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Drinking and Baseball do not mix!

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by hittingthemlong, Feb 22, 2006.

  1. hittingthemlong

    hittingthemlong Junior Member

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    Feb 22, 2006
    I wanted to know if someone had heard about three players from Campbell University that got caught by the police for under age drinking. I heard that they still got to stay on the team? I just think that is not setting a very good example of a program.

    M. Vick from V. Tech had to turn in his uniform for kicking a player but you can drink under-age. That is weird
  2. bball1

    bball1 Banned From TBR

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    Sep 30, 2005
    Haven't heard about the situation you mention, but from what I know of Campbell they are 1ST CLASS. It is a very touchy situation when players are "accused" . Unless they have already pleaded guilty or had their day in court...then I say PLAY ON, after all we are in America (innocent until proven guilty) Often we are too quick to judge without all the information.
  3. 02^04Mom

    02^04Mom Member

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    Aug 14, 2003

    Many schools will not say why a player is gone or under supension other than violation of team rules. Any insider knows the reason, but doesn't necessarily post it.

    Some colleges have a no drinking rule, if caught, you are gone, others supension.

    I think most High Schools should and do have tougher rules to deal with drinking/drugs.

    I do not like the "accused" of, but if caught by the police/resource officer/teacher the HS player should be banned for the year.

    I know it happened when mine were in HS, couple guys were caught at a football game, and were not allowed to participate that year even though they were seniors.

    I truely hate it for the players involved, but it also empowers all the other players in that they have an "excuse" not to drink. Peer pressure is alive and well. But when a player can say, no it's not worth it, I would be kicked off the team, and the rest of the student body knows this to be the truth, it gives the player his out.
  4. rcbbfan

    rcbbfan Full Access Member

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    Jan 8, 2003
    Salisbury, NC
    Underage drinking is a really sad and difficult thing for college coaches to be straddled with, but they handle it, and they do it far more frequently than most would believe. The way they deal with it varies almost in as many ways as there are colleges. Like most other diciplinary actions they deal with, the good ones do it on a situational basis and they do it discreately. The stigma of being accused...or caught, as the case may be...can be one that will last for a long time. If you have a son or daughter in HS that has the good sense to not drink, you should be very thankful, but, remember....as someone has eluded to....peer pressure can be a very powerful for a kid...away from home, on their own for the first time...to have to deal with. Especially when most aren't really emotionally mature enough to be the odd ball in the group.

    The whole underage drinking problem is a very emotional (not to mention political) black eye in our society. Everybody has an opinion on it...I know I do...and I'll bet every coach does as well. I'll also bet it plays a role in how they deal with it, in as much as they are allowed to by the governing bodies of their institutions. From what I've seen, there are far more college athletes that drink than those that don't, but it seems to be the good kids with less experience that get caught. So lets not cast stones here....it's far too easy for them to bounce back at you.
  5. srhull

    srhull Hokie Nation

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    May 1, 2005
    HS is one thing which it shouldn't be tolerated, but if every college player that participated in underage drinking was kicked off the team then there would be about 6 players on each team.... the seniors

    anyway it should be a case by case basis and taken from there by the coach/administration. sometimes cops break up parties and fine everyone and sometimes they don't, and other times players do something that makes the university look bad which then tuffer penaties occur.

    Bottom line is whether you agree or not underage drinking happens frequently in college especially athletics.
  6. Southern_Yankee

    Southern_Yankee Premium Member

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    Oct 24, 2003
    Yep...while you're cleaning house...dont forget the Pros. Roll models of society in the likes of Kerry Collins, Ricky Williams, Darryl Strawberry, Pete Rose...etc. The gamblers, boozers, dopers, wife beaters your kids are trying to mirror.
  7. HEAT

    HEAT Full Access Member

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    Nov 28, 2003
    That wasn't Michael Vicks first "mess up". He has been in trouble at V Tech since his freshman year. He bought alcohol for minors and got caught a year or so ago, but got a second chance. He has had plenty of second chances soley because of his brother. That incident was just the straw that finally broke the camels back. V Tech was extremely lenient in their disciplinary actions but finally enough was enough.

    As for under age drinking, especially in college, it happens. Some under age athletes don't drink at all, some drink responsibly, and others, well abuse it. Even though they aren't kicked off, I'm sure they'll be disciplined appropriately. You ball players know what I mean.
  8. DCL26

    DCL26 Full Access Member

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    Nov 7, 2004

    :twocents: Marcus not Michael Vick is who you are talking about. I want to know how many of us as teenagers or young adults have made decisions that we are not proud of at this point in our life. If mistakes were made then these individuals will bear the burden of those. How they handle these burdens will tell the true makeup of who they are.
  9. Dbacks20

    Dbacks20 Moderator

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    Jul 3, 2004
    Charlotte, NC
    This will sound like I'm on a "soap box" but it's not meant that way...."Our Kids" make the decisions to drink...with that said it is OUR job as parents to try and be the "role models".

    Sit down with your kids at an early age and discuss drugs and alcohol with them...don't wait to they are old enough to drive and buy it. Continue these dicussions daily if needed. My son is 18 and my daughter is 11, I can't even count the times we have talked about what these things can do to their lives but also how they could affect other peoples lives as well.

    Communicate with your kids, ask questions, know where they are going, know who their friends are, check up on them from time to time. Don't stick your head in the sand and say "my kid would never do that"...if you don't stay involved in their lives they will do it.

    Will this stop all under age drinking...NO...but it sure will help.

    This wasn't meant to offend anyone...I agree that Coaches/Teams etc need strict rules regarding drinking and need to enforce them...but, enforcement starts at HOME.:twocents:
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2006
  10. collegeball

    collegeball Junior Member

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    Feb 19, 2006

    I wholeheartedly agree!!!:agreed: :agreed: :agreed:

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