so few seem to recognize what a great and consistant program Caldwell Post 29 is. Many of us do and appreciate it.
    In an earlier post it was called a model program and that hits the nail on the head. 99% of the teams in North Carolina would kill for the record of Post 29 and the consistancy. Year in and year out we know we are going to be in the hunt for a state title.
    The level of winning baseball played by Post 29 has no teams above it. It could be argued that some programs are it's equal, but no one can honestly say there is a better program in this state.
    Folks that success just ain't happening for no reason.
    Sure we were all disappointed the team played poorly in the State Tournament, but that's baseball. Pitt County looked like a million bucks in winning the State and then looked like they had never played the game when they got to the regionals losing two straight. Everyone who has played for a sports team or pulled for a sports team has seen their team stumble at the worse possible time. Thats sports and thats life. It happens. Who knows why? Only God is who. Check with Bobby Cox and Joe Torre on that fact cause they been there done that.
    We need to apppreciate the fact we have a Legion team whose name is talked about all over the state and beyond as one of the great programs.
    The fact is we cannot afford to lose our dedicated coaching staff. So guys Please "say it ain't so". See ya in May 2006...I pray.

    God Bless
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2005
  8. Red Bear

    Red Bear Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2005
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    You would hope that we could at least wait til Legion season before rumors start up..sheesh. People get hurt when rumors start flying


    Likes Received:
    Aug 18, 2005
    Didn't start it...

    Didn't start the rumor, it actually got started right after the state tournament, and was kind of blown off, but lately it has seemed to pop up quite frequent. I thought if it was addressed on "The Board", maybe true colors would surface, and then it could be put bed.

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