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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by EnkaJet04, Apr 17, 2006.

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  1. EnkaJet04

    EnkaJet04 Full Access Member

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    Mar 5, 2003
    I have been busy remodeling the house so haven't had time to read on here as much as I would like. Just finished reading all the articles on and or about Coach Sherrill. Man, winning sure brings out the best/worst in people huh? It may have already been stated on the closed threads or not but if the sole purpose of the lift and video filming was to steal signs then they could have done that with a good pair of non electronic binoculars. I really do think Monte films the games to be used for teaching his players about mistakes made during the game on the pitches they choose to swing at. I even emailed Coach Sherrill last year about purchasing proview. I knew that he used it and I have been very pleased with the results. I know that Coach Smith at Western purchased the same program. I do believe that Coach Sherrill has enough talent to win almost every game they play but I also know that he makes the difference in the big games. I apologize for getting in here so late but it seems that everybody takes shots at CC and mainly because they win and win consistantly. The article written by the Huntersville reporter was for show and just to stir the pot. I have seen Coach Sherrill warm up his players before a game and its worth the price of admission just to see that. I have met some great people and one player in particular off of Hopewell's team and so I pull for them when I get the chance. Good Luck to all teams this year and with playoffs fast approaching it should prove to be a great year again in 2006.
  2. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2003

    :agreed: I think Coach Sherrill is one of the better softball minds in the sport! I agree with Enka, I think it is used as a teaching tool to improve his players and to help them understand a situation and or flaw in their swing. Monte and CC has kept Butler from getting to the States several times and it is usually a coaching move on his part that beats the Bulldogs. Enka is right, it is so easy to put down a winner or a loser for that part. Let's don't throw stones till we know all the facts and actually, let's just don't throw stones!
  3. Trojan

    Trojan Banned From TBR

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    Jun 22, 2005
    And let's see how fast this praying at the alter of CC and its coach thread gets locked.
  4. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2003

    Trojan, I take offense to your comment praying at the alter comments. I simply stated an opinion based on what I have viewed in game and pre-game situations! I don't even know Monte personally, never met him! That said, don't judge till U know and then don't judge!!!!!!!!!!! We all have opinions and that is what the board is about, no need to take pot-shots because U disagree!
  5. Trojan

    Trojan Banned From TBR

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    Jun 22, 2005
    I am just observing that pro Sherrill threads like this one aren't likely to get locked like the ones accusing him of breaking NCHSAA rules.

    That's the real topic here - not how good of a coach he might be. One of the best football coaches I ever knew got caught changing a player's grade. Was he a successful coach - yes. Did he break the rules - yes.

    Oh, and yes, you are entitled to your opinion - but, so am I.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2006
  6. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2003

    Opinions yes U are entitled, cheapshots no! Do U have iron clad proof of cheating? Has there been an investigation? Do U have all the evidence? Have U interviewed all parties involved? I would suspect the answer is NO. I am sure if U were the one accused, U would feel differently. As I said before, I don't know Monte personally but even if I did, if he was investigated and found to be cheating, I would be disappointed and would let him know about it, immediately. In fact, if I had the evidence, I would turn him in myself! Till then, I have no right to form an opinion of the man's character, based on rumor. If U chose to do so, that is fine! I worship at the alter of only one!
  7. VikingBasketball

    VikingBasketball Junior Member

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    Dec 18, 2005
    Central's Coach

    Central's Coach is the best coach I have ever seen coach a High school Sports and for someone to say he is cheating that is not right. Just look at what he as none at Central. The girls love to play for him. If you ever got to know him he is a nice guy. Is it not ok to tape the game and watch it after the game is over. For the Hopewell coach and fans just leave him along and worry about your on team. If you could beat Central you would have already done it. Yes Hopewell is a good team but the coach has had it out for the Central coach for awhile. Maybe he should focus on his on team instead of wanting to get into other people stuff. Stealing signs well the Hopewell coach came to a Central game this year and scouted. So if we can't have video then coaches shouldn't come to the game to scout. Do you think the Central Coach would worry about Hopewell if they were number 1. I don't think so. So to everyone, leave Central Coach along.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2006
  8. cougar man

    cougar man Full Access Member

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    Aug 18, 2005
    Dont know where you get your info., but Monte has never been kicked out of anywhere. AC has missed Monte he is the best coach in the state at any sport. He could run up scores like Indy does in Football but he has to much class.
    You people need to go steal some signals its part of the game!! Proving where you steal signals from will not be easy. I think Monte got tired of beating the same people up here over and over again. Now maybe he is getting bored Kicking Hopewell and Butlers tails.
    Stop whinning!!!!!!!
  9. VikingBasketball

    VikingBasketball Junior Member

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    Dec 18, 2005
    Hopewell Coach Is Crazy

    Why can't Hopewell's Coach just leave Central Coach along. Hey Central is Number 1. Why is that so hard to take. Hopewell just need to beat Central but sorry they won't ever. Tell that Hopewell Coach he has nothing else better to do. Hey have a question for the Hopewell Coach did you learn anything when you scouted us. I guess not you lost to us. So I wonder who thinks the Hopewell coach should get off the back of the Central's Coach. Just face the facts Hopewell will always come second to Central and the people who took the picture who cares. What has Monte ever done to you. If you think your girl should be winning then move them into the Central area and then they will be on a winning team because that all I can think you would cry about this. Monte is a very nice person and should be respected just as should all coach in all sports but when you make up storys about the Central team is cheating then why should we repect you. I don't think Monte would ever say anything about Hopewell or the coach in a bad way. So lay off his back and let the man coach his team and live his life.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2006
  10. Trojan

    Trojan Banned From TBR

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    Jun 22, 2005
    First, it's you, not U.

    Second, perhaps you didn't see the pics or coach Sherrill's explanation. The pics certainly look like signs are being given to someone for some reason. And Sherrill's explanation left a lot to be desired.

    Third, perhaps you didn't read the thread where it was stated that complaint had been filed and the evidence was on the way to the NCHSAA.

    Fourth, perhaps you missed the thread where it was stated that Sherrill had been caught filming once before.

    Fifth, please show me where I assailed the man's character.

    Now I am sure that Sherrill is right up there next to God - be he ain't so he is certainly open to question and criticism.
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