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C.V.A.C Pitchers

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by BombSquad, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. BombSquad

    BombSquad Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 30, 2006
    Lets hear about some of the CVAC pitchers...
  2. MortalSquad

    MortalSquad Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 13, 2006
    CVAC Pitchers

    I have seen plenty of games in the CVAC Conference & is very interesting to watch. I have witnessed many hitter's dueling games, but more pitching duels in this conference this year.

    Trent Rothlin - One hell of a pitcher, a Clemson signee, & definitely a huge part of the Foard baseball team.

    Patrick Johnson - Also one hell of a pitcher, comes at you with everything he's got everytime, & is definitely going somewhere big if he takes better care of his arm.

    Clay Smith - A crucial part of Hickory baseball this year, keeps hitters guessing, but needs to shave more often. :mr-t: haha!

    Ben Gibbs - Heard about a lot, but a little too overrated, not a bad pitcher at all.

    Chase Patterson - The only thing Bunker Hill has, not nearly as great as the other pitchers mentioned.

    Casey Rowe - Not overpowering, sneaky, also not nearly as great as the other pitchers mentioned.

    Aaron King - When he's on he's on, when he's off he struggles. Gotta love the leg kick, it's intimidating. Should have a great impact for Foard next year is he works hard. He should team up with Rothlin in the off season
    for some help. Shouldn't Ya King! :jump:
  3. baseballman123

    baseballman123 Full Access Member

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    Aug 10, 2005
    I know the CVAC very well and I will agree with you except for the fact on Ben Gibbs being overrated. Ben might not have the velocity like Trent and Patrick, but he is very effective. Since last year, Ben has a combined 16-3 record including beating TCR last year when they were ranked 15th in the nation. Ben hits his spots better than any of the other pitchers. Like I said, he may not have the top velocity but he is definitely very effective in what he does and is probably the toughest mentally out of these pitchers which is what it takes to reach the next level.
  4. MortalSquad

    MortalSquad Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 13, 2006
    Hey, I'm sorry if I offended anyone. My fingers were moving faster than my brain was & I was being a little too cocky, if I'm allowed to say that on here. I agree with you, Ben is a great pitcher & so are all the other guys. They all contribute to being the top in the CVAC Conference & I give them props.

    Yet again, I'm sorry I offended you & I probably deserved a smackin' around for being a newbie.

    -Are we cool?
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I love me some MortalSquad....great recovery :satana:
  6. baseballman123

    baseballman123 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 10, 2005
    It is all good, I was just simply saying I did not agree with you on that one part, but no worries, no one was offended here...
  7. strike 3

    strike 3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 29, 2005
    additions to mortalsquad's list

    Baker from Hickory, Yount from Bandys, Lilly and Wyant from Foard, should probably be on your list also don't you think?
  8. MortalSquad

    MortalSquad Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 13, 2006
    Baker has a freakin' cannon from behind the plate & from the mound. He's a lot like King, when he's on he's on & when he's off he's off. When he gets an attitude you better watch out as a hitter or he'll throw it right past you.

    Yount is not an overpowering pitcher but he does hit his spots well.

    Lilly is great at hitting his spots as well. He threw an awesome game against Mooresville this year, but Foard's bats didn't seem to heat up like they usually do.

    Wyant has improved a lot since last year. He's great at relieving in tight spots as does well as a starter too. He's really starting to make the mitt pop & should be a top starter along with Rothlin & King next year.

    >>Yet again this is just my opinion so please don't take my thoughts personally<<
  9. WNCBB

    WNCBB Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 24, 2004
    Ben sure did a heck of job against TCR last year, and we had one of toughest lineups in the country. To be honest, I hope we don't see him again this year.
  10. baseballman123

    baseballman123 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 10, 2005
    Don't think it mattered who yall saw last night, Hickory could not hit and just got flat out beat. Congratulations on the game and good luck against RS Central...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2006

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