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Discussion in 'Baseball' started by catcher25, Feb 1, 2006.

  1. UK7Dook3

    UK7Dook3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 6, 2005
    Do you think that Coach Herndon disrespected West Forsyth when (in the newspaper) after you lost to them the first game he said: "West Forsyth didn't beat us...Greg Holt did."???

    I remember that comment well from the newspaper. Struck me as similar to "Merry Christmas". I'd say Davie fans are a bit unbalanced if they don't chalk all this up to a momentary comment. The car vandalized in the parking lot is another issue...but Coach Pope deserves better than this.
  2. DCbaseball

    DCbaseball Superman

    Likes Received:
    Feb 28, 2005
    Davie County
    Coach Pope can learn to keep his players under control and not allow vandalism to happen.

    That is his responsibility and he failed miserably
  3. baseballfreak

    baseballfreak Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 18, 2005
    The thing about Coach Herndon's statement to Coach Pope's is that coach Herndon's is true. I was at the Davie, West game the first time and Holt did beat Davie. It was one of the best games I've ever seen him throw and he beat Davie that night. Now Coach Pope's statement on the other hand was false. I've seen both teams play numerous times and I'd put my money on Davie everytime. They are a much better team 1-9 than West. I look forward to seeing how Davie finishes the year and John McDaniel should without a doubt get player of the year.
  4. HurricanesHockey

    HurricanesHockey Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 4, 2006
    First let me make it clear I can't attest to whether or not Coach Pope made the comment Merry Christmas or not.... BUT what I can attest to is a couple of things: #1 If in fact Coach Pope made the statement, I would be willing to bet it was not made in an unsportsmanlike manner but more in jest and disgust over losing a very competitive ball game. #2 Regardless of whether or how it was said, it WAS a very true statement. Davie scored 2 unearned runs on hustle and a good play by West 2nd baseman that simply didn't bounce the right way (Christmas present #1) But the call on the ball down the left field line was clearly wrong. That ball was fair!! How do I know - because from behind the announcer I had a clear view of the ball and the line - IT WAS FAIR!! (Christmas present #2) hence a Merry Christmas. As Braves said earlier, if kids these days can't take the heckling, they better forget the next level. It turns ugly in college. My suggestion to all, chalk this one up as a win for Davie in a highly competitive game and move on the next one. If there was vandalism done, allow the school officials to handle it according to school policies and the kid(s) and parents take care of fixing what ain't right.:banginghe :dead-hors
  5. CPCbaseball

    CPCbaseball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2003
    Baseball Field
    South Rowan defeated Mt. Tabor tonight in 8 innings. That is all the details that I have at this time.

    West Forsyth also defeated North Davidson tonight 2-1. It was a great pitchers duel between Char Jarvis of West and Andrew Hunt of North. Jeff Gonza hit a two-run bomb in the 4th to give West a 2-1 advantage. Jarvis picked up the win.

    I can't wait until tomorrow's game with Davie going to East Rowan and next week's conference tournament. I am sure there will be a couple of pitching duels in that as well.
  6. mythoughts

    mythoughts Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 25, 2005
    wow!!!!! do people take things overboard.
    -davie youhave a great team.
    -west has a good team.
    -coach pope and herdon are both competetive people.
    -they are both passionate about the game and their teams.
    -they both probably made comments they shouldn't have but said them to
    each other (even though herdon's may have gotten in the paper, not
    sure on that one)
    - both teams have passionate fans that love their team.
    -both have good players that at least 99% are great people as well
    - it is one of the strongest rivalries around always has been always will be
    -A LOT coaches watch their kids shaking hands to make sure something
    isn't started between the teams instead of getting in the back line to
    shake hands ???? HMMMM not a bad idea
    -let the kids play, let the coaches coach, and let the fans watch the
    game with out all the rest of this mess (my team is better than yours,
    my team is classier than yours, our guys would never do that, but theirs
    will...... all of us need to grow up and remember it is a high school game
    and it is suppose to be fun

    i think both coaches try to run a classy program... let them do it with out all the rest of this mess

    :agreed: :agreed: ???????
    Last edited: May 5, 2006
  7. DCfan

    DCfan Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 5, 2006
    what a bush league comment by pope. west had beaten davie every time since hammer barnes pitched a shutout in 2002. in about half of those games, davie led in the late innings before losing. dave flat-out gave a few of those games away, and herndon had to suck it up and shake pope's hand and say "congratulations"
    now pope says "merry christmas" when west had four hits and davie three hits. the only questionable call was the liner down the left-field line, and i can't imagine jerry riddle, one the best plate umpires in the state, missing that. let's say he did miss it. you think west hasn't gotten a call or two go their way in recent years. besides, west had plenty of time to make up for the disputed play.
    when west beat davie 4-1 earlier this year, west had one earned run. herndon didn't stoop to an 8-year-old level and say "merry christmas"
    say what you want about davie's two unearned runs on vogler's grounder, but it was the all-star holt (and i really mean that, he's legit) walked two batters after there were two outs and nobody on.
    and then you've got mcintosh as pope's assistant. he quit in the middle of the legion season a couple years ago because lovelace cut his brother. he's about as classy as ... no, i won't say anymore. then i would be stooping to west's level.
    bottom line is davie has gotten the best of west this year. west lost in football for the second year in a row. west has never beaten davie in wrestling, even though they've had their best-ever teams the past two years. and west lost this huge baseball showdown.
    advice: tip your hat, say "good game" and don't dump dip on opposing player's car.
    good bye
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Great post...well said and mature
  9. Pratt 18

    Pratt 18 Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 8, 2006
    Davie vs East Rowan

    Davie vs East Rowan for the CPC Championship. Johnny Mac vs Cy Young should be a great game. Any Predictions on the outcome?
  10. HurricanesHockey

    HurricanesHockey Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 4, 2006
    I agree with Braves!!! Great post, wish I could have kept my emotions out of it as well as you... Just sort of overwhelmed by the undeserved "West Forsyth/Coach Pope/Players/Fans" bashing that was taking place. As you said, both organizations and both legion programs are class acts and don't deserve anything other than the upmost respect!!!!

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